Chapter 740 Life experience (4)
"Where are you talking about! I was afraid that the two brothers would not get along and let outsiders take advantage of it!" After listening to Shen Kui's words, Yu Manqing felt completely at ease, but there were still some provocations and hints in the words.

That Lu Tao has such a complicated relationship with Tang Shishi, even worse than Shen He, if something happens in the future, he can be pushed out to top the tank!

"I'll take care of this matter. If you have time, please help Shen He!" The expression on the corner of Shen Kui's mouth froze, he took a sip of tea, leaned on the sofa, and began to meditate.

Yu Manqing also sat quietly on the sofa, looking past Shen Kui who was opposite, not knowing where she fell!
Knowing that Lu Tao is in the hands of the Shen family, he called Ling Rui first, and Ling Rui told her to be calm and calm down, saying that it was everything, and he would talk about it when he came home at night.

Tang Shishi knew that it was inconvenient for Ling Rui to talk on the phone, so the two talked a few words before hanging up the phone.

After calling Ling Rui, Tang Shishi called Du Haoze again. Du Haoze said yesterday that he would come to City A today to deal with Baida Group's affairs. Telling him about Lu Tao at least gave her a better idea.

"Shishi, you mean the Shen family? Why did senior Shen He attack Lu Tao? Although the two of them had disagreements in school, senior Shen He probably wouldn't do such a thing!" Du Haoze had just arrived at Baida Group , Before I could sit still, I received a call from Tang Shishi.

None of the Shen family's businesses are related to real estate and construction. How could Lu Tao offend the Shen family?Du Haoze was a little puzzled, but he still analyzed rationally and clearly.

"I don't know what tricks the Shen family is playing, but Haoze, you can take the photos to test Wang Fengzhen's tone, don't say that you already know Lu Tao's whereabouts, let's see how she reacts!" Tang Shishi said to her. Looking at Du Haoze, she always felt that something was wrong with Wang Fengzhen's reaction that day.

"Okay, I'll go right away. When I come back, I'll call you!" Although Du Haoze didn't understand why Tang Shishi did this, he was very happy to make this trip. Moreover, he came to City A at this time, no matter what Let's pay a visit to Wang Fengzhen.

"En." Tang Shishi responded and hung up the phone.

"Girl Shishi, do you think Wang Fengzhen is suspicious?" Sun Xiaofen who was on the side couldn't help asking curiously.

Wang Fengzhen came to make a fuss that day, crying and kneeling, but she didn't realize that there was anything wrong with this woman's reaction. After all, she had been a widow for so many years and depended on her only son. Suddenly something happened to her son, and she broke down emotionally. Abnormality is also reasonable.

"Godmother, I can't say it, but I always feel a little awkward in my heart. I think that woman Wang Fengzhen shouldn't be like this!" Tang Shishi's brows are a little tangled. Why does she always think that Wang Fengzhen has a problem? Is it just because she can't see Used to this woman?Tang Shishi carefully recalled what Wang Fengzhen did when she came to Jun's mansion yesterday, and thought to herself, it seems that it is not the same!
"Okay, don't worry about it. Boy Rui may know something about it. Since the Shen family let you know about Lu Tao, I believe that those people in the Shen family will not dare to kill Lu Tao for a while. After all, Lu Tao is here. There is still some fame in the business world." Sun Xiaofen comforted Tang Shishi and said.

Tang Shishi smiled shyly.Although she knew that Sun Xiaofen's words were purely to comfort her, but at the moment she could only think on the bright side. Regarding the power of the Shen family in China, Baida Group, they didn't care at all. If anyone wanted to kill Lu Tao silently, it was only a matter of a bullet!But now knowing that this is the situation, she can't lose control of her emotions like she did to Shen He, otherwise she will always be passive!
Although Shen He is very annoying, but there is a saying that is very true!Caring makes chaos, she is so impatient, but she will suffer!
After Du Haoze answered Tang Shishi's call, he rushed over to Lu's residence. When he went, Wang Fengzhen had just finished lunch. Du Haoze frowned slightly as he looked at the exquisite four dishes and one soup on the table. Lu Tao was missing. Being abused again, thanks to Wang Fengzhen being so particular about food, he glanced at the four dishes and one soup that had been taken care of, thinking that Wang Fengzhen has a good appetite!
Wang Fengzhen probably sensed Du Haoze's displeasure, so she quickly explained: "The kitchen saw that I have no appetite these days, so I made more, alas! I am getting old, how can I eat so much food!" Wang Fengzhen said After finishing, he wiped the corners of his lips with a paper handkerchief.

Du Haoze looked at Wang Fengzhen who was dressed in gold and silver, and felt disgusted in his heart, this old woman didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, yet she dressed up so grandly after having a meal at home!It seemed as if she was going to a banquet, and after seeing her for a few days, she became more and more pretentious, more and more like to put on airs!
"Auntie, Lu Tao is not here. You have to take care of your health. You should be careful about what you eat. These servants have a heart." Du Haoze looked at Wang Fengzhen and advised him.

After listening to Du Haoze's words, Wang Fengzhen took out another paper handkerchief, dabbed it on the corner of her eyes, and cried, "I don't know who offended Lu Tao. Ever since I read the newspaper that day, I said that I have never been at ease. , Who knew that something really happened!" After Wang Fengzhen finished speaking, she covered her eyes again.

Du Haoze suddenly felt his stomach churning, and felt that Wang Fengzhen in front of him was unspeakably awkward. He glanced at the dishes that hadn't been removed from the table, and thought to himself, it's fortunate that you are unreliable, and you still eat so much if you are unreliable!
Seeing that Du Haoze remained silent, Wang Fengzhen suddenly threw the paper handkerchief in her hand, and said angrily: "Haoze, you have been brothers with Lu Tao for so many years, and my aunt doesn't treat you as an outsider. I always deal with Lu Tao's affairs." It feels like that bitch Tang Shishi is behind the scenes! I have pity on my family, Lu Tao, and I still miss her!" Wang Fengzhen said, took out another paper handkerchief, and began to touch the corners of her eyes "elegantly and sadly".

"Auntie, I came today because I have heard about Lu Tao!" Du Haoze really couldn't stand Wang Fengzhen's disgusting appearance, so he simply called out the reason for his visit, and said in a heavy tone.

"What?! You have news about Lu Tao?" Wang Fengzhen's eyes widened after hearing Du Haoze's words, and she almost jumped up from her chair in excitement.

Looking at Wang Fengzhen like this, Du Haoze finally felt a little better. Such a reaction should be considered normal, right?

"Yes! Auntie, I received this today, take a look!" Du Haoze said, and put the photo of Lu Tao sent by Tang Shishi on his mobile phone in front of Wang Fengzhen, and then seemed worried Yes, I asked: "Auntie, don't get excited!".

Wang Fengzhen was still in the shock of having news about Lu Tao, but now she saw Lu Tao's photo again, and saw that Lu Tao in the photo had been abused and out of shape, Wang Fengzhen stood up abruptly, and pointed at the photo Said: "Impossible! This is impossible! How could they be like could...impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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