Chapter 734 Games! (2)
It seems that we can only wait until the evening to go back to the room!Ling Rui thought angrily.

Sun Xiaofen had long heard the movement outside in the bedroom, but cleverly pretended to be deaf and dumb. When eating, she pretended not to notice Tang Shishi's unnaturalness, for fear of making Tang Shishi even more uncomfortable.

When Jun Haodong was eating, he was also extremely quiet. Unlike Jun Mubei, he would play tricks at the dinner table. After the whole meal, people felt that he was like an elegant moving statue.

Facing a statue for dinner, Tang Shishi suddenly felt that there was not so much pressure, but she paid more attention to Suzaku, who usually does not appear at the dinner table.

Suzaku seemed to have not seen Tang Shishi's eyes, and ate the food on the table expressionlessly. Tang Shishi looked at it for a while and sighed in her heart. This is another moving statue, which is boring!
On the contrary, Zhou Hu, who was running in circles outside, walked here deliberately every time he came here, and wailed twice from time to time, trying to arouse the attention of the people in the room, which made Tang Shishi very happy.Zhou Hu's appearance reminded her of Ah Hua from the military compound!

After the meal, Ling Rui ignored everyone's ambiguous eyes and dragged Tang Shishi directly into the room.

Tang Shishi originally thought that Ling Rui was so impatient, she must have jumped at him as soon as she entered the door. When she went upstairs, she had already started to think silently in her heart, when would she ask what she wanted to know? Who knows, after closing the door, Ling Rui walked to the bed alone, leaned on the head of the bed, and looked at her.

Tang Shishi felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by Ling Rui's scrutinizing eyes, and asked nana, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Little wild cat, do you have anything you want to tell me?" Ling Rui crossed his long legs and asked Tang Shishi.His tone turned out to be unhurried, completely different from the anxious look he had just entered the house before!
"No!" As soon as Ling Rui opened his mouth, Tang Shishi knew in his heart what he wanted to do, but he still pretended to be confused.snort!I won't bite the hook, let's see who can rely on whom!
"Really?" Ling Rui's breath changed, and his gaze fell straight on Tang Shishi's face.

"Really not!" Tang Shishi said as if reassuring.

"Then what's the matter with this cup? I don't remember it. We have such a thing in our bedroom. Your hobby is really special!" Ling Rui stretched out his long arms, picked up a handmade cup on the bedside table, glanced at it, and frowned. Dangerously wrinkled.

This cup is so ugly!

Hooking the cup in his hand and turning it around, Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi, the corner of his mouth curled up: Little wild cat!Let's see how stubborn you are!

When Tang Shishi saw the cup brought by Wang Fengzhen in Ling Rui's hand, she cried out in her heart, why did she forget to hide this thing?

"That - that's not mine!" Tang Shishi looked at the cup in Ling Rui's hand and said weakly.The old hooligan's eyes are really poisonous, there are so many things in the room, why did he find this cup as soon as he entered the door!

"I don't think it's yours either. Since it's not yours and it's not mine, then I'm going to throw it away!" Ling Rui said, getting off the bed, and was about to throw the cup in his hand.

"Husband—" Tang Shishi stood by the door, took a step forward and threw herself into her arms, hugging Ling Rui's waist.

"Honey, do you also think that this thing shouldn't appear in our bedroom?" Ling Rui squinted his eyes comfortably, but he didn't forget the cup that was hooked on his finger , dangling in front of Tang Shishi.

This time, he couldn't be impatient anymore!
Ling Rui looked proudly at the top of Tang Shishi's head, very satisfied with his victory in the first battle.

"Yes!" Under Ling Rui's menacing eyes, Tang Shishi only nodded in agreement.In fact, she brought the cup up because she was afraid that the servant would throw it away as trash, and thought about returning it to Lu Tao in the future, but seeing Ling Rui caring so much, she suddenly felt that it would be better to destroy the cup humanely!

The harmony between her and the old rascal cannot be destroyed because of a cup, even if this cup does not belong to her at all.Besides, she and Lu Tao have already finished the two completely, so there is no need to keep such a thing down and make everyone uncomfortable!

"Then why did you stop me?" Ling Rui's voice softened a little.

"I'm not stopping you, but I just think, why bother, look at me!" Tang Shishi said, retreated from Ling Rui's arms, took the cup in Ling Rui's hand, walked to the window, opened the window, As soon as he raised his hand, he threw the cup out.



There was a blunt sound and a shrill ghostly cry from outside: "Who plotted against me?"

It turned out that the cup fell on Zhou Hu who was circling with the weight by coincidence.

Tang Shishi stuck out her tongue playfully at the night, and lost the cup, she felt much relieved!Not only for her, but also for Lu Tao, everything in the past is over, she hopes that Lu Tao will not dwell on the past, he should also have his own new life!
Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's series of actions without sloppiness, his eyes were shining with brilliance, but his face was still cold.

Tang Shishi closed the window to block Zhou Hu's ghostly screams, then turned to Ling Rui and asked, "Are you satisfied?"

Ling Rui snorted coldly, lay back on the bed again, crossed his legs, looked at Tang Shishi, and asked, "I'll ask again, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui and thought to herself, this guy has committed a narrow-minded problem again!This is someone who wants Chi Guoguo to take advantage of the fire!
"Honey, what's the matter with Lu Tao?" Since she couldn't escape, Tang Shishi didn't want to be pretentious anymore, anyway, it was always about that kind of thing, just let him--just toss about it!
However, even though she thought so, Tang Shishi couldn't help but blushed, because the old hooligan has been too tricky recently!Tonight——she didn't know what bad thoughts this guy would have!Why did Mao himself still have some expectations in his heart?Sure enough, it was black who was close to ink, and she also turned bad!

"What's the matter with Lu Tao? What does his matter have to do with me?" Ling Rui heard that Tang Shishi finally got to the point, and arrogantly started to pick on Qiao.

"It won't look good if you pretend again! You know exactly what I'm asking!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui an angry look and said.

"Hmm! Since you know that I know what you're asking, you should also know what I want, right?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi with a wicked look in his eyes.

"What kind of tricks are you going to play this time?" Tang Shishi asked, rubbing her fingers.

"This time, I want you to be more proactive, bolder, and hotter!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi with bright eyes.

"Are you sure?" Tang Shishi thought for a while, looked at Ling Rui and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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