Chapter 697 Another rival in love! (1)
After hearing Ling Rui's words, everyone looked at Shen He together, and sure enough, they saw a little suspicious red on his white shirt on his chest, and their eyes became complicated.

Shen He didn't care. He looked at Ling Rui with a half-smile, and then turned his eyes on Tang Shishi. After seeing Tang Shishi's brows slightly frowned, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Ling Rui, and said, "Mr. Don't worry! I think the smell of blood is far less strong than the smell of vinegar!"

"Of course I am concerned about Young Master Shen. After all, you used to be my wife's best senior Shen He!" Ling Rui patted Shen He on the shoulder and said, it was only the last sentence, and only he and Shen He were the only ones who spoke softly hear!

Shen He's body froze, Ling Rui clapped his hands very vigorously, which seemed friendly and warm to outsiders, Shen He felt that the pain from his unhealed wound was numb, how could he not hear Ling Rui deliberately The word "once" emphasized?
It's just that the more the body hurts and the more distressed the heart is, the more enchanting Shen He's smile becomes. His pair of phoenix eyes that seem to be smiling but not smiling seem to be stained with light, and the brilliance inside shines brightly. He stared straight at Ling Rui and said with a smile: " Ling Rui, what are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid you'll accidentally play yourself to death!" Ling Rui's voice was still only heard by two people, and at this moment he was also staring straight at Shen He, with the expression on his face still cold.

"I won't die even if you die!" Shen He still smiled evilly, and there was a silent contest between his eyes.

"That's right, the scourge will last for thousands of years!" Ling Rui nodded in agreement, and his voice was louder enough for Tang Shishi, Han Jing and others beside him to hear.

Tang Shishi seemed not to feel the tense atmosphere between Ling Rui and Shen He, she held Ling Rui's arm, and looked at Shen He carefully, with a clear stand.

Tang Shishi knew that at this moment, the contest between these two men was essentially the same as the contest between her and Han Jing just now, and victory or defeat ultimately depended on her attitude with Ling Rui.

Han Jing has the so-called "chips", so what can she do if she stays around Ling Rui all day long in the name of work?Ling Rui only needs a few simple words to defeat her.

In the same way, no matter how deliberately instigated by Shen He, so what if he acts as a hindrance?As long as she believes in Ling Rui and is firm in her departure, all the plots and schemes will have no way out!
Han Jing looked at Tang Shishi's expression as usual and watched the contest between Ling Rui and Shen He, her face changed slightly, but at this time, there was no room for her to intervene.

The good scene of Tang Shishi's entrance naturally fell into the eyes of many male guests already in the banquet hall.

At this moment, there were two men sitting in the corner, holding goblets, looking at the people outside through the window like watching a show, with playfulness in their eyes.

"I didn't expect that the relationship between Young Master Ling and Young Master Shen is still as good as ever." Han Yi said, taking a sip of his wine gracefully.

"I also can't figure out what that kid is thinking all day!" Jun Mubei glanced at Han Yi, and his tone was meaningful.

Because of Jun Mubei's words, Han Yi glanced sideways at Jun Mubei, smiled indifferently, then looked at Han Jing who was standing at the door, and said, "I remember I reminded you! It's just—— This man in love is either a fool or a lunatic, he won't listen to bad advice!"

The Han family wanted to climb up, and they also saw that although the Jun family retreated to City B, their strength was not weakened, so they made Han Jing's move. The Jun family valued love. If this move is successful , It's really good, the Han family can go to a higher level, but there are a few old things in the Han family, they are too greedy, and want to please both sides, so they lose sight of the other, one wrong step, and everything is lost!

When the Han family was divided into two factions regarding the matter of the Jun family, Han Yi once reminded Jun Mubei, but at that time, Jun Mubei didn't know whether he didn't understand what he said, or made a blind choice. This negligence eventually led to the two brothers of the Jun family fighting against each other, and the boss of the Jun family took Han Jingyuan away.

Jun Mubei listened to Han Yi's words, glanced at Han Jing, let out a cold snort from his nostrils, and finally his gaze fell on Mo Youyou's body, he stood up with a bang, the liquid in the wine glass almost splashed come out!
This idiot actually went out dressed like this!

It was rare for Han Yi to see Jun Mubei lose his composure, followed his gaze, and landed on Mo Youyou, his gaze brightened, and he said, "The lady who came with Mrs. Ling is your female companion? "When he came here, he vaguely heard someone talking about Jun Mubei's female companion, so he thought it was Mo Youyou!
"No!" Jun Mubei also sensed his gaffe, and replied stiffly, with a bad tone.

"Then can I..." Han Yi's eyes showed interest!This woman is more in line with his taste.

"No!" Jun Mubei interrupted Han Yi, looked sideways at Han Yi as if warning, and said, "That's my elder brother's woman!" After finishing speaking, he put down his wine glass, got up and walked towards the door!It's just a warning in his tone, I don't know if he is warning Han Yi or himself!

Han Yi was a little taken aback by Jun Mubei's sudden change of attitude. Seeing that Jun Mubei was still cynical, but hurriedly walked towards Mo Youyou's direction, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart. The eldest brother's woman seems to be a little too concerned.

"Young Master Ling and Young Master Shen should come in and chat slowly, it's a crime to freeze our beautiful ladies!" Just as Jun Mubei came out, he heard a joking voice step ahead of him, breaking the There seems to be a harmonious atmosphere between Ling Rui and Shen He.

It was Long Yi, the third young master of the Long family who spoke.

Ling Rui, Shen He and others followed the sound and nodded to the person who came.

Jun Mubei looked at Longyi, noticing the provocation in his eyes, and frowned.

Full of anticipation, Mo Youyou saw Jun Mubei approaching himself with a heartbeat like a drum, the smile on his face was instantly killed by Jun Mubei's frowning movement, and he seemed a little at a loss.

He doesn't like himself like this!After this thought suddenly appeared in Mo Youyou's mind, his mood began to drop involuntarily.

"Yuyou, we're going in!" Tang Shishi took Ling Rui's arm and softly reminded Mo Youyou who was still in a state of trance.

"En." Mo Youyou replied, mechanically following Tang Shishi's footsteps, but Mo Youyou, who was not confident, was originally elegant and intellectually charming, but now she walks with hands not hands, feet not feet, which is abnormal Awkward, she looked at the door of the banquet hall with a dazed look on her face, and began to back off, wanting to go back a little bit!

However, when thinking of Jun Mubei's female companion, Mo Youyou secretly cheered herself up again. Since she came, she always had to take a look at who the other party was, and it would not be too late to leave!
Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou who walked past her awkwardly, and couldn't help raising his hand to hold her, but when he was about to touch her wrist, he withdrew his hand in desperation. Tomorrow, the eldest brother will come Take her to Uncle Mo's house to propose marriage!
(End of this chapter)

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