Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 727 Wang Fengzhen came to make trouble

Chapter 727 Wang Fengzhen came to make trouble (4)
"This woman must have not acted well!" When receiving the invitation, Sun Xiaofen was even more nervous than Tang Shishi.

"Soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth, just see the trick!" Yu Manqing will play tricks at the banquet, that's for sure, although it's his wife's diplomacy, but the Jun family and the Shen family are in the same situation, it's all on the bright side Tang Shishi didn't think that Yu Manqing would let go of such an opportunity to prank her. She even thought that this banquet was a trap specially set by Yu Manqing for her.

"Girl Shishi, I've been feeling restless these two days!" In fact, since Yu Manqing's invitation was delivered, Sun Xiaofen hasn't had a restful sleep. Others don't know, but she knows the methods of this woman Yu Manqing. .

At the beginning, the Jun family was planning to retreat to City B, but she actually designed Jun Zeyu to hook up with Shen Kui for the sake of power. In her eyes, power was more important than anything else. On the contrary, she will not let go of any opportunity to attack Jun's family, especially since she knows the importance of Tang Shishi to Ling Rui, she will definitely design Tang Shishi at the banquet and do something that is not good for Tang Shishi.

"Godmother, I've been prepared for a long time!" Tang Shishi smiled lightly, but her eyes were gloomy.

In fact, before she came to City A, she asked Ling Rui to investigate Yu Manqing, and she also got to know this woman Yu Manqing a little bit. In the past few days, she also let Zhou Hu keep an eye on Yu Manqing. ready.

"But..." Sun Xiaofen was still uneasy.

At this time, someone came to report: "Young Madam, there is a person named Wang Fengzhen who wants to see you!"

Wang Fengzhen?Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen looked at each other with deep doubts in their eyes.

"She still dares to come to the door!" Sun Xiaofen was angry, and said to the servant outside: "No, let her go as far as she can!"

The servant passed the words to the guard, who was ordered to hang up the phone, and as soon as he reached the door, Wang Fengzhen, who was circling in a hurry outside, rushed to the door and asked eagerly, "How is it? Can I go in now! Brother guard, I really have something urgent!"

The doorman glanced at Wang Fengzhen and thought to himself that you are more than ten years older than me, yet you still call me big brother, am I that old?He darkened his face, and said in a cold voice: "Our wife said, let you go as far as you want!"

"Impossible! You go in and tell that bastard Tang Shishi, just say that something happened to my son, she can't ignore it!" Wang Fengzhen trembled angrily when she heard the guard's words, she almost yelled again Fortunately, she stopped in time, remembering that she was asking for something from others, so she had to lower her posture.

"Who do you think your son is? Our wife is not Guanyin Bodhisattva. How can we spend so much time saving suffering and suffering! You hurry up!" The guard waved impatiently to chase Wang Fengzhen. He didn't have a good impression of this woman at first glance. Just a mean one.

"Go in and make room, brother guard, tell her that my son is Lu Tao, my son is Lu Tao!" Wang Fengzhen grabbed the guard's hand and kept begging.

"I don't care if your son belongs to Lu Tao, Zhou Tao, Fang Tao, or Ma Tao. Our wife told me to drive you away, but I won't see you. Your son is Long Tao, and it doesn't work!" The guard pulled out his hand impatiently. , said to Wang Fengzhen.

What is this Tao, the name is quite familiar!The doorman thought to himself.

"My son is your young lady's ex-husband! They have a very good relationship! Your young lady will definitely help when she hears that something happened to him! Go talk about it!" Wang Fengzhen said anxiously seeing that the guard was unmoved.

Ex-husband?The young lady's ex-husband?good relationship?Only then did the doorman remember that he had read such a report in the newspaper a few days ago, and his head couldn't help but get a thunderstorm!
The young lady's ex-mother-in-law came looking for her? !
But thinking of how far the servant had just said on the phone to make this woman go away, the guard immediately denied Wang Fengzhen's words that Tang Shishi and Lu Tao had a good relationship!Seeing Wang Fengzhen's strange expression, this woman is planning to kill him!

Seeing that the guard hesitated, Wang Fengzhen thought she had been persuaded, so she immediately took out a large amount of money from her bag, stuffed it into the guard's hand, and said, "Brother, you can remit the money again. It's yours!"

Wang Fengzhen suddenly gave the doorman a hand of money. When he came back to his senses, as if his hands had been scalded, he immediately threw the money to Wang Fengzhen, and said angrily, "What do you think I am? How dare you use money to buy me?" Me? You are insulting! Get out of here quickly! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Jun Mubei and Ling Rui carefully selected the guards of the Jun family mansion from veterans. Their character can definitely withstand temptation and tests. Moreover, the Jun family has never been stingy with salary. The company's white-collar workers are average, so Wang Fengzhen's clever move, which she thinks will lead to nothing, has aroused the guard's resentment towards her even more, and her attitude has also become bad.

"Brother door guard, please, please do me a favor. If you think it's too little, I can write you a check for how much you want. You can just ask, as long as you go in and talk to your young lady." Wang Fengzhen thought the doorman thought the money was too little. , immediately took out the checkbook.

"Get out! Take your stinky money and get out of here!" The guard who was insulted again sternly drove Wang Fengzhen away, and then closed the door involuntarily, blocking Wang Fengzhen's ugly face from the door.

Wang Fengzhen didn't expect that a shabby janitor of Jun's house would dare to treat her like this, and he was so reckless, his face was livid with anger. She went to poke the doorbell vigorously last time, and when she saw no one was paying attention to her, she slapped it vigorously again. Opening the thick gate, he clapped back and shouted Tang Shishi's name in a sharp and mournful voice.

Lu Tao has been missing for several days. Ever since he divorced Tang Shishi, the relationship between their mother and son has grown indifferent. Later, because of that bitch Ling Susu, the relationship between their mother and son is like walking on thin ice. In the past, Lu Tao was so filial One of my children, whether he is on a business trip or coming home late after working overtime, will report to himself and tell him, but now, he often does not come home, and sometimes he comes home drunk and locks himself in the room alone , ignoring anyone, the more she cares and shows favor, the more alienated and indifferent he becomes, the two of mother and child are worse than strangers!

A few days ago, she said a few more words about him because of something in the newspaper. Who knows, he was so angry that he didn't come home for several days. She was also angry with him, and wanted to see who would go first this time. Pay attention to who, but after so many days, he has no news at all. It wasn't until the company had important matters and couldn't find anyone, so she called, and she didn't know that Lu Tao was not in the company at all. She called everyone Lu Tao knew. She couldn't find anyone on the phone, and she has already reported the case. Now all her hopes are placed on Tang Shishi. She knows that Lu Tao has always been unable to let Tang Shishi go, and Tang Shishi is currently capable of helping her find Lu Tao!
(End of this chapter)

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