Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 706 Shishi scolds the brothers and sisters of the Han family

Chapter 706 Shishi scolds the brothers and sisters of the Han family (2)

However, I didn't expect it to be like this!

However, it's a bit of a pity, but it's not necessarily bad!
Long Qing comforted herself like this again, she was in a messy and complicated mood now, and she really wanted to drag out that short-sighted guy who suddenly bumped into her just now, and beat him so hard that his parents didn't even know him!
Damn it's too hateful!

"I didn't misunderstand you!" Tang Shishi shook her head and smiled at Long Qing.

Long Qing suddenly felt that Tang Shishi was a friend, and she made it!

"Because I believe him!" Tang Shishi said, walking to Ling Rui's side and taking Ling Rui's arm.

The old hooligan's face was as cold as a wall of ice, especially since he had just glanced at himself when he howled deeply, he hadn't even looked at her from the sidelines, which made Tang Shishi I felt extremely uneasy.

The spark of emotion that had just risen from the bottom of Long Qing's heart was quenched by a touch of cold water. She looked at Tang Shishi angrily, thinking why she was always being unkind to others!

Ling Rui glanced sideways at the pair of arms that automatically took his arms, then glanced at Tang Shishi's flattering smiling face looking at him at the moment, and finally set his eyes on Long Qing, seeing Long Qing After shrinking his body, he said to Tang Shishi, "Let's go!"

One word, short, strong, undeniable.

Tang Shishi nodded in agreement, her attitude was still reserved and noble, but before she could say goodbye to Long Qing with a smile, Ling Rui had already firmly put her arms around her waist, and walked towards the door, she had no time to look away Seeing Long Qing's envious and fearful eyes, Tang Shishi understood the meaning, and it was clearly "ask for more!"

Tang poetry tears!I'm doing this for who and for whom—

"Yuyou and the godmother are still there!" Tang Shishi gently reminded Ling Rui as she squeezed Ling Rui's hard, rock-like body flatteringly.

"Worry about yourself first!" Ling Rui squinted and said.

Tang Shishi's body shivered for no reason.

This is a warning, she understands!
"Young Master Ling, about the phone..." A voice barely stopped Ling Rui's hand from pushing the door.

Tang Shishi felt relieved, a little thankful that Han Jing came to her door at the right time!With this woman leading the charge and igniting the old rascal, her life tonight will not be too sad!
"Young Master Ling, the military affairs are urgent!" Han Jing said resolutely to Ling Rui's dark face.

"Urgent military affairs? Urgent military affairs?" Ling Rui's expression darkened, and he asked Han Jing.

"Yes!" Threatened by Ling Rui, Han Jing didn't have time to think about the difference between urgent military affairs and urgent military affairs. She just switched positions and nodded immediately.

Her purpose tonight is just to let Ling Rui let go of Tang Shishi and go back to the army with her under the watchful eyes of everyone!

"Get out! What are you? When did you take a look at the emergency military affairs round? Except for me, Major Leng has never seen the emergency military affairs in the sharp knife army. How do you know? Who leaked it to you?" Ling Rui The sudden outburst and sharp questioning made everyone around them stunned.

When did Major General Ling, who was always cold and calm, live like this?
Moreover, the other party is the Han family, and they are in this kind of place?

All kinds of eyes crackled and met in the air, and sparks flew everywhere.

"Major General Ling, I'm a human being, not a thing. How could you insult my personality like this, you..." Although Han Jing was intimidated by Ling Rui's aura, she still retorted unwillingly.

"You're really not a thing!" Ling Rui's lips suddenly burst into a chuckle, which seemed to be mocking and contemptuous.

"Young Master Ling, you really think that there is no one in my Han family, and it is unbearable to humiliate the Han family in such a way in public!" Han Ji threw his cup, stepped on the ground, and walked away from the crowd Come out, looking gloomy.

"You can't humiliate in every way in public, but you can humiliate in secret, right?" Ling Rui snorted coldly, and turned his menacing eyes to Han Ji: "I need you to shake off the nasty things behind your Han family's back." Are you drying it? After hiding it for so many years, is it moldy?"

"You—" Han Ji looked at Ling Rui's eyes that seemed to know everything, and suddenly felt a little guilty. He has been following Ling Rui for so many years. Although he has never faced him face to face, he thinks he knows him very well. The Ling Rui in his impression should be cold and arrogant, assertive, strong and good at judging the situation. Therefore, he expected that Ling Rui would put his work first and leave Han Jing, at least in front of so many high-ranking people. look!

Unexpectedly, Ling Rui would choose to tear his face in public today, and the tone of his speech was completely like a rogue, completely different from the person he imagined.However, it looks better this way!

"Young Master Ling, please pay attention to your identity!" Han Ji glanced at Han Jing, and then said in a rather meaningful tone: "No matter how dissatisfied you are with my sister, what happened in the past cannot be erased, please don't Because of personal grievances, it affects work!"

"Since the Han family believes that my husband's work will be affected by personal grievances, why did they send this woman to my husband's army? Presumably, the Han family also moved in order to send her to my husband. A lot of thoughts, right? Why do you want to affect my husband's work so deliberately?" Before Ling Rui could speak, Tang Shishi tightly clasped Ling Rui's arm, took half a step forward, and stared at Han Ji. Ask loudly.

The person in the corner took a sip of his wine and didn't even look at Tang Shishi's side, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was faintly visible under the light: "Little hedgehog, he's going crazy again!"
When the wine enters the heart of sorrow, it produces some bitterness, but it's a pity that it's not for him.

"When a man talks, how can you, a woman, get in the way?" Han Ji didn't expect that Tang Shishi would suddenly come out and intervene, and immediately turned his anger on Tang Shishi.

"Look down on women?!" Tang Shishi raised her voice a little higher, and glanced at the people watching the show around her. When she saw the four sisters of the Bai family smiling gloatingly, her eyes suddenly turned cold, and she said to Han Ji : "Is your mother not a woman? Isn't your mother a woman? Your mother is not a woman? Your mother is still a woman! You look down on it? Huh? Since you look down on everything, why do you think about this woman so hard? Send it to my husband? Humiliate my husband? How dare you humiliate my husband so blatantly in front of everyone?!"

Many people choked on alcohol, and suppressed coughing sounds came from all around.

Martian thorns, really well-deserved reputation!

Ling Rui almost couldn't help laughing because of Tang Shishi's dizzy "your mother's mother's mother", and clasped Tang Shishi's waist tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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