Chapter 741 Life experience (5)
Du Haoze looked at Wang Fengzhen and spoke fiercely for a while, and muttered to himself for a while, but he was thinking about Wang Fengzhen's words in his heart. According to common sense, when Wang Fengzhen saw Lu Tao's photo, he shouldn't first scold him for being cruel and heartless, and then get nervous and worried, crying of it?Why does it look so abnormal at this time?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!Du Haoze looked at Wang Fengzhen, and thought about it!

"Auntie, don't worry too much. Maybe the other party just wants to blackmail us and won't really do anything to Lu Tao. Let's get ready and wait for the other party to contact me again!" Du Haoze concealed his doubts and turned to Wang Fengzhen said comfortingly.

After listening to Du Haoze's words, Wang Fengzhen became vigilant in her heart, then looked at Du Haoze, and found that there was nothing wrong with the expression on his face except for anxiety and worry, so she secretly relaxed and climbed down the pole.

"You're right, I'm just too worried. I just give them money if they want it. I'll give it whatever money I have, but how could they treat Lu Tao like this! Huh..." After Wang Fengzhen finished speaking, she really stayed behind this time. Tears are coming!If it wasn't for Du Haoze's face, she really wanted to call and ask that man, how could he torture Lu Tao like this!How could he bear it!Lu Tao is his own son!

Du Haoze patiently comforted Wang Fengzhen a few more words. Both of them were obviously absent-minded. Afterwards, Du Haoze left Lu Zhai on the pretext that the company still had something to do.Looking at Wang Fengzhen's face for an extra minute, he couldn't stand it!

As for Wang Fengzhen, naturally she wished that Du Haoze, who was an eyesore, would leave quickly, and after saying a few polite words, she let Du Haoze leave!
As soon as Du Haoze got in the car, he called Tang Shishi and told Tang Shishi about Wang Fengzhen's behavior in detail, including her food and clothing, and the abnormal things she said when she saw Lu Tao's photo.

"Shishi, you guessed right, there really is something wrong with this Wang Fengzhen!" At the end, Du Haoze sighed, and said to Tang Shishi that he and Lu Tao are truly brothers and sisters!

"I know!" Du Haoze's words confirmed Tang Shishi's guess in her heart, and made her even more worried.

"Shishi, what should I do now?" Du Haoze couldn't help asking when he heard Tang Shishi's silence.

"You don't need to do anything, if Wang Fengzhen makes any changes, you can call me and tell me!" Tang Shishi said to Du Haoze.

"Okay!" Du Haoze readily agreed, and after hesitating for a while, he tentatively asked, "Shishi, Yueshan... is she okay?"

"Du Haoze, do you think she will be okay?!" Hearing that Du Haoze mentioned Wang Yueshan, Tang Shishi's anger began to get out of control again.

"Shishi, which country did she go to? You know that her English has never been good. Can you imagine her speaking 'three and a half sentences' alone in a foreign country? Please, tell..." Du Haoze stubbornly Holding the phone, begging Tang Shishi.

"Impossible! Du Haoze, let me say it again, it's impossible!" Tang Shishi said coldly to the phone.

She will not tell anyone about Wang Yueshan's two brothers in the Du family!

"Shishi, I was wrong, but I really regretted it this time. That person will no longer be a hindrance to Yueshan and me. Why can't you give me another chance? Do you want me to be like Lu Tao? Are you willing to suffer for a lifetime?" Du Haoze became agitated, and said bitterly to the phone.

"Du Haoze, is it still useful to apologize now? If you make a mistake, you can erase the fact that you almost killed Yue Shan? Do you think that if you make a mistake, you can start over? I won't I told you about Yueshan's whereabouts, but I can let you know that without the harassment from your brothers from the Du family, she is living a very peaceful life now!"

A certain woman who fell asleep in a daze in the middle of the night was awakened by a baby crying. She closed her eyes and reached out to touch the crib next to the bed. Getting up, the other hand was irritatedly crawling through the hair, and the bloodshot eyes were full of anxiety from lack of sleep, as if accusing, this brat got up seven or eight times a night, dammit!I can't let my old lady sleep peacefully!This day, when is the head!
After hearing Tang Shishi's words, Du Haoze felt a dull pain in his heart and remained silent. After a long time, he said to Tang Shishi on the phone: "No matter what, in this life, I will never let go! One day, I will If I find her and owe her, I will spend the rest of my life loving her and making up for her!"

"I'm afraid that when the time comes, you're just wishful thinking!" Tang Shishi hit Du Haoze unceremoniously, she just couldn't understand such a person, what did she do long ago?Only after the damage is done, come to pretend to be a lover!

"Even if she no longer has me in her heart, I will make her fall in love with me again! Tang Shishi, I said before, I am not Lu Tao!" Du Haoze hung up the phone after finishing speaking, he is not Lu Tao, he will not look at each other Happiness is good, he must be Wang Yueshan in this life, so she must have Du Haoze participating in Wang Yueshan's life!
Tang Shishi sneered coldly at the phone, Du Haoze and Du Haoyang are indeed brothers, the predatory spirit in their bones is really similar to the possessive desire!
However, the world is so big, is it not easy to hide from a person?She wants to wait and see, to see what supernatural powers this Du family brother has!
Here, Du Haoze called Tang Shishi to explain the situation, and Wang Fengzhen couldn't wait to call Shen Kui after Du Haoze left.

"What's the matter?" Shen Kui was dealing with official business, and when he received a call from Wang Fengzhen, he frowned in displeasure, and his voice became much lower.

" is Tao'er?" Wang Fengzhen was angrily preparing to question, but when she heard Shen Kuina's cold voice, she turned a corner: "I didn't sleep well all night, and my heart Worrying about him all the time!"

"He's fine! What can I do here?!" Shen Kui asked displeasedly.

"It's okay—it's fine!" Wang Fengzhen's tongue was tied, and her tone was a little embarrassing.If Lu Tao is fine, then what happened to that photo?Could it be that Du Haoze lied to her?But the person above that is obviously Lu Tao!But, he is Lu Tao's father, how could he attack Lu Tao?Yesterday he asked Lu Tao to do something for him, and he didn't want to go home. Could it be because of Lu Tao's injury?
Lu Tao had been missing for several days before she found out that she had called him. This injury must have happened before, right?So who gave the photo to Du Haoze?Do you want to provoke the relationship between them?Could it be that woman? !
Wang Fengzhen's thoughts turned a thousand times!

"That's why you called?" Shen Kui asked impatiently when she heard Wang Fengzhen talking over there and did not hang up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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