Chapter 694 The smell of gunpowder (2)
"Godmother!" Tang Shishi stamped her feet angrily.

"Okay, okay, stop teasing you, go find Yoyo, I was really tired after shopping all day yesterday, I don't want to go out with panda eyes today, and embarrass you!" Sun Xiaofen stopped joking and urged Tang Shi Said the poem.

"Godmother, go back to your room to rest first, and I'll call you at lunch." Yesterday, Sun Xiaofen did not have a good rest, Tang Shishi could feel the tiredness on her face, so she immediately said considerately.

"Well, go ahead!" Sun Xiaofen finished speaking and went back to her room.

Tang Shishi went to knock on Mo Youyou's door, this time it was not like last night, she knocked on it immediately, it should mean that Mo Youyou didn't close the door at all.

"Yuyou!" When Tang Shishi opened the door and came in, Mo Youyou was sitting on the bed, hugging a Doraemon doll to wipe her tears, Tang Shishi hurried over.She knew that Mo Youyou was completely sad because of Jun Mubei's words "I already have a girlfriend".

"Shishi, I'm fine!" Mo Youyou said, wiped away tears, and smiled at Tang Shishi, but this smile was uglier than crying.

"You still said it's okay!" Tang Shishi gave Mo Youyou an angry look, "If you can't laugh, then stop laughing, it's so ugly!"

"Woooo..." Being exposed by Tang Shishi, Mo Youyou simply burst into tears.

"Okay, if you cry again, you won't be able to go out. Don't you plan to go to the banquet to see if what the second brother said is true? See what the second brother's girlfriend looks like?" Tang Shishi wiped Mo Youyou's tears , said.

"I don't want to go!" Mo Youyou said, twitching her eyelashes a few times before another string of tears fell.

"Yuyou, it's not like you to give up like this! Besides, she's just a female companion, not a girlfriend!" Tang Shishi looked at the angry Mo Youyou and persuaded. In fact, she knew Mo Youyou's words "I don't want to go "It's all out of anger, just because of Miss Mo Youyou's curiosity, if she will not go to the banquet to see who Jun Mubei's female companion is, she will be a ghost of Tang Shishixin!

"But, he never looked for a female partner before!" Mo Youyou said, another string of tears rolled down, and this was what made her saddest and most frightened!
Tang Shishi sighed secretly, she was also troubled by this, she didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the second brother's gourd!Thinking of Jun Mubei's appearance just now, Tang Shishi felt a headache. I have to say that the three brothers of the Jun family, in the eyes of outsiders, the eldest is gentle and kind, the second is cynical and cynical, and the third is cold and harsh. They are very different, but they have one thing in common, that is, the same unfathomable!

Take the second brother Jun Mubei for example, he usually plays around, and recently he often commits crimes, but if he doesn’t want you to guess his mind, you just want to break your head, and you don’t know what’s going on in his heart. want.

"This is in city A, how can it be the same as city B? Besides, it's not that the second brother has never brought a female companion. When Grandma Bai held a blind date banquet before, the second brother brought sister Liang Yue to attend!"

"Really? Is it really Sister Liang Yue?" Mo Youyou asked excitedly, grabbing Tang Shishi's arm.

"What did you do to lie to you! Because of this, the second aunt thought that the second brother was thinking about Sister Liang Yue, and at that stage I did not stop torturing my second brother!" Tang Shishi described Jun Mubei's tossing by the second aunt Yunmo Son, I shared it with Mo Youyou in an emphatic way, and decisively made Mo Youyou laugh!
"Deserve it!" Mo Youyou heard Jun Mubei being tormented by his parents, and cursed bitterly, but there was a bit of feeling sorry for Jun Mubei in that tone, Tang Shishi wisely chose to ignore it.

"It's not what you deserve! So I said, Yoyo, you don't have to feel sad about this!" Tang Shishi took the opportunity to say.

"So, Jun Mubei is not in love with someone else, is he?" Mo Youyou asked again, holding Tang Shishi's hand uncertainly.

"Of course not, the men in the Jun family are not casual people!" Tang Shishi patted her chest and said.

"Then, I'll go!" Mo Youyou said with some embarrassment, with some twitching in her words.

"Of course I'm going! And I have to dress up beautifully, blind my second brother's eyes, and make my second brother's girlfriend feel ashamed!" Tang Shishi made bold words to cheer Mo Youyou up!
"Then what are we waiting for!" After listening to Tang Shishi's words, Mo Youyou stood up excitedly, pulling Tang Shishi to go out!

"Yuyou, where are you going? It's not time to attend the banquet yet!" Tang Shishi was fooled by Mo Youyou's madness.

"Of course I'm going to accompany me to make a facelift! I want to dress up so beautifully that I can blind Jun Mubei!" Mo Youyou said with high spirits.

"Uh!" Tang Shishi almost bit her tongue, can she say no?She wants to catch up on sleep?
The answer is definitely no!
So Tang Shishi shed tears and bid farewell to her dear big bed, and was dragged out by Mo Youyou, who looked like a female general about to go to war. Hu stayed at home because she had a premonition that she would not be able to get off Mo Youyou's boat for a while!

Tang Shishi admires her foresight very much!

Originally, Tang Shishi wanted to take Mo Youyou to a design studio that specializes in styling and image, and let the designer tailor it for Mo Youyou, but Mo Youyou refused decisively. Mo Youyou's little friend has his own ideas , Be sure to come by yourself!
So Tang Shishi desperately accompanied her for a walk!
"Yuyou, how about this dress?" Tang Shishi held a small dress and asked Mo Youyou. In her other hand, she was holding another dress that Mo Youyou PASSed and didn't have time to put back. .

Mo Youyou scanned the little dress in Tang Shishi's hand, shook her head decisively, then frowned and said to Tang Shishi, "It's too cute, not feminine!"

Femininity is a word that Mo Youyou has been emphasizing on her lips today!
Tang Shishi hung up the two dresses, looked at Mo Youyou's cute baby face, and imagined in her heart what Mo Youyou's so-called femininity was!The clothes she chose just now were more in line with Mo Youyou's temperament and aura, but Mo Youyou dismissed them.

These are already the No.60 seven pieces of clothing that Mo Youyou denied.

"This one! That's it! I finally found it!" After walking through countless boutiques, Mo Youyou pointed to a piece of clothing and shouted excitedly.

At this time, Tang Shishi was too tired to sit on the rest chair and didn't want to move. Hearing that Mo Youyou had chosen the clothes, she urged, "Go and change into me!"

"Yeah!" Mo Youyou happily took the clothes and went in!
After a while, Mo Youyou came out, Tang Shishi was stunned for a moment, then blinked vigorously, and when she was sure that what was in front of her was not a hallucination, she said dryly, "Youyou——"

(End of this chapter)

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