Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 716 Don't slap your face!

Chapter 716 Don't slap your face! (2)
Mo Youyou's face turned red all of a sudden, her eyes dodged, and she didn't dare to look into Jun Mubei's eyes.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui looked at each other: Isn't the scene just now a little overdone?The second brother vomited blood!
fine!Can't die!This can't be flirting!Ling Rui raised his eyebrows indifferently!I don't even have the ability to resist pressure, is it still Jun Mubei?
"Yuyou! Come here!" Jun Haodong, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke in a deep voice with a cold face.

"Brother Jun, I—I like Jun Mubei!" Mo Youyou gritted her teeth, and said to Jun Haodong, "I'm sorry, don't blame Jun Mubei, it's all my fault!"

Jun Mubei grabbed Mo Youyou's hand excitedly. This was the most beautiful love story he had ever heard in his life!
"Yuyou, do you know what you are talking about? You are my girlfriend! Come here!" Jun Haodong's voice became a little lower!
"Brother, it's none of Yoyo's business, it's all my fault!" Jun Mubei pulled Mo Youyou behind him, looked up at Jun Haodong fearlessly, and said, "You can hit if you want, and you can do whatever you want. You, anyway, I won't let you go!"

"I'll kill you bastard!" Jun Haodong was driven mad by anger, his eyes were red, and he punched Jun Mubei to the ground!
boom!Jun Mubei didn't take precautions at all, Jun Haodong's punch was firm, and Jun Mubei's fall was also firm.

"Brother Jun, stop beating! Stop beating!" Mo Youyou yelled in horror seeing Jun Mubei's mouth was bleeding again.

"Brother, don't fight!" Ling Rui and Tang Shishi held Jun Haodong and said in unison.

"You two let me go! See if I don't teach this bastard a lesson!" Jun Haodong waved Ling Rui and Tang Shishi away, and rushed to Jun Mubei to make a move!
"Brother! Don't! Someone is secretly taking pictures outside!" Ling Rui looked around vigilantly, grabbed Jun Haodong's arm, and reminded.

Jun Haodong withdrew his fist, looked out through the French windows of the cake shop, and found a few sneaky figures, so he withdrew his hand unwillingly!

"Go home!" Jun Haodong dropped two words coldly, left the cake shop, drove the car, and rushed out.

"Second brother, let's go back!" Seeing Jun Haodong go out, Ling Rui sighed, and stepped forward to pull Jun Mubei!

"Go away!" Jun Mubei waved Ling Rui's hand away in disgust, stood up from the ground, then took Mo Youyou's hand and said, "Let's go!"

"Second brother! Yoyo!" Tang Shishi stepped forward and shouted.

"Tang Shishi, don't cry like a cat and pretend to be merciful here! Lord, I finally see you through! Hmph! Let's wait and see!" Hearing Tang Shishi's voice, Jun Mubei turned around and glared at Tang Shishi viciously. With one glance, he dragged Mo Youyou away.

"Husband!" Tang Shishi turned around and threw herself into Ling Rui's arms, a low sob came out!

"Don't cry, the second brother is angry, just wait for him to figure it out! Let's go back quickly, otherwise the elder brother and the second brother will definitely fight again!" Ling Rui patted Tang Shishi's shoulder and said solemnly.

"Hmm." Tang Shishi got up from Ling Rui's arms, her eyes turned suspiciously red.

Without further delay, the two hurried into the car and drove towards Jun's compound.

After Ling Rui and Tang Shishi left, a black car quietly followed Ling Rui's car. The driver's excitement was unspeakable, and his eyes were shining with golden light!

When Tang Shishi and Ling Rui drove home, as soon as they entered the door, they saw four people fighting in the courtyard: Jun Mubei, Jun Haodong, Mo Youyou and Long Yi.

When Tang Shishi saw the dragon wing, there was a look of surprise on her face. Jun Mubei and Jun Haodong both knew how to do it, and it was already in their plan. What's the matter with the dragon wing?

"Godmother, what's going on? Why is Dragon Wing here?" Tang Shishi got out of the car, walked around the battle circle carefully, and asked Sun Xiaofen who was standing at the door.

"Girl Shishi, you're back! Look, what can we do?" Sun Xiaofen, who was standing helplessly at the door, saw Tang Shishi and Ling Rui coming back, and immediately came up to greet her with a voice Slightly dumb, it seems that there was a lot of persuasion just now.

"Godmother, it's okay, don't worry about them!" Tang Shishi glanced at Longyi and saw that he was punching fiercely, almost all of them were aimed at Jun Mubei, as if he wanted to tear Jun Mubei apart , I couldn't help expressing my deep sympathy for Jun Mubei, Longyi is a sister-in-law, knowing about Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou, it's strange not to go crazy!

When she listened to Hu Min'er talking and joking last night, she knew some rumors about Longyi. Once Longyi was playing outside, she heard someone talking about his sister in the box next door, saying that Long Qing looked a bit like a well-known third-level movie in China. The star, especially her mouth, is very similar. I don't know if it tastes like that star when kissing!This was originally a matter of those young masters chatting and beating farts when they were free, but who knew that Long Yi was offended. He immediately stopped eating and drinking, and kicked the doors of those young masters Kicked, without saying a word, picked up a wine bottle on the table, opened it for someone, and then punched that young man who was obsessed with Longqing, beat him beyond recognition, and even sent a message. He was ruthless, no one was allowed to persuade a fight, and whoever persuaded a fight would beat him. He didn't stop until everyone in the box begged for mercy. Before leaving, he left a sentence, saying that in the future, if anyone is like this in the future. The women in the family, no matter how old or young they are, all PS into the people in the tertiary film, make posters, CDs, calendars, and send a copy to each family!
In this way, there are too many fights because of Long Qing, so Long Yi is also known as the king of fights and bully in City A.

Last night, Long Qing became Jun Mubei's dance partner. Although Long Yi looked down on Jun Mubei in his heart, he knew that Long Qing always had someone he liked in his heart. This time at the Long Family Banquet, Long Qing paid more attention to it than ever before. He even started to get excited a few days ago, and kept inquiring about the situation in Jun's mansion. Longyi mistakenly thought that the person Long Qing liked was Jun Mubei, so he naturally watched Jun Mubei very closely. After realizing Jun Mubei's feelings for Mo Youyou, Longyi gave Mo Youyou a serious warning, but when he fell in the small garden yesterday, Longyi suddenly came up with a better idea, he thought Chasing Mo Youyou away completely cleared away Long Qing's worries, so Long Yi planned all night and came to the Jun's mansion early in the morning to carry out his plan to pursue Mo Youyou. Who knew, but heard the conversation between the two brothers of the Jun family, But I heard Jun Haodong say that Jun Mubei raped Mo Youyou, how could Longyi accept this?
So Young Master Long was furious!Erupted!

"Jun Mubei, you beast! You dare to abandon my sister all the time, and even get involved with my girlfriend!" Longyi's fist swung wildly, slamming down on Jun Mubei's vitals.

(End of this chapter)

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