Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 742 It Comes Too Fast, Too Easy

Chapter 742 It Comes Too Fast, Too Easy (1)
"Just asking, I'm afraid that Lu Tao's disobedience will cause you trouble!" Wang Fengzhen said on the phone with a low eyebrow.

She can't tell Shen Kui what she knows about Lu Tao's injury, and she can't fall into the tricks of others to sow discord!
"You don't need to worry about this!" A deep color flashed across Shen Kui's eyes.

"Yes, yes, please be busy, I understand!" Wang Fengzhen nodded in agreement, then hung up the phone respectfully, and patted her chest!
so close!Just now she almost fell into the scheme of someone with a heart!
Shen Kui threw the phone aside, feeling a little displeased in his heart. He always admired ambitious and smart women like Yu Manqing, but he absolutely hated ambitious fools!

Lu Tao woke up from a nightmare.

In his dream, he saw Tang Shishi walking forward step by step. No matter how much he shouted, Tang Shishi would not turn back. Lu Tao wanted to catch up, but found that his hands and feet were bound by some invisible things. Unable to move, he could only anxiously call Tang Shishi's name over and over again, watching her get farther and farther away from him step by step.

"Shishi! Shishi! Don't go! Come back! Come back! Don't go!" Lu Tao screamed over and over again in his dream: "Come back! Please come back!".

Finally, maybe it was Lu Tao's sincerity that finally touched Tang Shishi. She heard Lu Tao's call, she turned her head slowly, and showed a shy smile to Lu Tao: "Lu Tao, are you calling me?"

Lu Tao's heart vibrated violently. Tang Shishi in her dream was just like six years ago, she still looked pure and shy, her face was pink and red, and every time she saw her, she was a little embarrassed and at a loss. Turning back like this, looking at him with a pair of pure, clear water eyes, Lu Tao suddenly felt full of strength, he broke free from the restraints, ran forward, wanted to hold Tang Shishi tightly in his arms, and experience that kind of A long-lost familiar feeling.

But before Lu Tao touched Tang Shishi, the scene in the dream suddenly changed drastically. On the ground where Tang Shishi was standing, a huge ground crack suddenly opened, swallowing Tang Shishi's body inside.

"Shishi! Don't!" Lu Tao ran forward quickly, but only had time to grab Tang Shishi's fingers.

"Lu Tao, it's God's will. I shouldn't, I shouldn't look back! I can't! I can't!" Tang Shishi's face has also changed. At this moment, she is no longer the pure and shy Tang Shishi just now, but a cold face , the charming Tang poems.

"No! Hold on to me! Hold on to me! Shishi! Shishi!" Lu Tao firmly grasped Tang Shishi's fingers, but Tang Shishi's body was still detached from his fingers little by little.

"Lu Tao, I hate it so much!" Tang Shishi's clear eyes were full of resentment, she looked at Lu Tao, and then fell into the bottomless black abyss.

"No-no-Shishi! No--" Lu Tao roared in pain. He got up and wanted to follow Tang Shishi, but found that his body was tightly restrained by the invisible force from before. Watching Tang Shishi fall into the abyss like this, although she is far away, her eyes full of resentment are still close to her eyes, like two shining sharp swords, poking at Lu Tao's heart vividly , again and again!
"No—Shishi! Shishi!" Lu Tao roared hoarsely and sat up from the bed, covering his heart with one hand, panting heavily!

It's a dream!
Fortunately, it was a dream!
Lu Tao squeezed his thumping heart tightly, only to realize that he was covered in cold sweat.

Lu Tao took a deep breath, and then let it out again!

"I can't tell, you are still a lover!" A playful voice sounded, waking up Lu Tao who was still immersed in the nightmare!
Lu Tao turned his head quickly, looked at the source of the sound, and found that Shen He was sitting lazily on a chair in front of his bed with his legs wide open, his eyes flashed with a smile that was not a smile. I watched an interesting movie in the movie theater, more like admiring my embarrassment at the moment.

Lu Tao's pupils shrank, and he looked around indiscriminately. When he saw the environment he was in, a trace of surprise flashed in Lu Tao's eyes, but he didn't ask himself why he was here or where he was. What is the purpose of getting here, such an idiotic question!
They come, the security!Anyway, he, Lu Tao, has a low life, and he has no fear of life and death!He didn't want to pay attention to Shen He either, he just leaned against the head of the bed, quietly thinking about the nightmare he had just now!
Can't go back!Can't go back?

Thinking of what Tang Shishi said in his dream, and the abyss, Lu Tao felt terrified. He never believed in this before. He remembered that Tang Shishi occasionally had nightmares and cried in his arms. Helpless, he felt that women were made of water, but it was just a dream, and he could cry for a long time, but today, he believed it!

Think day by day and dream by night!Perhaps, in Shishi's dream back then, she was also as heartbroken and helpless as he was. Her fears and unease were already so obvious, but because she was so focused on her work, she ignored her wrong emotions. Finally let her get farther and farther away from me!

Lu Tao was immersed in his own thoughts, and after a long time, he sighed faintly!
Shen He looked at Lu Tao leisurely, with a questioning look in his eyes, he always looked down on this lucky brat who always wanted to beat him up, and he actually had such a relationship with him!
All this is really absurd and ridiculous!
Shen He looked at Lu Tao, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth!Just now he saw Lu Tao's expression was very disturbed, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and he kept muttering, he didn't know what to say, when he listened closer, he seemed to hear him calling Tang Shishi's name, so he sent the nurse in the room to support He simply sat on the head of the bed and watched him struggle in the nightmare.

"Since you can't let go of Shishi so much, why don't you take her back?" Shen He asked casually, supporting his head with his long arms half bent.

"Take it back?" Lu Tao looked at Shen He as if he had heard a super funny joke, with ridicule in his eyes!

To get it back, he didn't think about it, since Tang Shishi ran out of the hospital and bumped into him, he hid Tang Shishi in Yujinghaoting's villa, from the moment Tang Shishi rolled down the stairs and the child gave birth, from the moment Tang Shishi ran out of the hospital and bumped into him The moment he knew that Tang Shishi was kidnapped in the Go tournament, he had thought of this countless times!But so what?He is not Ling Rui's opponent at all!That man is the real domineering, not to mention, he is so superior!

"Think it's impossible?" Shen He's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling were full of playfulness, "If you are afraid of Ling Rui's identity, then there is no need, because the identity of the second young master of the Shen family can keep pace with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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