Chapter 735 Games! (4)
Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in Ling Rui's eyes, but with his eyes closed now, Tang Shishi couldn't see the emotional changes in his eyes.

Ling Rui had already guessed that what the other party wanted Lu Tao to do was probably related to the little wild cat!
"Then can you rescue Lu Tao?" Tang Shishi asked worriedly.

Ling Rui smiled wickedly. He opened his eyes, looked at Tang Shishi in front of him, and smiled without saying a word.

"Don't tell me you can't figure it out, the other party must want to use Lu Tao to deal with me!" Tang Shishi squinted at Ling Rui. In the final analysis, Lu Tao was just an indirect victim. People should be rescued.

"Perhaps, we don't need to rescue them at all?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi and sighed secretly that the little wild cat's mind was so fast that it couldn't easily fool her!
"What do you mean?" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui suspiciously and asked.

Ling Rui turned over suddenly, pressed Tang Shishi under him and hugged her tightly, and said, "Honey, it's late at night, it's time to go to bed!"

"Ah——how did did you open it?" Tang Shishi was pressed by Ling Rui, all the air in her chest was squeezed out, and she asked intermittently.

"If this little thing can trap me, then I don't know how many times your husband has died!" After Ling Rui finished speaking, he rolled on the big bed with Tang Shishi in his arms.

I don't know how long it took, the panting in the room calmed down, Tang Shishi kept the last trace of sobriety, hooked Ling Rui's neck and asked, "Honey, why haven't you told me why Lu Tao doesn't need us to rescue him at all? "

"I still have the strength to meddle in other people's business. It seems that my hard work just now is not enough. Well, I will satisfy you!" Ling Rui said, holding Tang Shishi angrily and rolling over again, igniting the flame of passion again up.

"Oh....I was wrong, I dare not! I dare not!" Tang Shishi limp under Ling Rui's body weakly, begging for mercy, she shouldn't provoke this stingy man!

"Wife—" After another battle, Ling Rui played with Tang Shishi's broken hair and whispered in the drowsy Tang Shishi's ear.

"Hmm!" Tang Shishi grunted subconsciously, rubbing against Ling Rui's arms, trying to fall asleep right away.

"Do you think the cups used for drinking water and brushing teeth in our house are too rigid?" Ling Rui took Tang Shishi's hair and scratched Tang Shishi's nose.

"Don't make trouble!" Tang Shishi raised her hand to block Ling Rui's harassment, thought for a while and said, "No, it's a master-level authentic product, limited edition, meticulously crafted, and each set has its origin and meaning, so it's not rigid. Already?" It's clear that those who are sophisticated can't be more sophisticated.

"There is a hand-painted ceramic workshop in the northern part of the city!" Ling Rui gritted his teeth, continuing to enlighten Tang Shishi's stubborn head.

"Oh." Tang Shishi murmured, not knowing whether she had listened or not, she shrank back and buried her head in Ling Rui's arms.

The old rascal has great energy, but she's so sleepy that she just wants to sleep!

"Tang Shishi!" Ling Rui was furious!

"Why? It's late at night, do you understand that you are disturbing the people?" Tang Shishi woke up a little because of Ling Rui's low growl, and reached out to poke Ling Rui's chest politely, complaining.

Looking at Tang Shishi's sleepy eyes, Ling Rui suddenly felt that he was a little too much, so he hugged Tang Shishi tightly, adjusted her to a comfortable sleeping position, and whispered in her ear: "It's okay, sleep!".

"I don't know why!" Tang Shishi pouted her mouth in displeasure, and in Ling Rui's arms, she closed her eyes with a hint of a smile on her lips.

After Wang Fengzhen pulled Wu Meng out of Jun's mansion, as soon as she got in the car, she first called Du Haoze angrily, and after complaining, she leaned on the car, half-closed her eyes tiredly and powerlessly, I don't know what to think!
"Auntie, what should I do about my cousin's matter?" Wu Meng asked, looking at Wang Fengzhen, stroking the bandage on her hand.

"You don't need to worry about this, you get off at the front and go back by yourself!" Wang Fengzhen's thoughts were interrupted by Wu Meng, she turned to look at Wu Meng, and said displeasedly.

"Okay." Wu Meng lowered her head, thinking, I just don't want to ride in a car with you either!

After putting Wu Meng at the intersection, Wang Fengzhen ordered the driver to drive the car home. As soon as she got home, she couldn't wait to pick up her mobile phone, and then dialed a number. Listening to the beeping connection sound from the mobile phone, Wang Fengzhen's chest Then there were violent ups and downs of tension.

This kind of waiting is short and long. In the short few seconds, Wang Fengzhen experienced joy, apprehension, fear and uneasiness in her mind. There were all kinds of mixed feelings. When the call was connected, Wang Fengzhen seemed to have never returned. Like God, I was so nervous that I didn't know what to say, and even forgot my original intention.

This is not the first time she has called this man, but every time she calls him, she feels like the first time.

"What's the matter?" The man on the other end of the phone asked impatiently.His voice was calm and thick, with the natural majesty of a superior, Wang Fengzhen couldn't help but indulge in it. What she loved most at the beginning was the aura of this man that made her heartbroken.

"'s me!" After a while, Wang Fengzhen stammered the answer.

"I know, what's the matter?" The man's tone was still a little impatient, but Wang Fengzhen was completely immersed in the thoughts of the past at the moment, so she didn't hear it at all.

"Lu... Is Tao'er with you?" Wang Fengzhen asked anxiously, her tone tense and frightened.

"Have you been to Jun's house?" The man didn't answer Wang Fengzhen's question immediately, but asked Wang Fengzhen back.

Wang Fengzhen heard the man on the opposite side sound like a sneer, but through the phone, she couldn't hear it clearly, and now she couldn't control the trembling of her hands, and she didn't have time to think about it.

"I... just came back! That bitch... that bitch, she said..." After the man asked, Wang Fengzhen thought of Tang Shishi's humiliation to her, and suddenly felt very angry!
One day, one day, she will want that bitch Tang Shishi to crawl under her feet and lick her toes!

"Lu Tao is indeed with me!" The man on the opposite side did not intend to continue to hide it, and said in a cold voice, it seems that he still underestimated the sensitivity of that woman Tang Shishi.

"You—then why are you... Tao'er, is he okay?" Wang Fengzhen was relieved when she heard that Lu Tao was in the man's hands, but she was still a little puzzled.

After learning that Lu Tao was arrested, she was desperate, and finally had to call this man. Although, after what happened that year, she lost contact with that man. Later, when she learned of his identity, she wanted to take the initiative to talk to him. I have contacted him, but due to his identity and many obstacles, he finally had to give up, but he is Lu Tao's biological father after all. Lu Tao's whereabouts are unknown, and at the critical moment of life and death, in City A, we must find Lu Tao and rescue him. , I can only beg him!
(End of this chapter)

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