Chapter 693 The smell of gunpowder (1)
"Han... Lieutenant Han, you... don't go!" Leng Maolin watched Han Jing walk to the door, feeling a little anxious, and continued to speak with his tongue out.

"Major Leng, what are you fussing about with a woman! Let's continue drinking! What's the matter with a woman being placed among a bunch of old men?" Someone stopped Leng Maolin and Han Jing who was pushing the door!
Leng Maolin squinted at the person blocking him, blinked again, concealed his unhappiness, and pushed the person away, but felt something jumping on his waist, so the arm he pushed out changed to a hook again. , leaning forward crookedly, his head hit the man's head with a bang, making the man dizzy, but he touched his head in dissatisfaction and accused, "Why did you hit me?" !"

That person was miserable, but there was nothing he could do about the drunk Leng Maolin. Fortunately, Leng Maolin had already fallen limply on the sofa beside him and fell asleep.

A few people on the table looked at each other, secretly relieved, and then looked at the crooked people in the room, with an inexplicable light in their eyes.

When Tang Shishi woke up the next day, she saw herself sleeping in the room alone. If it wasn't for her body being sore and limp, with red marks all over her neck, she really thought that what happened last night was just a dream of her own!
Looking at the strawberries with big thorns on her body in the mirror, Tang Shishi thought in embarrassment, fortunately, this guy knew that he was going to attend a banquet today, so he saved face for himself, and it wasn't too much!
However, remembering that she made Ling Rui's antidote last night, Tang Shishi felt strangely sweet in her heart!
"The soul was taken away?" During breakfast, Sun Xiaofen couldn't help joking when she saw that Tang Shishi had been distracted!

"Godmother! What are you talking about!" Tang Shishi said shyly.

"Don't say anything, I just don't know who sleeps in the middle of the night and sleepwalks away. If you wake up in the morning, you won't be able to stay, it's because your soul was taken away by someone!" Sun Xiaofen continued jokingly.

"Whose soul was taken away?" Just when Tang Shishi was about to explain, Youdao's curious voice intervened.

The redness on Tang Shishi's face was even thicker. She turned her head to look at Mo Youyou who was going downstairs, with a look of reproach, but when she saw the redness and swelling in Mo Youyou's eyes that had not subsided, she immediately asked with concern: "Yuyou, are you still here?" All right?"

"What could be wrong!" Mo Youyou gave a piercing smile, that smile was like a sunflower, still dazzling, but Tang Shishi saw from Mo Youyou's smile that there was no sourness in this smile .

"Yuyou, didn't elder brother say that I will go to your house to propose marriage in the next few days, when are you going to leave?" Tang Shishi seemed to have not seen the secret in Mo Youyou's eyes, and stepped forward to put her arms around Mo Youyou's shoulder affectionately. asked aloud.

"Shishi...I didn't..." Mo Youyou shook her head slightly, but she heard Tang Shishi whispering in her ear: "Cooperate!"

Mo Youyou lowered her eyes, concealing the complex emotions in her eyes, and said very cooperatively: "Hao Dong said it's just a day or two, maybe tomorrow, he will come!" Mo Youyou bit her lip, she decided, and then Give her and Jun Mubei one last chance, if...then she will leave tomorrow and never appear in front of him again.

"So, I'm going to change my name to call you sister-in-law soon?" Tang Shishi dragged Mo Youyou to the restaurant with surprise in her tone, and a calculating little evil in her eyes, especially when she saw Jun Mubei on the second floor. After the gap that was just opened in the room was closed all of a sudden, the light in his eyes flourished!
As long as the second brother has Yoyo in his heart, then all the awkwardness and misunderstandings will be nothing!But you can't just watch these two people continue to quarrel, don't misunderstand for a long time, the fake has become real.

Tang Shishi's little head was spinning quickly, thinking, should I make good use of the opportunity of this banquet and send this stupid and second-hand goods to pile up!
Mo Youyou finished her breakfast absent-mindedly, her small eyes slipped to the closed door of Jun Mubei's room on the second floor from time to time, but after eating breakfast for a full hour, Jun Mubei didn't come downstairs, Mo Youyou He was extremely uncomfortable psychologically, his eyes were full of disappointment, and he was still avoiding himself!

Sun Xiaofen noticed that something was wrong between Mo Youyou and Jun Mubei, but seeing that Tang Shishi was obviously calculating, she didn't say much.

After breakfast, Mo Youyou went back to her room, because she felt that if she didn't leave, Jun Mubei wouldn't come down to eat. His body was injured just now, so how could he not eat?

Sure enough, not long after Mo Youyou returned to her room, Jun Mubei went downstairs.Tang Shishi looked at Mo Youyou and Jun Mubei who were awkwardly in front of each other, and sighed in her heart. When will the second brother be braver emotionally?
"Second brother, let Yoyo be your female companion for tonight's banquet?" Tang Shishi said before Jun Mubei entered the restaurant.

"Tang Shishi, you worry too much. You don't need to worry about my affairs. If you have time, you should worry about Ling Rui!" Ling Rui stopped, looked at Tang Shishi displeased and said.

"Cut! Who's worried about you? I'm worried about Yoyo, afraid that she will be bullied at the banquet!" Tang Shishi replied bluntly, seeing that Jun Mubei was in a bad mood, she felt better.

"That's your business, I already have a female companion!" Jun Mubei glanced at Tang Shishi lightly, his voice was even and steady, making it impossible to read any emotions.

Tang Shishi was a little confused by Jun Mubei's sudden change, and after listening to Jun Mubei's words, she was even more confused!
Got a girlfriend?Tang Shishi looked at Jun Mubei suspiciously, wanting to make sure if the man in front of her was really Jun Mubei?How could he have a girlfriend?How is this possible?

It wasn't until the door was slammed shut on the second floor that Tang Shishi's thoughts returned to her senses. She saw Jun Mubei raised her head and glanced at Mo Youyou's door. That's where the voice just came from, and she just laughed in her heart. Jun Mubei was stingy, and treated him in his own way, but who knew that he saw Jun Mubei's normal face.

Tang Shishi's heart skipped a beat!She watched Jun Mubei walk into the restaurant with a normal expression, and suddenly felt a little uncertain.

Brother, today is different from the past!

Jun Mubei went out after breakfast, and Tang Shishi didn't ask him when he would come back. After all, he had already rejected Mo Youyou as his girlfriend, so it was pointless to ask.But she was very curious about who Jun Mubei's female companion was.

"Oh, I have to go back to my room to catch up on sleep. That guy who smashed on the door while someone was sleeping soundly and disturbed my dreams last night is really dishonest!" Sun Xiaofen knew that Tang Shishi was worried about Mo Youyou, so she yawned, her tone resentful Seven points joke.

"Godmother, I won't talk to you any more!" Tang Shishi feigned displeasure and acted like a spoiled child to Sun Xiaofen.

"Oh! You can't ignore the godmother, the godmother is still hoping that you and boy Rui will soon succeed in creating a man and give birth to a big fat boy! The godmother will not be an eyesore and hinder you from doing business!" Sun Xiaofen said to Reading Tang poetry with a look of mischief.Although the time she spent with Tang Shishi was short, she felt that the two of them seemed to have been together for many years, and it was easy to let go of the constraints.

(End of this chapter)

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