Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 707 Shishi scolds the brothers and sisters of the Han family

Chapter 707 Shishi scolds the brothers and sisters of the Han family (3)
Tang Shishi, who stood out for him, looked like a little leopard who looked manic but had a keen mind. People couldn't help clapping their hands!

I don't know who couldn't hold it back, and laughed out loud first, Tang Shishi quickly glanced in that direction, and saw Long Qing clutching her belly in an unladylike way, her facial expression twitching.

"You—you woman...you dare to scold me!" Han Ji finally came to his senses, pointing at Tang Shishi and yelling!

"You openly humiliated my husband, what's wrong with me scolding you?" Tang Shishi frowned, with a stern look on her face, she admitted without any fear or refusal!

"You speak too much!" Han Ji roared in a deep voice.

"Anyone with a bit of a brain will understand whether it's irrational words or pointing out the facts straight to the point!" Tang Shishi suddenly felt a little thirsty after talking so much, and then she saw an extra glass of orange juice in front of her, without even looking at it. After receiving it, she did not forget to sip the straw gracefully, and took two sips.

Ling Rui glared at Zhou Hu who came out of the door to show his hospitality, and his eyes were sharp.

Zhou Hu, who was complacent, couldn't help but shiver when he saw Ling Rui's gaze, and then realized that the glass of drink he brought over with "sight and quick hands" just now turned out to be the orange juice that the master has kept secret these two days!
Nima!Who can't see the orange juice in the pantry!

Looking at Tang Shishi, she took another two sips happily, only then did she realize that the person who gave the orange juice was Zhou Hu, with satisfaction in her eyes.Ling Rui's gaze became a little more icy.

Zhou Hu turned his eyes towards the ceiling, rolling his eyes, goddamn orange juice!

"You—" Han Ji had already been ashamed by Tang Shishi's angry face, pointed at Tang Shishi, embarrassed and angry, then looked at Ling Rui and said, "Young Master Ling, you actually let a woman be so presumptuous!"

"Young Master Han, do you want to be that brainless? I advise you to put your fingers back, my daughter-in-law has a bad temper!" Ling Rui's voice was flat, and he seemed to have no temper, but his cold face , for no reason people dare not look directly at it.

Han Ji looked at Tang Shishi, and found that she was staring at his fingers with ill intentions. He didn't know what she was thinking, so he waved his hand and put his fingers back.

"My sister went to work in the Sharp Knife Army. That's after the assessment. When Mrs. Ling said something, it's best to find out the ins and outs of the matter first!" Han Ji glanced at the silent Han Jing, and said Tang Shishi snorted coldly.

"What assessment? When did you give her an assessment? How many people were there? Who are the judges?" Tang Shishi immediately turned her gun when she heard Han Ji's words, and questioned Ling Rui in an aggressive tone.

Because of this sudden change, everyone couldn't help taking a cold breath.This Martian thorn is so bold and presumptuous!
"It's nothing to do with me, it's said to be an exceptional admission!" Ling Rui's voice was cold, and no emotion could be heard.

"Extraordinary? Just her?!" Tang Shishi raised her finger, not hiding the contempt on her face.

"Tang Shishi, what do you mean?" Han Jing was irritated by Tang Shishi's point!

"What does it mean to look down on you? What does it mean to despise you? You can't even tell? Are you mentally retarded or brain-dead? Can such an IQ break into the sharp knife army?" Tang Shishi turned to look at Ling Rui as she said: "Congratulations, you guys Your sharp knife is about to become a broken knife, a blunt knife, a rusty knife, and a grass knife!"

Gasp!What a gasp!

This Tang poetry, don't you want to live?To insult the top and best army of China like this?But - everyone's eyes slid around Han Jing's body, and they all had their own thoughts.

Zhou Hu stared at Han Jing with a murderous look on his face!It was this woman who made their sharp knife troops humiliated today!

"It's okay, I'll be disabled earlier, and I'll go home earlier and my wife and children will warm up the kang, so that I won't be missed!" Ling Rui was unexpectedly not annoyed, and said with his arms around Tang Shishi's waist.

"Go home, go home! Terrible!" Tang Shishi waved her hand, took Ling Rui's arm with one hand, took another two mouthfuls of orange juice, and said.It looked like he was tired from shopping and shouted to go home.

"Han Jing, do you know what kind of punishment you will receive when you go back?" Ling Rui glanced at Han Jing before leaving, and said.

"I know!" Han Jing replied weakly.

"I wasted so much saliva, yet you still keep her?" Tang Shishi's angry voice came.

Everyone suddenly realized!
"Don't worry, just keep it and play slowly, it's so boring to play to death!" Ling Rui's mellow voice came, and after listening carefully, there was even a hint of flattery!

Everyone looked up to the sky and sighed!
A wind rushed in through the wide open door, causing the thinly clad person to shiver for no reason!
Han Jing stood at the door, watching the ostentatious Bugatti rush out like a strong wind, her eyes were full of sternness.

"Go back!" Han Ji said to Han Jing in a deep voice when everyone was gone.

Han Jing raised her head and glanced at Han Ji, then quickly lowered her head, clasped her skirt hand tightly, answered in a low voice, then turned and left.

Han Ji looked at the road under the dim yellow light outside the door, chuckled, and turned back to the banquet, with a calm expression on his face, as if the unhappiness just now had never happened at all.

In a small hall on the second floor of the banquet, there were many people sitting at the moment. They saw clearly the scene in the banquet hall just now, but they were smart enough not to comment. Even the members of the Han family did not change their expressions. , that posture is extremely high, like an elder in a high position, with a conniving attitude, looking at the younger generation playing below.

"That new weapon..." Shen Kui took a sip of tea, put down the teacup slowly, looked at Long Tianxiang, who was in charge of the Long family, and said in a deep voice.

Since the micro-charger can't be used by him, it can't be used cheaply by the Jun family. Now I'm telling you about the conflict between the Shen family and the Jun family years ago. The time is just right, and the things are lost. The Shen family will at most bear the charge of not reporting in time. As for the Jun family, hum!Since ancient times, there is no superior person who does not shy away from the power of the Jun family. The private army is equivalent to the direct line of the ancient princes. He does not believe that the Long family has no worries or fears!
"Weapons are researched and originally intended to be used by soldiers. This new type of weapon is powerful and expensive. It cannot be manufactured in large quantities, and it cannot be popularized in a short period of time. The sharp knife troops are the most elite armed forces in China. Isn't the army in the right place?" The one who spoke was Bai Xiangqi, Bai Lan's father, a branch of the Bai family.

Bai Xiangqi was not originally from the Shen family's faction, but now the Jun family and the Bai family are related by marriage, and they recognize the Jun family's daughter-in-law as a goddaughter. At this time, he naturally wants to help the Jun family speak.

"That's true, and the reasoning is also the same, but the method needs to be carefully considered." Feng Changshan of the Feng family's faction, it is rare that he did not contradict the Shen family, but he did not offend others easily.

(End of this chapter)

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