Chapter 696 The smell of gunpowder (5)
"Honey, I'm sorry, I'm late!" Ling Rui stretched out his hand towards Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi looked at Shen He who was knocked aside by Ling Rui's tricks, then looked at Ling Rui's slender and powerful hands, her eyes fell on Ling Rui's silver-gray suit, her eyebrows were slightly raised.

What is this old rascal doing to dress himself up so flamboyantly?Looking at her overly conservative outfit, Tang Shishi was a little annoyed!
"Honey, I'm not busy in the army. I'm sweating all over after training. In order not to embarrass you, I went to clean up." Ling Rui naturally noticed the traces of dissatisfaction leaked on Tang Shishi's face, and put Tang Shishi on After checking up and down, and confirming that the package is tight enough, he said with a clear face.

"It's better if you say so!" Tang Shishi muttered, and handed her hand to Ling Rui.

The people around were all quiet because of Ling Rui's sudden arrival. Seeing that the topic queen finally came out, they couldn't help but look at Tang Shishi carefully from head to toe N times.

Tang Shishi wore a pearl white three-quarter-sleeved dress with a touch of classical temperament today, a small white round neck, and a circle of light pink silk lace on the edge of the round neck, making her neck more beautiful and fair, and the chest of the dress more beautiful. In front of her was a flower inlaid with gemstones, which shone colorfully under the light. The length of the skirt was slightly above her knees, making her look like a green lotus emerging from water, elegant and dignified.

At this moment, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui stood together, harmonious like a golden boy and a jade girl.

"Young Master Ling, the phone number from the army!" Just as Tang Shishi was holding Ling Rui's arm and calmly accepting the attention of the people around him, a discordant voice came in, flat and slightly The child looks anxious, obviously there is something very important.

Tang Shishi looked at Han Jing who got off the car behind the Bugatti, and the corner of her mouth curled up with a faint arc, heh!These people, wouldn't they have made up their minds not to let their husband and wife in today?Thinking of this, Tang Shishi glanced at Shen He who was standing aside and hadn't left yet. Shen He was aware of Tang Shishi's gaze, and showed a meaningful smile to Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi's eyes met with Shen He's, and then she withdrew, because Han Jing had already "panted" and ran in front of them.

"Young Master Ling, here—" Han Jing handed the phone to Ling Rui, her attitude was respectful but not humble, her eyes were a little anxious and businesslike, and she directly ignored Tang Shishi beside Ling Rui.

Ling Rui looked at the mobile phone in Han Jing's hand, and said in a cold voice, "When will things at work need to go through you first and then me? Why didn't I know there is such a procedure?"

"Young Master Ling, the matter is urgent—" Hearing Ling Rui's cold voice, Han Jing bit her lip, showing a hint of grievance on her face.

"I can communicate with you first, and where can I go if it is urgent?" Ling Rui looked at Han Jing with a cold voice, and then said to Tang Shishi with a gentle face: "It's cold outside, let's go in! ".

Tang Shishi nodded, holding Ling Rui's arm in an extremely obedient manner, but a small hand secretly pinched Ling Rui's arm!
"Naughty!" Ling Rui raised his hand and tapped Tang Shishi's nose, and led Tang Shishi to the banquet hall.

Han Jing was guilty of being looked at by Ling Rui, but when she saw Ling Rui's completely different attitude towards Tang Shishi, she felt endless resentment in her heart. Looking at the backs of Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, she couldn't help but said: " Madam Ling also thinks, is this an irrelevant call?"

Tang Shishi stopped, turned sideways slightly, and did not look at Han Jing's annoying face at this time, with a touching smile on the corner of her mouth, and said in a soft tone: "I don't know if it doesn't matter, but since Ling Rui said yes, then it must be! Besides, I never get involved in his work, whether it is true or not, all I have to do is trust him! Ms. Han is not thinking, let me believe you ?” Tang Shishi laughed lightly as she spoke, and then said as if talking to herself: “Miss Han’s question is really a bit puzzling!”

"Don't pay attention to people who don't matter!" Ling Rui said, and gently patted Tang Shishi's little hand in his arms.

"Well, I'll listen to you!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui obediently and smiled sweetly.

Ling Rui's breath was stagnant, dark eyes flashed in his eyes, he bowed his head and said in Tang Shishi's ear, "Don't laugh like that in front of outsiders!"

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a blank look, crow bully!Did she provoke him again by laughing?

"Oh! The relationship between Xiaoxiaomei and Ling Shao is really good! It makes me jealous!" Shen He glanced at Han Jing, who was already angry and his face was a little blue, and said jokingly: "Miss Han, it seems that you Chips, not enough!"

Shen He bit the word "chips" very hard. Everyone present at the moment couldn't help but think of the child between Han Jing and Ling Rui. When they looked at the three of them, they thought about each other.

"I never knew, what chip does Miss Han have? What is this chip used for?" Anyway, she couldn't leave, Tang Shishi simply turned to look at Shen He and Han Jing, before Han Jing opened her mouth. , and suddenly realized: "Ms. Han can suddenly parachute into my husband's soldier, and even what kind of calls my husband answers must be screened by Ms. Han. Is it because she has caught my husband's handle?" To be a bargaining chip?" Tang Shishi looked at Han Jing curiously, stretched out her small hand to cover her mouth, as if she suddenly said something that shouldn't be said, with a look of "no wonder".

"Don't think about it, what chips does she have in her hand? It's just wishful thinking!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi helplessly, then turned to Han Jing, suddenly cold as ice on a cliff: "Miss Han, I said isn't it?"

Han Jing's body shook slightly, shaking like weeds in the water, she looked at Ling Rui with a bewildered face, her hand holding the phone was tightly bluish white, and after pursing her lips vigorously, she replied in a low voice: "Yes, Young Master Ling!" The voice was a little sad and tragic, like a report from a subordinate to a superior, with some intriguing compulsion.

Ling Rui smiled coldly, then turned to Tang Shishi, his gaze became gentle again, and he asked coaxingly, "Now, should you rest assured?"

"When have I ever been worried about you?" Tang Shishi said, looking at Ling Rui coquettishly and angrily, then her eyes inadvertently fell on the corners of Han Jing's tightly pursed lips, and said, "You, although Miss Han She's a subordinate, but she's a woman anyway, so don't be too strict, I'll scare her!"

"My soldiers have no gender, and no cowards!" After Ling Rui finished speaking, he looked at Shen He, who was always watching the show with a half-smile, and said, "Young Master Shen, I heard that you have just recovered from a serious illness, so I'd better take it easy." Come on, don’t be so courteous to other people’s wives, look—this wound has opened again, no wonder I smell a bloody smell! It’s not good to see blood in this kind of day!”

(End of this chapter)

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