Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 728 Wang Fengzhen came to make trouble

Chapter 728 Wang Fengzhen came to make trouble (5)
It's just that feng shui is changing, and today is different. Wang Fengzhen never expected that the woman who was by her side back then would now live in a mansion with deep walls, shutting her out and leaving her nowhere to ask for help.

"Tang Shishi! Tang Shishi, I know you are inside, please, I beg you to see me! Please save Lu Tao!" Wang Fengzhen wanted to leave, but Lu Tao was her only hope in this life. Rely on her, she can't just ignore it!

"Let's go! Stop making noise here, our young lady won't see you!" The guard inside couldn't bear Wang Fengzhen's noise and said impatiently.

"Tang Shishi, save Lu Tao! For the sake of the past, I beg you! I beg you!" Wang Fengzhen slapped on the thick gate, crying bitterly and shouting loudly.

"Why are you so annoying? You said you won't see you anymore! Let's go!" the guard said with a headache.

"I won't go! If I don't see Tang Shishi today, I won't go. I will wait until she is willing to see me!" Wang Fengzhen said to the guard inside the door, and then screamed loudly: "Tang Shishi, Tang Shishi, you Let me in, I have something to say! I have something to say! You can't do nothing!"

Wang Fengzhen patted on the door while talking, but the thick door now blocked her like a natural danger, making her feel deeply helpless.

"Tang Shishi, how can you be so unfeeling! My Lu Tao has never been sorry for you. If you want to be jealous, you can hate me. Why don't you save him! I beg you to save him! Save him! I apologize to you, I Make amends to you, I kneel down for you! Please save him! All mistakes are my fault! Please save him! Save him! He is innocent!" Wang Fengzhen knocked on the door His hands hurt, and he simply sat down on the ground, crying like a shrew without any image.

The guard was so noisy that he had no choice but to call Tang Shishi again to ask whether he should take strong measures to get the person away.

After listening to the servant's report, Tang Shishi sighed helplessly, and said, "Let her in!" I don't know what trick Wang Fengzhen wants to play again. Could it be that Lu Tao has done something these days?
The guard received the instructions, opened the door, and said to Wang Fengzhen who was sitting on the ground like a crazy woman: "Our young lady told you to come in!"

As soon as Wang Fengzhen heard the guard's words, she got up from the ground happily and was about to rush inside.

The guard stopped Wang Fengzhen at once, looked at her disheveled appearance, and reminded displeasedly: "This place is no better than other places, you should behave yourself!"

Wang Fengzhen came to her senses, and immediately straightened her clothes, patted the dust off her body, and then followed the guard a little awkwardly, and entered the gate.

As soon as Wang Fengzhen entered the Jun family mansion, she was overwhelmed by the magnificence inside. She is usually a person who can enjoy herself and pays attention to appearance. She is sophisticated and feels superior to others. Now, seeing the Jun's mansion, Wang Fengzhen can hardly move her legs. Compared with a mansion like the Jun's mansion, her own residence is at most a few wooden houses that can cover the clouds and the sun. , the two are not at the same level at all, and there is no comparison.

A servant came to lead Wang Fengzhen into the living room, and Wang Fengzhen followed carefully all the way, becoming more and more cautious as she walked all the way, sucking in the air-conditioning.

Entering the living room, Wang Fengzhen saw Tang Shishi sitting on the sofa in the living room at a glance. Just as she was about to rush forward, she was blocked by a wall.

Zhou Hu blocked Wang Fengzhen three meters away from Tang Shishi, and looked at Wang Fengzhen with disgust in his eyes.

Wang Fengzhen suddenly felt that she was going to meet the rich and powerful in ancient times. She looked at Tang Shishi who was drinking tea and didn't even look at her, her eyes were a little dazed.

I still remember that when I was in Lu Zhai, Tang Shishi made good tea. Even she, who has always been picky, had to admire Tang Shishi's elegant tea making movements like clouds and flowing water, and her tea ceremony was also exquisite. Flawless, at the beginning when she got some red years, she was so precious, every time after Tang Shishi finished making tea, she would drive Tang Shishi aside in the same way, making her wait far away like a servant, while she Sitting expensively on the sofa, holding a cup of tea, sipping slowly, that feeling, like those dignitaries surrounded by slaves, made her longing and infatuated.

"Ms. Wang, you are crying and howling and want to see me. You don't want to ask for a cup of tea, do you? Although the tea at my house is not Xianzhi Yulu, I'm sorry, I don't have your share!" Tang Shishi looked at From Wang Fengzhen's expression, one could tell what she was thinking. In fact, just now she also remembered the days when she suffered all kinds of troubles in the Lu family for three years. Seeing Wang Fengzhen today is really emotional!

At the beginning, she occasionally thought about teaching Wang Fengzhen a good lesson, but for Lu Tao, she endured every time she was on the verge of breaking out. Originally, she thought that after she divorced Lu Tao, she would completely sever everything with this person. There's no need to meet, and she doesn't want to see this person. She didn't expect that she would come to her door crying today. It really is unpredictable!

"Tang Shishi, you—" Wang Fengzhen was so humiliated by Tang Shishi that she almost forgot the purpose of coming here, so she wanted to reprimand Tang Shishi.

"Wang Fengzhen, if you have something to say, hurry up and get out!" Sun Xiaofen on the side looked at Wang Fengzhen and put on a fierce look, completely without the consciousness of asking others, and said in disgust.

It was only then that Wang Fengzhen noticed that there was another person in the living room. She looked up at Sun Xiaofen with fear in her eyes, and quickly lowered her head.

Seeing that Wang Fengzhen was so afraid of Sun Xiaofen, Tang Shishi's body trembled just because of Sun Xiaofen's words, and there was a trace of doubt in her heart.I couldn't help but think of the situation when I met Wang Fengzhen in the boutique and Baofenglou a few days ago. However, Wang Fengzhen has always been bullying and fearing the hard, and she is in favor of others. It is reasonable to show such an expression.

As for how she behaved towards herself, it was because she was used to being bullied in those three years, so she unconsciously wanted to put on a high profile!

"Tang Shishi, I beg you to save Lu Tao for the sake of past affection!" Wang Fengzhen pleaded to Tang Shishi, avoiding Sun Xiaofen's gaze.

"You woman, what are you talking about? What is your past relationship? You are trying to provoke the relationship between our family Shishi and Ling Rui, are you deliberately trying to make their husband and wife estrange? Shishi and Lu Tao have divorced , what kind of affection is there!" Hearing Wang Fengzhen's words, Sun Xiaofen stood up angrily and scolded Wang Fengzhen.

"I don't! I don't!" Wang Fengzhen waved her hands in fright after hearing Sun Xiaofen's words. She glanced at Sun Xiaofen with a guilty conscience, then looked at Tang Shishi, and cried: "I don't, Lu Tao has been missing for several days! I don't Do you know what to do? I beg you to help me find him, I only have such a son, I can't lose him!" Wang Fengzhen burst into tears as she spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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