Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 720 Very pornographic and violent!

Chapter 720 Very pornographic and violent! (1)
Tang Shishi, let's see if you can handle it now!Get crazy or not!

Tang Shishi had just put the phone away and was about to go to bed when she heard a text message notification. She took the phone and looked at the message on it. Her pupils shrank and she looked mocking.

Han Jing, this is your bargaining chip?ridiculous!
After laughing, Tang Shishi fiddled with her mobile phone, her gaze widened.

Han Jing, I don't know what kind of "surprise" you want to give me this time!
Tang Shishi slept until three o'clock in the afternoon. After getting up and stretching, she simply washed up. The woman in the mirror had a white and rosy face, with the laziness of just waking up, her eyes were clear but inadvertently There was a sultry light in the room, looking at herself like this, Tang Shishi felt very satisfied, she put on some skin care products, took out a lavender-colored cashmere coat from the closet, and went downstairs.

"Girl Shishi, where are you going?" Sun Xiaofen woke up a little earlier than Tang Shishi and was drinking tea in the living room. Seeing Tang Shishi going out with her coat, she immediately paid close attention.

"Han Jing asked me out for coffee!" For Sun Xiaofen, Tang Shishi had nothing to hide. Although she recognized her as a godmother, to Tang Shishi, Sun Xiaofen was more like her year-end friend.

"That woman?" Sun Xiaofen looked wary when she heard Han Jing's name, "It must be a bad thing for that woman to find you! Shishi, wait a minute, I'll change clothes and go out with you!" Sun Xiaofen was about to go upstairs as she spoke. to change clothes.

"Godmother, I can handle it on my own, so don't go, she doesn't dare to do anything to me!" Tang Shishi couldn't laugh or cry when she heard Sun Xiaofen's reaction, the godmother these days has really given full play to the spirit of the old hen , She protects herself tightly, and she doesn't let go of every little thing.

"No! If I don't go with you, how can I rest assured that that woman is not as simple as she appears on the surface!" Sun Xiaofen firmly disagreed with Tang Shishi's going alone. Wait for me, don't leave alone, I'll be fine soon!"

"Okay! Godmother, don't worry, it's still early!" Tang Shishi said helplessly, sitting on the sofa.

"Yeah!" Sun Xiaofen returned to the room with peace of mind.

By the time Sun Xiaofen changed her clothes, it was already 03:30. Although Yunyun Coffee was not far from Jun's mansion, it was already four o'clock when Zhou Hu drove there.

Before getting off the car, Tang Shishi checked the time and smiled slightly.

Han Jing came at 03:30. She originally thought that Tang Shishi would be eager to appear here when she saw the text message, so she deliberately dressed up and came half an hour late. He came half an hour later than her.

When Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen and Zhou Hu appeared, Han Jing had been waiting impatiently. She was sure that Tang Shishi would definitely come, but she didn't know if she should continue to wait!

Just when Han Jing was anxious, the phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID, and when she picked up the phone, she saw Tang Shishi walking towards her, so she didn't wait for the person opposite to growl, and said One sentence: "They are here!" Hang up the phone decisively.

Putting down the phone, Han Jing lowered her head and stirred the coffee in front of her, and looked up at Tang Shishi, Sun Xiaofen and Zhou Hu who had already walked up to her.

Tang Shishi's skin is as white as suet, and as delicate as fine porcelain. The so-called whiteness covers a thousand ugliness. With this kind of skin, any color of clothes will look good. What's more, Tang Shishi's clothes have never They are all simple but not simple. When Han Jing saw the unique and inimitable "JANE" word embroidered with golden silk thread on the cashmere coat worn by Tang Shishi, jealousy welled up in her eyes.

The contest between women and women, except for men, is just these clothes. She deliberately dressed herself up today, and the clothes she was wearing were also new in Paris for the season. They were not cheap, and her makeup was exquisite and enchanting. Shi doesn't like to put on makeup, so she thought about putting Tang Shishi first, but when she saw Tang Shishi appearing, she looked at Tang Shishi's sneering smile at the corner of her mouth, and looked at her casually. Dressed in a sexy and natural way, looking at her face that has not been deliberately modified but reveals a graceful temperament, I suddenly feel that I care too much about this date!

And caring, it also indicates that in terms of momentum, I will lose first!
"Miss Tang, you are late!" Suppressing the unwillingness in her heart, Han Jing gracefully picked up her coffee, took a sip, and looked up at Tang Shishi and said.

She must be steady, not impatient!

"It's late? No! The time is just right!" Tang Shishi pulled away a chair on the side seat, let Sun Xiaofen sit down first, and then sat down by herself, ignoring the waiter who greeted her, and said to Zhou Hu: " Two glasses of juice."

Zhou Hu led the order to leave, taking away the somewhat dazed waiter along the way.

"Miss Tang, are you going to talk to me like this?" Han Jing saw that Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen were sitting diagonally across from her, and she felt a little angry, but she still tried her best to keep her voice steady. The expression on his face seemed helpless and implied accusation.

"That's good!" Tang Shishi ignored Han Jing and said calmly. She took off her coat and put it aside, then smiled at Sun Xiaofen, signaling her not to interfere.

"Miss Tang, your etiquette and upbringing are really unflattering." Han Jing said, smiling mockingly, and looked at Sun Xiaofen with deep meaning in her eyes.

"Han Jing, please call me Mrs. Ling, and the reason why I am sitting here is because I don't think you are qualified to sit at the same table with me. Is there anything wrong with that?" Tang Shishi raised her eyebrows, this Han Jing, She knows how to grasp the weakness of others. She was really angry because of Han Jing's look at Sun Xiaofen just now.

"Is it because I'm not qualified, or you don't dare at all?" Han Jing mockingly glanced at Zhou Hu who came over with a drink, and continued to stir her coffee.

"Dare not two words, you are not worthy, save your little thoughts, I only give you 5 minutes, you must make good use of this limited and precious time." Tang Shishi took a cup of Zhou Hu handed over I took a leisurely sip of orange juice.

Sun Xiaofen also took a glass, and what Zhou Hu brought her was pear juice, which was exactly what she wanted.

"Mrs. Ling, it seems that she loves this orange juice very much. It's better not to look forward to Shu in order to be a human being!" Seeing Tang Shishi take a sip of orange juice, Han Jing frowned a little, looking happy, and immediately sarcastically said.

"Han Jing, do you really regret it? If you hadn't had to look forward to Shu in the past, maybe I should call you sister-in-law now. You are right, you can't be too greedy, otherwise you will destroy the Great Wall!" Tang Shishi looked at Han Jing had a hint of pity in his eyes, which was easy to see.

(End of this chapter)

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