Chapter 737 Life experience (1)
"Fuck! This little boy is dead, right? Why didn't he respond?" The man who threw the can walked towards Lu Tao, and when he came to Lu Tao's side, he raised his foot and stepped on Lu Tao's back On the ground, he said with a ferocious face: "Is he dead or not? No sound of death!"

Lu Tao only felt his back hurt like a needle prick, his whole chest stuck to the ground, unable to pass through the pressure of that man, he frowned tightly, opened his eyes reluctantly, glanced up at the man, his nostrils Li let out a cold snort.

Since the last time he and Tang Shishi were on the entertainment headlines together, he sensed that someone wanted to harm Tang Shishi, so he secretly tracked down, but he was caught by the other party, and he was trapped here for several days. Kill him, and he has no interest in his money, but wants him to help them frame Tang Shishi, and puts forward many very tempting conditions. Naturally, he will not agree to the other party. Now in his eyes , fame, status, and wealth are all floating clouds, he can give up everything, but he won't hurt Tang Shishi any more, even if it's his life!

The man watched Lu Tao open his eyes, and looked at him motionless. Although he was stepping on his feet at the moment, the aura emanating from those eyes made his heart tremble, but immediately, the man pressed even harder He stepped on Lu Tao's back, and when he heard Lu Tao's muffled groan with satisfaction, he said arrogantly: "Stinky boy! I don't know how to flatter you! What are you looking at? I'll dig out your eyeballs for you! "

After finishing speaking, he stomped on Lu Tao's back again!
Lu Tao snorted, but there was boundless ridicule in his eyes!

The man was stimulated by Lu Tao's attitude, stepped on Lu Tao's head, and said viciously: "Let you see! Let you see! Look again, I stomped on your eyeballs! You son of a bitch!" !Let you..."

"Ah—" Just when Lu Tao was about to fall into a new round of coma, he suddenly heard a scream, and then his body lightened, and he turned his eyes with difficulty. Lu Tao recognized a pair of shiny leather shoes. They were a pair of hand-made new leather shoes from Italy. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he raised his eyes to see the person passing by. Unexpectedly, he met a pair of eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"It's you?!" Surprise flashed in Lu Tao's eyes. The moment he saw the pair of leather shoes, he thought that the person who came would be the mastermind behind his arrest, but he didn't expect that the person who came would be Shen He!

However, when he thought about the relationship between the Shen family and the Jun family, Lu Tao began to think about it, put away the surprise in his eyes, and replaced it with sarcasm.

Shen He has always boasted that he loves Tang Shishi deeply, but he never thought that he could still want to do something to Tang Shishi for the sake of some vulgar things. Such a person is not worthy of saying he likes Tang Shishi at all!No!Maybe he has never liked it before, his liking is just an excuse to get close to Tang Shishi!Otherwise, if you really like it, how can you be willing to hurt Tang Shishi!
Lu Tao turned his eyes away from Shen He's face in disgust, only to see that the man who stepped on him just now had fallen into a pool of blood, and there was a blood hole in one eye. There was a sudden convulsion in the empty stomach, and the muscles on his face jumped unconsciously!He quickly looked away, no longer looking at the corpse!
"Is it strange to me?" Shen He still had that half-smile look, he squatted down, lifted Lu Tao from the ground, looked at Lu Tao's thin, haggard and embarrassed face, and flashed Tang poetry in his mind. The rhetoric that Shi used to beam with joy in front of him: Do you know?That is a man like a magnolia flower!After many years, he still remembers that when Tang Shishi said these words, his eyes were shining brightly, and the undisguised love seemed to pierce his heart!

Thinking of this, the corner of Shen He's mouth couldn't help but sneer. Maybe Tang Shishi should really show Lu Tao's current appearance. I don't know how she will react?
Shen He did whatever he wanted, took out his mobile phone, and took a few photos of Lu Tao.

"What are you doing?" Lu Tao looked at Shen He and asked in a cold voice.Knowing this man for several years, apart from the man's instinct, he realized that he likes Tang Shishi, Lu Tao realized that he had never really seen through this man!

"I'm here to save you! Does it hurt?" Shen He glanced at the wound on Lu Tao's body, and said with a half-smile and a joke.

Lu Tao was confused and couldn't keep up with Shen He's rhythm, but he didn't think Shen He was caring about him at the moment, so he stared at Shen He's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and remained silent.

Will Shen He come to rescue him?He doesn't believe it!If the man in front of him was Ling Rui instead, he would think it would be credible!

However, at this moment, he would rather see Shen He in front of him!If it was Ling Rui, someone like him must have saved him because of Shishi, how could this make him feel so embarrassed?

Shen He looked at Lu Tao who was still so wary of him, and suddenly laughed out of control.

Lu Tao silently looked at Shen He who was laughing a little maniacally in front of him, biting the tip of his tongue vigorously, keeping awake.

Shen He laughed for a long time, finally laughed enough, suddenly let go of Lu Tao's clothes, saw Lu Tao fell to the ground like a puddle of soft mud, Shen He stood up, patted his hands, and looked He said solemnly: "Lu Tao, this is just the beginning!"

"What exactly do you want to do? Shen He, you can't hurt Shishi, otherwise I won't let you go!" Lu Tao felt that Shen He was like a lunatic at the moment, and he was afraid that he would do something bad to Tang Shishi because of his love and hatred. Things are coming, he warned aloud.

"Why are you talking nonsense here? What qualifications do you have to threaten me? Lu Tao, look at you! You should take care of yourself!" Shen He said, looking at Lu Tao contemptuously.

Thinking of his current situation, Lu Tao's mind became dizzy again, and his eyes closed weakly.

"Master, he probably has a wound infection, which caused him to have a fever. Do you want to..." A man next to Shen He looked at Lu Tao worriedly, and stepped forward to suggest to Shen He.This man is the son of the old housekeeper of the Shen family. He is now the housekeeper of the Shen family. He looks about 40 years old and his name is Yao Hengyuan.

"What are you afraid of! Human life is cheap! I didn't take this kind of injury seriously when I was six years old, let alone he is an adult!" Shen He squinted at Yao Hengyuan displeased.

"Yes!" Yao Hengyuan bowed and took a step back, not daring to look at Shen He's face, he retreated behind Shen He and stopped talking.

Shen He's gaze stayed on Lu Tao for a while, stretched his waist, said "boring", turned around and left the dilapidated underground warehouse, and behind Shen He, Yao Hengyuan, after Shen He turned around, was left behind. The man winked and beckoned to carry Lu Tao away.

When Shen He walked to the door, he could hear Yao Hengyuan whispering softly to those people not to hurt Lu Tao. There was a hint of sarcasm in his half-smile eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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