Chapter 738 Life experience (2)
Stepping out of the underground warehouse, Shen He told Yao Hengyuan: "Send him back!"

"Yes, young master!" Yao Hengyuan took a deep breath. Since the last time he was injured, the young master has become more and more unpredictable. He always has a smiling face when he sees everyone, but you can't feel his smile Meaning, the more he smiles, the colder he feels!
After Shen He explained about Lu Tao, he turned around and walked to his car, and immediately two bodyguards followed him.

"You all go back, I want to go shopping by myself today!" Shen He waved at the two bodyguards who followed.

"Master, we must personally protect your safety!" The two bodyguards said in unison.

"Why, my order is no longer an order?" Shen He's eyes were full of playfulness, and the smile on his face became thicker and thicker.

The two bodyguards didn't dare to follow up, but they didn't retreat either. They stood there like wooden stakes, not knowing what to do.

Shen He snorted coldly, opened the car door, flipped the car backwards quickly, and slammed the rear of the car into the RV behind. He heard the exclamation from the car behind him as he wished, and then smiled and turned himself The car was driven away.

Yao Hengyuan jumped out of the car, looked at Shen He's car and drove away, then looked at Lu Tao who almost fell off the stretcher because of Shen He's collision just now, shook his head, and sighed.

After Shen He's car drove a long distance, the smile on his face disappeared, and then a icy coldness covered his face. He controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and held the mobile phone with the other, and picked out a very representative photo from the photos he just took for Lu Tao. Yes, I sent it to Tang Shishi, seeing that the text message was successfully sent, Shen He put on that mask of a half-smile again.

The photo was taken clearly, Lu Tao's gray face with abnormal blush, deep-set eye sockets, prominent cheekbones, half footprints on one side of the face, dried blood under the nostrils, and chapped lips It looks like a long-drought dry field, and the black stubble on the chin adds to the embarrassment. It looks like a beggar on the roadside, no different!
Shen He was afraid that Tang Shishi would not recognize the person in the photo, so he kindly edited a few words to remark: Your magnolia flower!
Tang Shishi's call was returned very quickly, which made the smile on Shen He's face stiff. He glanced at the name that jumped on the caller ID, and pursed his thin lips.

The phone rang, but Shen He deliberately didn't answer the phone.Sure enough, within a second, Tang Shishi called again, Shen He's expression was even colder, but this time he didn't ignore it, and slid his slender fingers on the phone to answer the call.

"Shen He, do you know what you are doing?!" As soon as the call was connected, Tang Shishi couldn't help roaring.

Before Ling Rui went out today, he said that he would give her news about Lu Tao, so that she should not worry, but because of the nightmare she had last night, Tang Shishi was absent-minded all day long. Seeing the photo sent by Shen He, she couldn't help it My heart was pounding, and my emotions were out of control.

It's not that she didn't guess the Shen family, but she didn't expect it to be Shen He's hands!Shen He, the Shen family, Tang Shishi couldn't help laughing at herself, she had always distinguished Shen He from the Shen family, but, all along, was there any difference between Shen He and the Shen family?

"Xiaoxiaomei, you are so impatient, but you will suffer! If you care about it, you will be chaotic. Are you implying me that it doesn't matter if I ask you a few more conditions?" Shen He's casual tone sounded The phoenix eyes, which were obviously smiling, seemed to be spitting ice scum at the moment, but Tang Shishi on the other end of the phone couldn't see it at all.

"Shen He, you let Lu Tao go! Let him go! If you have the ability to come at me and Ling Rui, what kind of man are you to play such a trick! I'm so disgusted!" Tang Shishi yelled at Shen He.

Zhou Hu, who was lying on the sofa like a Shar Pei, was so startled that he almost slipped off the sofa when he saw Tang Shishi who was on the verge of running amok. He rolled his eyes weakly and turned his head to the side.

I don't see anything!
Who told me to be so cruel to me!

"Looks like you didn't run enough yesterday!" Zhou Hu just turned his head away when he heard the elusive Suzaku say.

"You woman, can you make some noise when you walk? You look like a ghost. I really doubt that you have no feet!" This woman saw through his mind at a glance. How obvious is he?Zhou Hu craned his neck guiltily while thinking, and glanced at the ground.There is no way, his young heart has been beaten to pieces and his body has been devastated, so he has to be careful!
"This shows that you have ghosts in your heart!" Suzaku said coldly, completely ignoring Zhou Hu.

"Why didn't you report to the master!" He didn't want to do such a thankless job, he could already foresee what the master would look like when he heard that the young lady lost her composure because of Lu Tao's matter!

"I'm directly under the Young Madam!" After Suzaku answered briefly, he disappeared again.

Facing Suzaku's back, Zhou Hu took out his mobile phone and gritted his teeth unwillingly!The whole group of recruits is fine!

Brothers, I'm sorry!
"Primary school girl, you are so excited!" Shen He said with a trembling voice when listening to Tang Shishi over there, with an enchanting tone.

"Shen He, tell me, what exactly do you want?" Tang Shishi stood in front of the window, looking at the swimming pool outside the house, and asked in a deep voice.

"Primary school girl, come out and treat me to a meal, and I'll tell you how he is doing now!" Shen He narrowed his phoenix eyes dangerously after hearing Tang Shishi's words, and said with a smile.

"Shen He, I'm not a fucking escort!" Tang Shishi yelled at the phone, and then hung up the phone with a snap!
Really, really pissed her off!
Zhou Hu was so frightened by Tang Shishi's voice that he fell off the sofa. He stood up silently, dragging his limp legs, and hid his burly body behind Tang Shishi.

"Zhou Hu, what are you doing?" Sun Xiaofen was in the room, heard Tang Shishi's roar, came out of the room, and saw Zhou Hu with a bitter face, moving his body little by little, as if to avoid the plague Looking at Tang Shishi in the same way, his face became displeased.

"It's okay, it's okay! It's just that my legs are a little numb!" Zhou Hu smiled at Sun Xiaofen shyly, and patted his thighs twice pretendingly.

Sun Xiaofen ignored the truthfulness of Zhou Hu's words, looked at Tang Shishi who was sitting angry on the sofa, and asked, "Girl Shishi, what's wrong? Who made you angry, so angry?"

"Godmother, I'm fine. Lu Tao was arrested by the Shen family and was injured. He's in a bad condition." Tang Shishi tried her best to calm down the anger in her heart, and said to Sun Xiaofen.

"Why is it the Shen family again?!" Sun Xiaofen was very angry when she heard that Lu Tao was actually arrested by the Shen family. The Shen family is really pervasive!
(End of this chapter)

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