Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 719 Don't slap your face!

Chapter 719 Don't slap your face! (5)
"Crackling..." Grinding teeth!

"Don't underestimate the power of gossip. They don't know the specific content, but they can completely guess. Even if the process is a thousand miles away from the real idea, which is completely different, as long as the result is right, it will be considered complete!" Ling Rui circled Tang Shishi's shoulder, said.

"These people have nothing to do when they are full all day long, so they stare at them to study this. Is it interesting?" Tang Shishi expressed incomprehension to the entertainment news.

"It's estimated that their gossip is the same as our one-two-one, and they will also have pleasure, and there will be a GAO tide!" Ling Rui narrowed his eyes, then tugged Tang Shishi's nose, and said with a cheeky smile.

"You are shameless!" What, you can say such words!I'm not ashamed!

"At this time, why do you need face! It's enough!" Ling Rui turned over and pressed Tang Shishi as he spoke, and rubbed against his body a few times, letting her feel her burning breath.

"Go away!" Tang Shishi pushed Ling Rui's chest pretending to be angry.

"Don't go, let's play one-two-one!" After Ling Rui finished speaking, he lowered his head and covered Tang Shishi's little mouth, and rolled and lingered on the big bed with her in his arms!
Without Mo Youyou's collection of gossip privacy, Tang Shishi asked Zhou Hu to be a substitute, but Zhou Hu strongly opposed it.

"Young Madam, I won't do this!" Zhou Hu said in a blunt tone with his neck stuck.

Just kidding, let him, the best intelligence collector of the sharp knife army, a big man go to listen to women's corners, poach women's privacy, and even record all the things about those women in detail, and summarize and report. Yes it's a shame!It's worse than killing him!
Especially when thinking of Mo Youyou's eloquent classics back then, such as "the widow's lover at night", and the "money-grubbing girl selling herself all night", is this what a big man like him should do?
You must not lose face to the elders!
"Why?" Tang Shishi asked curiously, seeing that Zhou Hu looked like a chaste Lev, ready to die at any time.

"Don't do it! Anyway, I just won't do it! You let Suzaku go!" Zhou Hu was asked by Tang Shishi, looked at Tang Shishi, wondering in his heart, did the young lady really not know or did not know?It is estimated that the life is boring again, and the idle panic, want to punish the person, right?

"Zhou Hu, this is an order!" Seeing Zhou Hu's resolute resistance, Tang Shishi couldn't explain why, and her face was slightly angry.

"Young madam, I'm an old man—you let me—" Seeing Tang Shishi's face turned slightly cold, Zhou Hu's heart pounded, but he still didn't give up and fought for himself weakly.

After getting along with Tang Shishi these days, Zhou Hu has more or less grasped Tang Shishi's temper: Don't look at this young lady who usually talks and laughs at you, and looks very easy-going, but she is really going to be stubborn. Sometimes it doesn't work!
"What's wrong with you?" Tang Shishi wanted to laugh when she saw Zhou Hu's aggrieved look, but her face was still serious, she tried her best to hold back, and taught Zhou Hu earnestly: "How many reporters from entertainment gossip magazines?" They're all men, when you looked at Yoyo's results, didn't you look very excited?"

"How can it be the same? How can I listen to the corner of a woman's wall?" Zhou Huweng said in a low voice, his face turned red to the neck!
"Why can't you? Could it be that your opponent is a woman, and you just captured it? Or do you look down on women?" Tang Shishi's face darkened again, she didn't expect that such a big guy would be shy because of this!

"I—I—" Zhou Hu felt a gust of cold wind blowing behind him, and without thinking, he knew that Suzaku was already standing behind him, waiting to kick him away.

"Suzaku, I'm a little sleepy, help me and ask Zhou Hu if he's going?" Tang Shishi stretched, yawned, and walked upstairs slowly.

"Young madam, you can't, you can't throw me to that female evil star! This is a disregard for human rights!" The moment Tang Shishi got up, Zhou Hu hurriedly wanted to rush over to hug Tang Shishi's thigh, but Suzaku saw it clearly Thinking about it, he quickly stopped in front of him.

"Suzaku, let me just say, Zhou Hu called you a female evil star behind his back, slandering you?" Tang Shishi looked at Zhou Hu with a smirk, and raised her eyebrows.

In fact, she didn't have to ask Zhou Hu to take over Mo Youyou's job. Although Ling Rui said that Zhou Hu's ability to collect information was first-rate, she also felt that it was inconvenient to let Zhou Hu go. She is a very reasonable boss, just now she just had nothing to do and made a bet with Suzaku. Who knew that Zhou Hu would say that he had no regard for human rights!

Disregard for human rights, right?snort!

This time, this guy has to go if he doesn't!

"Suzaku, this is a slip of the tongue! Slip of the tongue!" Zhou Hu looked at the cold and unpopular Suzaku, and quickly clarified.

"Will you go?" Suzaku asked briefly, ignoring Zhou Hu.

"Go! Go! I'll go!" Zhou Hu was depressed!How dare he say no?

well!It seems that the master is determined to train him to follow the literary route!Zhou Hu wept silently, but he was thinking in his heart whether he wanted to be a graceful school or a fresh school. Anyway, he was determined not to be a bold school like Mo Youyou!
"Whispering!" Suzaku glanced at Zhou Hu displeased, knowing that he would not be able to evade it, who is he still showing Joe here?Waste her time!

Tang Shishi saw that Suzaku took care of Zhou Hu without much effort, so she went upstairs to take a nap with peace of mind.

However, before Tang Shishi lay down, the phone rang.

Looking at the unfamiliar number on the phone, Tang Shishi frowned, and after a little hesitation, she still picked it up.

Although, she doesn't want to let those boring people who destroy people's mood come into contact with, but the ones who should come can't be avoided, so she never sits and waits for death.

"Tang Shishi, I'm Han Jing!" As soon as the phone was connected, a familiar voice came from the opposite side.

Tang Shishi snorted coldly in her heart, sure enough!

Since Han Jing was beaten and scolded by her at the last banquet, she was dismissed from her position in the Sharp Knife Army the next day, accepted an investigation, and took part in a formal assessment again. Naturally, she failed and was accepted by Ling Rui The sharp knife troops were expelled!Now that she found herself, she couldn't hold back anymore, right?
"What's the matter?" Tang Shishi asked casually.

"See you at Cloud Coffee at three o'clock!" Han Jing said clearly and forcefully without being stimulated by Tang Shishi's casual tone.After the last fight with Tang Shishi, she knew how to control the initiative.

"Why should I go?" Tang Shishi asked with a light smile.

"Tang Shishi, it's about Ling Rui, whether you like to come or not!" Han Jing hung up the phone after finishing speaking!

Han Jing put the mobile phone in the bag, then took it out again, sent a text message to Tang Shishi, then put the mobile phone in the bag again, sneering at the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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