Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 725 Wang Fengzhen came to make trouble

Chapter 725 Wang Fengzhen came to make trouble (2)
"Ah—" The pain from his hand made Wu Meng cry out in pain: "Let go! My hand! My hand!"

Han Jing looked at Wu Meng, not only didn't let go, but crushed it hard, looked at Wu Meng, with an extremely ferocious expression on his face: "Wu Meng, what kind of thing are you! You dare to fight in public Beat Miss Han!"

Han Jing's words made the people around who wanted to fight against the injustice all quiet down. They all weighed up the other party's identity in their hearts, and some even turned around and left. The bustle of the Han family is not good-looking. What happened today , they will definitely have a good aftermath, they don't want to cause trouble!
"You——Han Jing, let her go!" Sun Xiaofen watched Wu Meng's face contorted in pain, and kept inhaling. Her face turned pale and red, and she couldn't help pushing Han Jing. Wu Meng, this child I studied design, if my hand is destroyed, I will never be able to hold a pen again, and my lifelong dream will be ruined!

This Han Jing is really vicious!
Han Jing didn't expect that Sun Xiaofen would make a sudden move, she pushed her violently, backed up a few steps, and let go of Wu Meng's hand.

After pushing Han Jing away, Sun Xiaofen quickly squatted down and helped Wu Mengfei up. Seeing that Wu Meng was about to move her hands, she quickly stopped her and said, "Don't move, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Wu Meng reluctantly smiled gratefully at Sun Xiaofen, and said, "Auntie Sun, thank you, I don't need to trouble you, I'll just go by myself!" Wu Meng's facial muscles twitched as she spoke, and she took a low breath of air.

"No trouble, we'll give you a ride along the way!" Sun Xiaofen saw how strong and independent Wu Meng was, and she liked her even more.

"Let's go, we're on the way anyway!" Tang Shishi stepped forward and said to Wu Meng.

"Sister Shishi, don't listen to Han Jing's nonsense, you have to trust my cousin, he just wants you to live well, and he doesn't have those dirty thoughts at all!" Hearing Tang Shishi's words, Wu Meng quickly defended Lu Tao!

Ever since the entertainment reporter photographed him having a drink with Tang Shishi and made headlines in the entertainment industry, my cousin has been silent a lot. I don’t know what I’m busy with these days. My aunt complained that he hadn’t been there for several nights. Go home and live.

Losing Tang Shishi has already made him feel bitter enough, but those people are still stalking and spreading rumors, which is definitely a great blow and harm to him.

"I believe that I didn't take her words to heart!" Tang Shishi looked at the cold sweat constantly breaking out on Wu Meng's face, and said with a smile, "Let's go to the hospital first!"

"En!" Wu Meng heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

Sun Xiaofen carefully supported Wu Meng, and followed Tang Shishi and Zhou Hu to leave.

"Tang Shishi, you will regret what you did today!" Han Jing watched Tang Shishi take Wu Meng away, and shouted behind them, gnashing her teeth!
"You don't need to worry about this, you have the energy, you might as well worry about yourself!" Tang Shishi turned her head and gave Han Jing a cold look, her tone mocking.

"Hmph!" Han Jing stared at Tang Shishi's leaving back and snorted coldly, her eyes were darker than ever before.

After Tang Shishi and her party left, the people who had been watching the fun also dispersed. Han Jing packed up all the photos on the ground, put them in her bag, and left in a hurry. But as soon as she got in the car, her phone rang. Jing bit her lip, took a deep breath, and connected the phone.

"Wonderful!" A man's joking voice came from the other end of the phone.

"You already knew, didn't you?" Han Jing asked angrily, her voice trembling slightly.

"You don't naively think that Ling Rui will give you a second chance to do this after you brought your child to make trouble at Jun's house, do you?" There was an indescribable sarcasm in the man's voice.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance? Why?" Han Jing shouted excitedly.

Today, Tang Shishi took out a photo in front of so many people and asked her to throw it into the face. From now on, how can she raise her head and behave like a human again?
"Why? Of course it's for a more realistic effect." The man chuckled.

"Growing her ambition, I don't know what good it is for us! Or, you are actually..." Han Jing's face was distorted because of the man's ridicule, and she spoke boldly.

"Shut up!" Before Han Jing could finish speaking, the man on the other end of the phone interrupted Han Jing sharply.

Although separated by the phone, Han Jing was still affected by the man's violent aura, she pursed her lips unwillingly and cringed, waiting for the man's next instruction.

"In the past few days, go back to Han's house and stay well, pay attention to the movements of the people over there!" After a while of silence, the man said.

"Yes!" Han Jing said, and then hung up the phone after picking up the line over there.

Throwing the mobile phone on the co-pilot as if to vent her anger, Han Jing lay on the steering wheel, thinking about the man's order, biting her lips to bleed without feeling the pain at all!
At this time, if she was asked to go back to the Han family, she could already imagine how the Han family would look at her, make fun of her, and despise her, but she had no right to say no!
"Wu Meng, don't be so impulsive next time, Han Jing is not a simple person!" After the group got into the car, Sun Xiaofen instructed.

"I see, thank you Aunt Sun!" Wu Meng said gratefully.

"This Han Jing is really hateful!" Sun Xiaofen felt angry when she thought of what Han Jing did just now.

"Godmother, she was not a good man and a believer in the first place, it's not worth worrying about that kind of person." Tang Shishi comforted Sun Xiaofen.

"En! Girl Shishi is right!" Sun Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi and smiled gratifiedly.

Wu Meng looked at Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen, lowered her eyes slightly, and after a while, raised her head again, looked at Tang Shishi and said, "Sister Shishi, maybe we will become relatives soon!"

"Relatives?" Tang Shishi was stunned by Wu Meng's sudden words, she looked at Wu Meng for no reason, and found a bitter smile on her face that she couldn't hide in time.

"My parents found a marriage for me, it's the Xie family!" Wu Meng said with a sad expression.

"Xie family? Xie Quan?" Tang Shishi asked.

"Well, Sister Shishi, do you know him?" Wu Meng looked up at Tang Shishi in surprise.

"Know!" Not only know, but know too much!Wasn't it the Xie Quan who once let her cut a knife on the neck and let his chrysanthemum bleed like a spring!

"Girl Shishi, how is that child?" Sun Xiaofen immediately paid attention when she heard that Tang Shishi knew Xie Quan.

Tang Shishi noticed that Sun Xiaofen was very enthusiastic about Wu Meng's affairs, so she didn't say anything, but just looked at Wu Meng for a while and said, "The Xie family belongs to the Shen family. Could it be that your Wu family is going to fall to the Shen family?"

Wu Meng probably didn't expect it to be so far-reaching, she couldn't react for a while, she looked at Tang Shishi with a sad expression: "I don't know what my family thinks, I just can't believe it, my parents who have always loved me, I would actually sacrifice my lifelong happiness to pave the way for their political career, power, is that so important?"

(End of this chapter)

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