Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 723 Very pornographic and violent!

Chapter 723 Very pornographic and violent! (4)
Tang Shishi didn't look at the DNA test report at all, but just looked at Han Jing sarcastically, without taking her eyes off, until the emotions in Han Jing's eyes that were about to be unbearable surged, Tang Shishi said to Zhou Hu: Give her something, it seems that her brain damage needs to be treated properly!"

Zhou Hu took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Han Jing.

"Tang Shishi, you don't have to play tricks, I won't..." Han Jing stared at Tang Shishi, but when she saw the photo in Zhou Hu's hand from the corner of her eyes, her complexion changed drastically and her body wobbled took a big step back.

People around stretched their necks curiously, looking at the photo in Zhou Hu's hand.

In the photo, there are two children sitting, surrounded by a lot of wine, the two of them are flushed from drinking, and they are lying on the sofa. At first glance, they are two children in the rebellious period, but after looking again, everyone found that Something is wrong. Of the two people in the photo, one is better, and the other has a haggard face, deep wrinkles, and blue stubble on his face!
Stubble!This is where a child should have something!

Everyone's eyes changed for a moment. Although they still didn't understand why Tang Shishi asked Zhou Hu to show such a photo, they all recognized that the two people in the photo were not children but two dwarves!

"Han Jing, are you mentally disabled? Can you talk normally?" Tang Shishi looked at Han Jing with fear in her eyes, and asked casually.

"You—Tang Shishi, why do you have this?" Han Jing's voice began to tremble slightly.

"Is it strange that I have this? It seems that your brain is still not healed!" Tang Shishi sighed and said with a little regret.

"You—" Han Jing looked at Tang Shishi's face as calm as water, and despair suddenly filled her heart!
"The plastic surgery is done well, it's perfect, this face really makes me feel sick!" Tang Shishi looked at the original anger, weakness, unwillingness and helplessness on Han Jing's face, which cracked inch by inch into despair, Disgust appeared on his face.

Thinking of that face that could be called a replica of Ling Rui, Tang Shishi couldn't help but think of Shen He and Han Jing's calculations, and her heart was filled with resentment!They made a dwarf into Ling Rui's childhood appearance, spread rumors, cooperated perfectly, tried to discredit Jun's family, and even tried to destroy the trust between her and Ling Rui. They started with text messages, calculated step by step, and continued for a long time. Infiltrating, finally appearing at their wedding, pushing that child in front of everyone, in front of her, as the last straw that broke the camel's back!
Thoughtful thoughts, vicious methods, in retrospect, even she couldn't help applauding for them!

Even if Han Jing doesn't ask her out today, she will not let Han Jing go. Since she has come to her door so fast, if she let this woman go again, it is simply unreasonable!
Han Jing looked at Tang Shishi like this, and took another step back, her body crumbling.

She thought that Tang Shishi would be a breakthrough, even if she believed in Ling Rui, but with the photo first, and the face that was exactly the same as Ling Rui's when she was a child, Tang Shishi should be somewhat shaken, as long as she is shaken, she There is a chance, who knows that she has everything under control, everything she carefully prepared today is just a joke, in the end, she was played by Tang Shishi like a monkey!

She is not reconciled!Not reconciled!Not reconciled!

"Tang Shishi, I can't understand what you are talking about! Don't try to confuse the public, I have an authoritative DNA test report here!" Han Jing grasped the DNA test report in her hand, her fingers turning pale.

"The child belongs to Ling Rui, you can't deny it!"

"Han Jing, having a child out of wedlock, isn't it very hard to raise the child by yourself?" Tang Shishi suddenly said such a sentence, which seemed to be a question, a sigh, and her eyes were a little misty.

She thought of Wang Yueshan, that stubborn guy who rejected her good intentions and insisted on raising the child independently after being discharged from the hospital, without accepting any help from her. These days, she has repeatedly persuaded, threatened, and tried hard and soft all but failed.

"You don't even know that the Han family doesn't recognize this child at all. Our mother and son were expelled and depended on each other. I wandered around with the child alone. On the one hand, I wanted to make money to support the family, and on the other hand, I had to face the accusations and cold eyes of having a child out of wedlock. Even the baby is sensible from a very young age. He often helped me with handicrafts and delivered milk to neighbors when he was three years old. !" Han Jing didn't think about why Tang Shishi asked this question, but she knew how to seize the opportunity and poured out tears like rain. When she noticed the pitiful eyes of the people around her, the expression on Han Jing's face became more miserable and helpless , she knew that this was her last chance, and she had to seize it firmly!
"A four-year-old child already knows how to do this. He is indeed very sensible! He is also very considerate of you!" The clarity in Tang Shishi's eyes was shrouded in a misty mist, making it impossible to see her true emotions. Her expression at the moment makes people feel a little confused. This drama is full of ups and downs, too fast!

Tang Shishi, who was still accusing and disgusted just now, suddenly felt sympathetic and unbearable. What are these two women going to do?
"Of course, the baby is a baby given to me by God, and he is the most sensible child in the world!" Han Jing wiped away the tears on her face, her eyes were bright and proud.

"It's really considerate enough!" Tang Shishi was indeed moved, but she was not moved by Han Jing's words, but thought that Wang Yueshan was alone with the child, and her godson might be like Han Jing said, three years old Doing handicrafts and delivering milk to neighbors made her feel sore, and she naturally felt uncomfortable.

However, when Tang Shishi saw the strange light flashing quickly in Han Jing's eyes, she sneered at the corner of her mouth and said to Zhou Hu: "Is there anything else that can completely cure her brain damage? It's getting late, and the play is over." , we have to go back!"

"Yes!" Zhou Hu took out a lot of photos from his body.

"Tang Shishi, what are you going to do!" Han Jing was a little lucky at first. She knew that Tang Shishi liked children very much, so she deliberately made the years she was outside very miserable. Of course, what she said , It is not completely false, most of them are her personal experience when she was a child, so half-truth and half-false, the truth is revealed, so that she can win people's trust, but when she heard Tang Shishi's words, she suddenly felt the whole body Wrapped in a layer of cold air, unable to break free.

"Nothing to do, just let everyone know how 'considerate' your child is to you!" Tang Shishi looked into Han Jing's eyes, where there were still undried tears flowing out, A weak, pitiful look, like a small white flower crumbling on a cliff, makes people feel pity and sneer in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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