Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 721 Very pornographic and violent!

Chapter 721 Very pornographic and violent! (2)
"You—" Han Jing didn't expect that Tang Shishi would give her to the anti-general, and then she remembered that she was dazzled by jealousy. The woman in front of her was eloquent, pungent, and not easy to deal with. From the point of view of myself, I can't bargain at all!
"There are still 4 minutes, I don't want to hear another nonsense!" Tang Shishi raised her hand to look at her watch, took another sip of orange juice, and didn't even look at Han Jing.

Han Jing suddenly felt a little frustrated. She pressed her lips tightly and looked at Tang Shishi deeply, trying to find even the slightest flaw in Tang Shishi's face. She didn't believe that Tang Shishi's text message to her, There is no anxiety at all, otherwise, why would she go to the appointment?

Reaching out to pick up the bag on one side, Han Jing took out an envelope from it and handed it to Tang Shishi: "Look!"

Zhou Hu took the envelope from Han Jing and handed it to Tang Shishi. Tang Shishi opened the envelope and looked at the thick stack of photos inside.

"My God! This-this--boy Rui, why-how-" Sun Xiaofen exclaimed when she saw the photos in Tang Shishi's hands, and then snatched those photos from Tang Shishi's hands. Zhang looked at it, his eyes were full of disbelief!
"Your conditions!" Tang Shishi's eyes dimmed, she looked at Han Jing, and asked.

Han Jing's heart finally fell to the ground. She looked at Tang Shishi who was still calm and admired it. It was hard for Tang Shishi to talk to herself so calmly and clearly when she saw these photos.At this moment, she believed that Tang Shishi's calmness was faked, and under her calm face, there must be turbulent anger.

Han Jing picked up the coffee, took a sip slowly, and looked at Tang Shishi with sympathy and scrutiny. She wanted to test how long Tang Shishi's calm could last.

"You still have 2 minutes!" Tang Shishi's voice was calm, but her eyes were cold.

"Miss Tang, in fact, men are like this, and Young Master Ling is not immune. You and Young Master Ling also started like this, and I also... that's why I had a child." Han Jing looked at Tang Shishi and sighed.

"The child doesn't belong to Ling Rui at all, you are talking nonsense!" Seeing the photos, Sun Xiaofen was already angry enough, but Han Jing still used the child as an issue, which made Sun Xiaofen unable to control her anger.

"One minute." Tang Shishi held Sun Xiaofen's hand, signaling her not to be impulsive, picked up the orange juice, took a sip, raised her eyebrows to look at Han Jing, and said lightly.

"You—Tang Shishi, everyone is a woman, why are you so aggressive! I just want my child to recognize his ancestors!" Han Jing suddenly stood up from her seat, pointed at Tang Shishi, and yelled loudly regardless stand up.

Tang Shishi did not miss Han Jing's subtle movement of biting the corner of her mouth before the sudden outburst. Looking at Han Jing who was sad and angry but about to cry, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and there was a moving brilliance in her clear eyes.

"Recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors?" Tang Shishi did not look at the curious eyes around her, shook the orange juice in her hand, and said four words lightly and shallowly from her pink lips, with a little doubt, as if In the taste, carefully chew the meaning of these four words.

"Yes! Recognize the ancestors! Tang Shishi, no matter how domineering and unwilling you are, you can't obliterate the fact that the baby is Ling Rui's own flesh and blood! Why do you stop it!" Han Jing said, tears began to flow wantonly on her face Get up, with stubbornness and determination, grievance and unwillingness, accuse Tang Shishi.

"Recognizing ancestors and returning to the clan?! Are you sure you mean recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan? Are you right?" Tang Shishi stood up, looked at Han Jing unhurriedly, and asked in a clear tone.

"You heard me right! I'm talking about acknowledging the ancestors! Don't worry, I won't let the children disturb your life with Ling Rui. The children occupy your surname and nothing else. I just want to give the children An explanation, I don't want to leave a shadow on the child's childhood and cause harm because of the word 'unknown father'! As for what you are worried about, there will be nothing, our Han family can afford to raise a child!" Han Jing said solemnly.

"What you said is very reasonable!" Tang Shishi met Han Jing's eyes calmly: "Although humans are born by their mothers, and monsters are born by their mothers, but without men, even a woman and a monster can't have children. You can't say 'bad omen'!"

Han Jing prepared the words all afternoon, but in front of Tang Shishi, they suddenly had no use for her!She looked at Tang Shishi suspiciously, and found that she couldn't understand this woman at all, but since Tang Shishi said so, she had no reason to back down.

"So, do you agree with the baby's recognition of his ancestors?" Han Jing looked at Tang Shishi in disbelief with surprise and gratitude in her tears.

"It's not my turn to disagree. It's only natural for a child to recognize his father, isn't it? Besides, this kind of thing has nothing to do with me, and I have no right to disagree!" Tang Shishi sensed the flickering lights around her, and smiled amiably. .

"Girl Shishi! What's wrong with you? Do you know what you're talking about?" Sun Xiaofen had been held back by Tang Shishi before, but when she heard that Tang Shishi actually admitted to Han Jing like that The identity of the wild species, agreeing that the child recognizes his ancestors and returns to his clan, Sun Xiaofen can no longer calm down!How can you agree to such a thing casually!Shishi, why is she so confused!
"Godmother, a child needs a father. This is human relations. We can't do such things that are against human relations!" Tang Shishi patted Sun Xiaofen's hand and said calmly.

Sun Xiaofen was dumbfounded!
"Girl Shishi, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? Is it a problem with the drink? Girl Shishi..." Sun Xiaofen tightly held Tang Shishi's hand with one hand, and tried to She tried Tang Shishi's forehead, and when she found that Tang Shishi's body temperature was normal, she did not breathe a sigh of relief, but became even more panicked and helpless. She stared closely at Tang Shishi's eyes, and found that there was nothing in those clear eyes. After removing the impurities, he looked at Zhou Hu as if asking for help.She felt that Tang Shishi must have been drugged by someone!
Surprise flashed across Zhou Hu's face, and he shook his head at Sun Xiaofen. He didn't know why Tang Shishi was so talkative all of a sudden.

"Godmother, I'm awake!" Tang Shishi was dumbfounded by Sun Xiaofen, she secretly picked at Sun Xiaofen's palm, signaling her not to be nervous.

How could Sun Xiaofen not be nervous, her nervous body began to tremble slightly, but she was trying her best to endure it.

"Mrs. Bai, I also believe that Mrs. Ling is sober than ever before. Every word she said is reasonable. I am a villain. I didn't expect Mrs. Ling to be so reasonable. I hope you two don't blame me. I have no choice but to be a villain and then a gentleman!" Han Jing changed from the indignant look just now, and smiled softly, perfectly reflecting the bitterness and helplessness of a mother who strives for everything for her child.

(End of this chapter)

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