Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 724 Wang Fengzhen came to make trouble

Chapter 724 Wang Fengzhen came to make trouble (1)
Han Jing looked at Tang Shishi, heard her say the word considerate, and suddenly rushed towards Zhou Hu in a frenzy, and grabbed the photo in Zhou Hu's hand: "No! Give it to me! Give it to me!"

Zhou Hu looked at the crazy Han Jing, with panic on his face, he was holding the hand of the photo tightly, and when Han Jing was fighting for it, he suddenly let go, and said puzzledly: "Miss Han, you are too impatient. , I will give it to you if you want it, and I will give it to you in the first place!"

Han Jing didn't expect Zhou Hu to let go so easily and suddenly fell to the ground in embarrassment. The photos in his hand also fell on the ground.

It's just that Han Jing didn't care about the pain, she sat up quickly, gathered all the chips scattered on the ground by her side, and quickly picked them up.

However, although Han Jing moved quickly, there were still fish that slipped through the net.

A photo was scattered behind her, and was picked up by a man, but the man was very gentleman, he didn't look at the photo in his hand immediately, but walked up to Han Jing, and handed the photo to Han Jing .

Han Jing, who was in a hurry, turned pale when she saw the photo handed to her. She snatched the photo from the man's hand, and then slapped the man hard.

"Who allowed you to move! Who told you to watch!" Han Jing roared violently.

That man had good intentions, but was immediately stunned by Han Jing's slap. He didn't know that Han Jing, who looked soft and weak, could be so violent. He stupidly explained: "I didn't..." See , but before he finished speaking, his eyes widened in disbelief in horror, because he could clearly see the contents of the photo!

This is a nude photo, a nude photo of a child and an adult. He doesn't know the child, but the adult—the man turned his eyes to Han Jing, and the horror in his eyes turned into contempt, contempt and disgust!
"Who allowed you to see it! Damn you!" When Han Jing noticed the man's eyes changing, she closed the photo in her arms and slapped the man unceremoniously!

It's just that the slap didn't fall as expected, and Han Jing's hand was also held by the man, and he threw it away!

"Stinky bitch! Slut!" The man spat at Han Jing with a disgusted expression on his face. When Han Jing fell down, he kicked away the photos she was holding and said to the people around him : "Everyone look at what this bitch is doing to her son!"

"Ah——don't! Don't! Get out! Get out! Don't touch my photos!" Han Jing was kicked by the man, and the photos she was holding scattered all over again. She rushed to grab those photos like a madman In the end, the photos simply threw themselves on the ground, holding down those photos firmly.

It's just that most of the things she suppressed were picked up by curious people.

Those people first wondered why Han Jing was so nervous about those photos. Later, when they saw the photos, they all showed the same horrified and unbelievable expression as the man at the beginning. Looking at Han Jing in disgust, it was like looking at the most disgusting piece of garbage in the world!


"Smelly shameless!" The people who had seen the photo finally threw the photo on Han Jing and left with spit.

"Go away! Don't look at it! Don't look at it! Go away! - Don't look at it! Please don't look at it! Don't look at it! Huh -" Han Jing firmly pressed the photo under her body, while Reaching out to pick up those who were thrown on the ground, howling in the mouth, tears streaming down the face, the whole person's emotions almost collapsed!

Tang Shishi calmly watched Han Jing wearing her expensive and elegant clothes, crawling, twisting, and howling on the ground, and suddenly felt a little dull.

"Girl Shishi, let's go back!" Sun Xiaofen saw the tiredness in Tang Shishi's eyes, and immediately squeezed her hand tightly and said.

She didn't expect Tang Shishi to have such a powerful killing move. Although it was a bit ruthless, it made people feel exhilarated!

"Well, godmother, let's go back!" Tang Shishi returned to hold Sun Xiaofen's hand and smiled back.

The two of them passed Han Jing and walked towards the door.

"Tang Shishi! Tang Shishi! Why, why did you do this?" When Han Jing saw that Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen were about to leave, she roared angrily behind them.

"Why?" Tang Shishi turned around, looked at Han Jing who was still on the ground in a state of embarrassment, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised: "Han Jing, so you are really brain-dead!"

Han Jing looked at the smile on Tang Shishi's face, and there was some fishy sweetness rolling in her throat. She lowered her eyes slightly to cover the fierceness that was flying past her eyes, looked up at Tang Shishi, and said unwillingly: " Tang Shishi, why do you have such a good life! Why do you get Ling Rui's full love but don't know how to cherish it, and hook up with your ex-husband, and do things that shame Ling Rui, let him be in others' eyes? You can't hold your head up in the criticism and accusation, you..."

"Han Jing, shut up your stinking mouth!" Before Han Jing could finish speaking, there was a thunderbolt out of thin air, and a person rushed out from the crowd in a hurry, and kicked Han Jing. Another kick, shouting while kicking: "Shut up your stinky mouth! Shut up your stinky mouth! Shut up your stinky mouth!"

Han Jing was also frightened by the person who appeared out of nowhere. After being kicked several times by that person, she forgot to react!
The woman kicked Han Jing hard, as if she couldn't control herself, her voice was full of hatred!
The people around were a little stupid, thinking that this is a fiery dragon that sprang out from somewhere, and hit people as soon as it came up, no!Kick people out!

Everyone looked at the woman in a light yellow blouse, and a few words involuntarily crossed their minds: very yellow, very violent!
When Tang Shishi saw the woman who rushed out suddenly, she frowned: Why is it her!

Sun Xiaofen came back to her senses, and when she saw the goose yellow figure clearly, she covered her mouth in surprise. She knew this girl and had a good impression of her, but she never expected that she would beat Han Jing in public so out of control.

The person who rushed out suddenly was Wu Meng!
"Let you slander my cousin again, you bitch! My cousin is sincere to Sister Shishi, can't it be okay to like someone silently? Don't think that everyone is as dirty as you!" Wu Meng seemed to be angry. He kicked and beat Han Jing ruthlessly.

"You lunatic! Get out!" The constant pain in her body made Han Jing finally come to her senses. She rolled on the spot, stood up and kicked Wu Meng to the ground. When Meng was struggling to get up, Han Jing stepped on Wu Meng's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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