Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 729 Playing with Wang Fengzhen

Chapter 729 Playing with Wang Fengzhen (1)
"Lu Tao is missing?" Tang Shishi was startled when she heard the news. She put down her teacup and looked at Wang Fengzhen, trying to see any trace of lying on her face.

"I said a few words to him since the last time he made the headlines." Wang Fengzhen said carefully, and when she noticed that Tang Shishi frowned slightly because of this sentence, Wang Fengzhen immediately explained: " I don't mean anything else, it's really because you are so different from him now, I'm afraid he'll keep thinking about the past, and something will happen, which will have a bad influence on you!"

After hearing Wang Fengzhen's words, Tang Shishi snorted coldly in her heart, when did Wang Fengzhen think of her so kindly?She didn't believe that Wang Fengzhen would persuade Lu Tao to stay away from her, but she must have scolded Lu Tao as a vixen again, telling him not to be delusional, for her own good?Who will believe it?

"I really..." Wang Fengzhen saw the mocking look on Tang Shishi's face, and immediately clarified, eager to swear to prove what she said was true.

"Get to the point!" Tang Shishi interrupted Wang Fengzhen impatiently, she was too lazy to listen to Wang Fengzhen's hypocritical fawning.

"Who knows, he didn't go home for several days in a fit of anger. I originally thought that he was also angry, but this morning, the secretary of the company called and said that Lu Tao hadn't been to the company for several days. Call him I couldn't get through either. I realized that something was wrong. I called the person Lu Tao contacted recently to confirm. It turned out that I hadn't contacted Lu Tao these days, nor had I seen him. I reported the case, but you also know that there are so many Days have passed, there is no clue at all, I am really desperate, Tang Shishi, please help me, help me find him! I know you will definitely find him!"

As Wang Fengzhen was talking, she was about to come forward to pull Tang Shishi in panic, but Zhou Hu blocked her.At the beginning, the master asked him to investigate the information of the young lady. He had a deep memory of this vicious woman. How could he let her get close to the young lady again!
After hearing Wang Fengzhen's words, Tang Shishi was silent for a while. Lu Tao is missing? !

"He was in city A, did he offend anyone? Or did he have a problem with a competitor?" Tang Shishi asked after thinking for a while.

"Competitors, the police have already investigated and ruled out the possibility of them. As for who to offend, Lu Tao's temperament rarely offends anyone. He has only been in City A for a few days. Who can he offend?" Wang Fengzhen mourned. Wept miserably.

But he was crying and crying, his voice suddenly paused, he raised his head and stared at Tang Shishi suddenly, then pointed at Tang Shishi, took two steps back defensively, and asked sharply: "Tang Shishi, is it you? Is it you? Yes Are you afraid that people will gossip and people will arrest Lu Tao? Is it you?"

As Wang Fengzhen spoke, her expression became flustered. She heard Du Haoze's suggestion and came to ask for Tang Shishi. At that time, there was no master, thinking that Du Haoze said that the Jun family was powerful, and if she asked Tang Shishi, she might find Lu Tao earlier, so she thought She ran over without even thinking about it, and now after Tang Shishi asked her this question, she suddenly realized that she really went to the doctor in a hurry, and she was the biggest fool in the world!

How many days has Lu Tao been in City A?Who can he offend?The only thing he offended these days was Tang Shishi and his wife. As soon as the news in the newspaper came out, it didn't have any influence on Mr. Lu. It even earned Lu Tao a reputation of being infatuated. Now, what kind of person is Ling Rui, who kills God with a cold face, how could he allow Lu Tao to cause criticism for Tang Shishi?

Wang Fengzhen was like enlightened, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that her reasoning was extremely correct, and the way she looked at Tang Shishi changed again and again!
"Tang Shishi, it's you, right? How could you treat Lu Tao like this? How could you treat Lu Tao like this?" Wang Fengzhen's voice became more and more shrill.

Tang Shishi frowned displeasedly, looking at Wang Fengzhen, her gaze became colder and colder.

"Wang Fengzhen, shut up your stinky mouth! Stop slandering good people here!" Sun Xiaofen couldn't be more angry. Before Tang Shishi could speak, she said, "What's the matter with Shishi if your son is missing? You don't mess around here!"

Wang Fengzhen carefully glanced at the furious Sun Xiaofen, panic flashed across her eyes, she took another step back, obviously a little weak, but still insisted: "Except for Ling Rui, who dares to arrest my son? It must be you , it must be you!"

Tang Shishi looked at Wang Fengzhen who insisted on Ling Rui, got up and walked towards her, walking slowly and steadily, with a cold expression on her face, and a pair of bright eyes flashed with anger.

"You——don't come here! Don't come here!" Wang Fengzhen suddenly felt that Tang Shishi was so strange as if she had met him for the first time. She had never seen Tang Shishi like this, and never knew that Tang Shishi could be so good to others. Just looking at you like this, she has an aura of power without anger. She suddenly remembered that Tang Shishi had kung fu, and she heard that she had killed someone, which made her feel cold and short of breath unconsciously.

At this point, Wang Fengzhen clearly realized that this is no longer the little sheep that she let her flatten and round!

Zhou Hu, who had been standing not far from Wang Fengzhen, couldn't help but be awed by her aura when he saw such Tang poems, and sighed inwardly, he actually felt the aura of the master from the young lady!

"Wang Fengzhen, that's why you're so sure that Lu Tao is in our hands?" Tang Shishi looked at Wang Fengzhen, who was strong on the outside but hard on the inside, with an increasingly cruel expression on her face.

"I... Tang Shishi, what exactly do you want? Lu Tao is innocent! He is innocent!" Wang Fengzhen couldn't help crying, such Tang Shishi scared her!
"What do I want?" Tang Shishi sneered, looked at Wang Fengzhen sharply and asked, "Since you have confirmed that Lu Tao is in our hands, then you really don't know what I want?"

"You..." Wang Fengzhen looked at the cold Tang Shishi in disbelief, and when she met Tang Shishi's mocking and cold eyes, her body was cold.

"Wang Fengzhen, you are hesitating!" Tang Shishi snorted coldly: "It seems that Lu Tao is nothing more than that in your heart!".

No matter who ordered Wang Fengzhen to come to her door today, she would never let go of this opportunity to fix Wang Fengzhen.

During the three years of getting along, Tang Shishi knew Wang Fengzhen's temper well. Although she came from a businessman and was a philistine, Wang Fengzhen always felt that she should be "noble". Does she dream every day that she is a high-ranking official, and her acting is crazy!So based on her previous relationship with Wang Fengzhen, Wang Fengzhen would not come up to her and beg for mercy.

Is it really for Lu Tao?She wanted to see what a selfish person like Wang Fengzhen would do for Lu Tao!
(End of this chapter)

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