Chapter 739 Life experience (3)
"Actually, I had doubts for a long time, but now it's just confirmed!" Tang Shishi said with a sigh.

Besides, Shen He listened to the beeping sound from his mobile phone, but he didn't come back to his senses for a long time, his head was still buzzing, it was all Tang Shishi's roar just now, he touched his nose resentfully, he said that he would let her be an escort ?He just wanted her to have a meal with him!But if I can really accompany you three times, I wish for it!

People really can't do bad things, but just sent a photo, and the little hedgehog directly put the villain's hat on his forehead!She must be jumping in anger now, right?Shen He fantasized about Tang Shishi's furious appearance at this moment, and the corners of her mouth moved. She was so energetic when she roared just now, it seems that this period of time is going well!

Shen He sighed, thinking that Tang Shishi would not even invite him to a meal for Lu Tao, and he felt better again. It seems that Lu Tao is not as important in Tang Shishi's heart as he imagined!
Right!Now she is full of that guy Ling Rui, idlers, etc., how can they catch her eyes?
Shen He stared at his mobile phone with a complicated mood. After looking at it for a while, he was sure that Tang Shishi would not call. He didn't know whether he was disappointed or happy and threw the mobile phone on the passenger seat, then turned the car, He drove in the direction of the Shen family's mansion.

At this moment in the Shen family's mansion, Lu Tao has been sent to the infirmary where Shen He was staying last time. The doctor cleaned his wound, prescribed medicine, and put him on a drip. He still has a high fever and is still in a coma.

"Did he really say that? He deliberately crashed the car?" In the Shen family's study, Yao Hengyuan reported Shen He's performance to Shen Kui in detail, and Shen Kui asked after listening.

"Yes!" Yao Hengyuan looked at Shen Kui and said with certainty.Although the young master was laughing just now, everyone present saw and heard what he did and said!
Shen Kui sat at the desk, lit a cigarette, took a sip, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Human life is cheap!well said!No wonder he is so willing to be hurt by that woman again and again, it is a cheap life!

Shen Kui took another puff of cigarette, watched as the gate in the yard opened and Shen He's car drove in, his eyes moved slightly, the expression on his face softened, he waved his hand to Yao Hengyuan, and said, "Okay , I see, you go down!"

"Yes!" Yao Hengyuan bowed his head and agreed, then bowed and left the study.

Hoo hoo!The master and the eldest and the younger are really getting more and more unpredictable!Unfathomable and scary!

As soon as Shen He entered the house, Yu Manqing, who was in the living room, greeted him anxiously, and said, "Shen He, where have you been? Do you know that at home..."

"Mom, you're impatient. It's just a new member of the family. It's not like this before! I'm not the only one left in the end!" Shen He patted Yu Manqing's shoulder, looked at Yu Manqing with half-smile eyes, Appears to appease the way.

"How can you talk like that, kid!" Seeing Shen He's nonchalant expression, Yu Manqing felt a little at ease in her heart, but she couldn't let it go completely.

"What I said is the truth!" In Shen He's phoenix eyes, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling, streamers flickered, and the waves in his eyes were so bright that they dazzled people's eyes.

"But how can it be the same this time!" Yu Manqing looked at Shen He disapprovingly.

Although Shen Kui is an upright gentleman on the surface, in private there is no lack of a man's flirtatiousness. Over the years, many children have been brought in, but in the end she used various means to deal with them. In the end, only Shen He was alone, but those children were still young at that time, and the situation was quite different from now.

"Mom, there's nothing different! Could it be that our Shen family still lacks that pair of chopsticks?" The smile in Shen He's phoenix eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Shen He is right! In Dad's heart, you are the only one from the beginning to the end!" Shen Kui walked out of the study at some point, and Shen He's words seemed to comfort Yu Manqing, but his eyes were straight It fell directly on Shen He's body.

Shen He's body froze almost imperceptibly, but he concealed it very well, sat casually on the sofa, poured himself a glass of cloud and mist, and drank a couple of sips, as if he was very thirsty.

Yu Manqing didn't know what kind of charades the father and son were playing. He looked at Shen Kui and then at Shen He, and then smiled, "Why don't you let that child participate in the banquet the day after tomorrow? Although you can't disclose your identity at this time, But at least let people know that he is under the protection of our Shen family, so it will be easier to do things in the future!"

"That's a good idea!" Shen Kui's eyes fixed on Yu Manqing's smiling face, then moved away, then looked straight at Shen He, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I, does it matter?" Shen He smiled indifferently, put the teacup on the table, got up and walked towards his room.

"Shen He, I said that no matter who it is, you are the first in my heart!" Shen Kui shouted at Shen He.

"These words are very pleasant, and they are also very touching!" Shen He turned his head, still smiling, looking at Shen Kui and said.

"Shen He, you kid, why are you talking to your father!" Yu Manqing was afraid that the father and son would have a rift at this moment, so Lu Tao took advantage of it, and immediately winked at Shen He!
"Would you like to hear it or not!" Shen He acted like an awkward child, left a word, returned to his room, and slammed the door loudly.

"This child! Bigger is worse than young!" Yu Manqing said with a smile to Shen Kui, with a motherly helplessness in her tone.

Shen Kui was very satisfied with Shen He's performance, and smiled gently at Yu Manqing: "It's inevitable, it's better to show it off!"

"You just get used to him!" Yu Manqing was as calm as before when she heard Shen Kui's attitude towards Shen He, and then she showed a look of embarrassment.

"I was also kept in the dark about what happened back then. If I hadn't caught that dishonest thing, I wouldn't have known about it! No, I almost killed him!" Shen Kui sat on the sofa Said.

Shen Kui knew that Yu Manqing could easily accept such an explanation, so she never felt guilty. For Yu Manqing, Shen Kui knew what she cared about!
"You are very good at evading!" Yu Manqing glanced at Shen Kui in relief. When Lu Tao was carried in, she also saw it with her own eyes. He was already tortured to the point of being unbearable, so Shen Kui didn't seem to be lying.

"What I said is the truth!" Shen Kui said after taking a sip of tea.

"It's just Shen He's... oh! You know, he and... have never gotten along, I'm afraid..." Yu Manqing frowned in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, no one can shake Shen He's position in my heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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