Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 717 Don't slap your face!

Chapter 717 Don't slap your face! (3)
Shrimp?Start chaotic and end up abandoning?When did Yoyo become Longyi's girlfriend?When Tang Shishi heard Longyi's words, her eyes shone with a scorching light. Looking at Mo Youyou who stood there blankly because of Longyi's words, she thought to herself, Yoyo's market has skyrocketed recently!

"Fuck off! Your lord's business, you are a brat, don't meddle in it!" Jun Mubei glanced at Long Yi displeasedly, and punched Long Yi's fist, forcing Long Yi to retreat twice Go out in three steps.

The more this bastard speaks, the more outrageous he becomes, and he actually set his mind on Yoyo!
court death!

For a moment, the murderous aura on Jun Mubei's body collided with the impact of the dragon's wings, and Tang Shishi could even feel the sparks flying around her!

"Girl Shishi, look—Boy Rui, quickly think of a way to stop them from fighting!" Sun Xiaofen saw that Long Yi and Jun Mubei were fighting for their lives, and Jun Haodong would not give in, so Fight on, sooner or later something will happen!
"Don't worry about it! Let them fight! Push harder, Long Yi, haven't you eaten? That's also called a fist?" Ling Rui said in a cold voice, looking at the four people in the yard expressionlessly.

"You child, how can you..." Sun Xiaofen looked at Ling Rui dissatisfied, thinking of ways to persuade the fight, but why add fuel to the fire, I'm afraid it's not messy enough!

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a blank look when she heard the words, this guy is a black-bellied person, and the second brother is a mess today!

"Girl Shishi, persuade Ling Rui quickly!" Sun Xiaofen turned to Tang Shishi for help again. She might think Ling Rui, but girl Shishi would definitely do it!

"Godmother, we don't care about them, go into the house, it's cold outside!" Tang Shishi stopped Sun Xiaofen's shoulder with a smile, turned back and walked into the house.

"But, girl Shishi..." Sun Xiaofen was still worried, and kept turning her head.

"Godmother, let them fight, and you'll be fine after the fight!" The elder brother wanted to teach the second brother a lesson, but he had to vent his anger. As for Long Yi, he was not the second brother's opponent, so there was nothing to worry about!
It's just that the second brother's kung fu foundation is really solid, and the eldest brother and longyi are only on a tie with him!
"But, what if I get injured?" Sun Xiaofen stomped her feet anxiously, these children were not just joking, they were desperately trying to do it!

"If you are injured, you will be sent to the hospital. If you are killed, someone will collect the body. Don't be afraid!" Tang Shishi raised her voice deliberately, and said.

Jun Mubei, who was surrounded by Long Yi and Jun Haodong, gritted his teeth!

Tang Shishi persuaded Sun Xiaofen to go into the house, and then went to the yard, and dragged Mo Youyou who was trapped inside into the house, so as not to be accidentally injured by a few men!
Mo Youyou had a face of reluctance, but Tang Shishi forced her into the living room with both soft and hard tactics. However, she was not at ease, and lay down by the window, looking anxiously at the third brother man who was fighting together outside.

Ling Rui answered the phone and went back to the army. Last night, Han Jing said that there was an urgent matter in the army, but it was actually true. In order to make the show realistic, they would of course create some trouble for Ling Rui.

Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen were drinking tea and chatting in the living room.However, currently only Tang Shishi is interested in chatting. Sun Xiaofen's gaze always involuntarily drifts to the yard, or to look at Mo Youyou lying by the window. Feeling a little boring, so holding a cup of hot tea, sipping carefully, observing the people around.

Seeing Mo Youyou's body tremble again, the corners of Tang Shishi's mouth curled up slightly, she knew it was Jun Mubei who had been hit again!
In the living room, Zhou Hu saw Long Yi and Jun Haodong team up to fight Jun Mubei outside, and it was only a tie. He was gearing up excitedly, wishing he could go out and show his strength.

When Mo Youyou's body trembled uncontrollably again, she couldn't stay in the room anymore, pushed open the door, ran out quickly, and stopped the exhausted three people!
Long Yi looked at Mo Youyou and Jun Mubei, said harsh words, and left angrily, while Jun Haodong walked into the room without saying a word.

Looking at Jun Haodong's back, Jun Mubei pulled Mo Youyou into the house with various feelings in his heart.

"Brother, I was wrong this time. I still say the same thing, let you dispose of it, but Yoyo, I won't let it to you!" Jun Mubei walked to Jun Haodong's sofa and said, because of exhaustion, his The voice was stained with fatigue, but it was still resounding.

Hearing this, Jun Haodong clenched his fists and raised his hand.

But Jun Mubei took a step back, looked at Jun Haodong and said seriously: "Don't slap your face! This face is already horrible enough, you can't see anyone!"

Jun Haodong angrily grabbed an apple on the coffee table and threw it at Jun Mubei.

Jun Mubei caught it, and took a bite with a smile.

"Shameless and skinless!" Jun Haodong snorted coldly, the expression on his face softened a lot, took the teacup Tang Shishi handed over, and took a sip of tea.

"Thief woman! Why isn't there me?" Jun Mubei sat down beside Jun Haodong, tilted his body, and gave Tang Shishi an angry look.

He was miserably hurt by this thief woman today!What a waste!
"You have my second sister-in-law, how can I be courteous!" Tang Shishi said with a glance at Jun Mubei, and deliberately said the word "second sister-in-law" very loudly!
"Shishi!" Mo Youyou pulled Tang Shishi's sleeve in embarrassment, looked up at Jun Haodong who was drinking tea comfortably, frowned for a long time, and said, "Brother Jun, I'm sorry to have caused you a misunderstanding , but, I have always liked Jun Mubei, and I only think of you as my elder brother."

"Haha!" As soon as Mo Youyou finished speaking, Tang Shishi couldn't help laughing, the teacup in her hand was almost unsteady, and the tea was spilled with one hand: "Yuyou, you don't really think that big brother is lying to you. The play is really done, and the heart is moved, right?!"

"Isn't it?" Mo Youyou glanced at Tang Shishi in confusion, and then at Jun Haodong who was still gentle and elegant after the fight, his face was a little hot.

Could it be that she is being self-indulgent?But it's clear that big brother Jun said it himself?what happened?She is confused!

"Of course not!" Tang Shishi couldn't help laughing again, the tea cup in her hand was bouncing, and a lot of tea spilled out.

"You girl, are you burning?" Sun Xiaofen couldn't stand it any longer, walked over and snatched the teacup from Tang Shishi's hand, put it aside, took out a tissue, and wiped Tang Shishi's hands.

"Godmother, the water is no longer hot, I'm fine!" Tang Shishi also felt that she had lost her composure, but Mo Youyou's expression was so funny that she couldn't help it.

"Thief girl, you're not finished, are you?" Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou and wished he could burrow into the ground, stretched out his hand and pulled Mo Youyou down to sit on the sofa beside him, and grabbed her waist to keep her from moving. Looking up at Tang Shishi provocatively, he said, "How dare you disrespect your second sister-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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