Chapter 736 Games! (5)
Wang Fengzhen kept muttering in her heart, since the child is in his hands, why did she go to Jun's house without further ado?Could it be...

"Tao'er is indeed your flesh and blood!" Thinking of this, Wang Fengzhen eagerly explained to the person on the phone: "Back then, after you left, I found out that I was pregnant. At first I thought the child's surname was Lu. Yes, but it was not until a few years ago that I found out that people surnamed Lu are not fertile at all, so - if you don't believe me, you can go for a DNA test!"

"I believe!" The man's words were still so concise, he took a puff of cigarette, his eyes fell on a DNA test report on the table, his eyes were inexplicable, and after a while, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, showing a smile that he didn't know whether it was ridicule or joy smile.

"Then—Tao'er, he..." Wang Fengzhen couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking at all, he was always unpredictable in her eyes, since he didn't doubt Lu Tao's identity, why didn't he let Lu Tao go!
"He's fine! It's just that I want to stay with him for a few days, get along with him, and let him do some things for me by the way!" The man heard Wang Fengzhen's doubts, and said so.

"That's good! As long as he's fine! Tao'er is a very filial, smart, sensible and obedient child. He will definitely do well for what you tell me!" Wang Fengzhen felt relieved when he heard the man say this, and at the same time, she was a little eager. Anticipation and secret joy spread up, wishing to use the best words in the world to praise Lu Tao and sell him.

"Don't tell anyone his identity!" After hearing Wang Fengzhen's words, the man snorted inaudibly, filial, sensible and obedient?
"I know, I know!" Wang Fengzhen quickly agreed after hearing the man's words. Although she heard the meaning in the man's tone that he wanted to end the call, Wang Fengzhen was still reluctant to hang up the phone, and she really hoped that the man would say something to her again.

"Don't worry, by that day, your mother and child will not be missing!" The man knew Wang Fengzhen's heart very well, and although his face was somewhat contemptuous, he still made a promise with his mouth.

"Hmm! Hmm!" Wang Fengzhen was so happy that she almost couldn't hold back after hearing what the man said. She suppressed the joy in her heart and said goodbye to the man. After hanging up the phone, she sat down on the bed and pressed down hard. My heart was beating wildly, and tears of joy were left behind.

She is finally about to see her day!

Wang Fengzhen thought about the future, blueprints flashed through her mind, making her intoxicated and overjoyed.After a while, she woke up from her dream, only to realize that her clothes were in a mess. She disgustedly took off the clothes on her body and threw them on the ground, thinking fiercely in her heart: Tang Shishi, wait for me Go!

Tang Shishi woke up from a dream. She had a dream. She dreamed that Lu Tao was tied to an iron frame. He approached Lu Tao step by step with the knife, saying that Lu Tao didn't know people clearly, and wanted to dig out his eyeballs. When the camera turned again, Tang Shishi saw Lu Tao raised his head, looking at the two blood holes on his face. Looking in her own direction, she screamed in fright!
"Lu Tao! Lu Tao! Ah—" Tang Shishi struggled and screamed.

Ling Rui woke up immediately, grabbed Tang Shishi's hands, shook Tang Shishi's body gently, and softly called: "Shishi, Shishi!"

Tang Shishi woke up from the nightmare, already covered in cold sweat. When she saw Ling Rui clearly in front of her, she suddenly hugged Ling Rui tightly and choked up: "Old rascal, I'm having a nightmare! I dreamed Seeing Lu Tao's eyes gouged out, he looked at me like that, it's so scary, so scary!"

"Fool! I told you he'll be fine!" Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi's body tightly, and sighed helplessly, saying that he thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night, and that the little wild cat's behavior made him shudder Sour water!
"Really?" Tang Shishi asked, looking into Ling Rui's eyes uncertainly.

"Don't trust me, your husband?" Ling Rui raised his eyebrows.

"No! I believe you!" Tang Shishi snuggled into Ling Rui's arms, listening to Ling Rui's steady and powerful heartbeat, the fear in her heart finally dissipated a lot, she calmed down for a while, hugged Ling Rui's waist, Explained: "Husband, I just now, I am not..."

"I know it all! Little fool! I believe in you too! Just like you believe in me!" Ling Rui rubbed the top of Tang Shishi's head with a relieved smile.

How could he not understand Little Wild Cat's thoughts? Even if she and Lu Tao couldn't be a husband and wife, or even be friends, she still hoped that Lu Tao would be fine, at least safe and sound. She was still worried about Lu Tao's accident. It doesn't matter, although she suppressed her emotions, she didn't show too much enthusiasm for Lu Tao's affairs in front of her, and even threw the cup made for Lu Tao from the window with a wave of her hand, but this didn't mean that she loved Lu Tao She doesn't care or care about things, on the contrary, she cares and cares a lot, but compared to Lu Tao, she cares more, and cares more about his Ling Rui's feelings!
After hearing Ling Rui's words, Tang Shishi rubbed her head hard in Ling Rui's arms twice, and said, "My husband, you are so kind!"

"Don't you dare? My wife is missed by so many men!" Ling Rui hummed.

"I hate it, stop teasing me!" Tang Shishi raised her head from Ling Rui's arms, bit Ling Rui's chin threateningly, and then nestled back into Ling Rui's arms!
Ling Rui inhaled lowly, but with satisfaction in his eyes, he hugged Tang Shishi's body tightly again, and said, "It's still early, let's sleep for a while!"

"En." Tang Shishi nestled in Ling Rui's arms, and soon fell asleep again.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's sleeping face and sighed softly.

Lu Tao, what choice would you make?

At this moment, Lu Tao was locked in a dilapidated underground warehouse. He was lying on the dirty and wet ground. The shirt on his back was torn and stained with blood.The corners of his mouth were dry and cracked, and many black stubbles appeared on his face. Now his face had some abnormal redness, and he was haggard and lost a lot of weight.

"This kid is really tough, he has been tossed like this, and he still doesn't let go!" There were two people sitting on the sofa in the dilapidated underground warehouse. Seeing Lu Tao's distressed appearance, one of them spat.

"So what if the bones are hard? In the end, how many people will be able to bear it? Why don't we agree earlier, and we brothers will also save electricity!" Another person leaned back and drank all the beer in the can. Then he threw the empty soda can in Lu Tao's direction.

The empty soda can just hit the welt on Lu Tao's back. Lu Tao frowned in pain, trembling his eyelashes twice, but did not open his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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