Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 743 It Comes Too Fast, Too Easy

Chapter 743 It Comes Too Fast, Too Easy (2)
After hearing Shen He's words, Lu Tao turned around suspiciously, looked at Shen He carefully, and found that although his eyes were frivolous and cynical, his tone of speech was unusually serious, not as if he was joking!
"What do you mean?" The second young master of the Shen family?he? !No!impossible!

"It's literally! Lu Tao -- uh, no! I should call you Shen Tao now!" The smile on Shen He's face did not diminish, but this smile made Lu Tao feel unreasonably suffocating and embarrassed!

"You're joking!" Lu Tao growled, his hoarse voice seemed to be sharpened by a file, and it was extremely uncomfortable!
The second young master of the Shen family?illegitimate child?No!He is not!

Shen He's phoenix eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling were full of seriousness. He looked into Lu Tao's eyes and said, "Crazy with joy? Would I make a joke about this kind of thing?"

"No! It's not true!" Lu Tao stared firmly into Shen He's eyes, his expression was full of fury!
"I'm honored to tell you that this is more real than pearls!" Shen He said, stood up, picked up a DNA test report from the table, and threw it in front of Lu Tao.

Lu Tao's performance was both within his expectations and beyond his expectations, but he was very much looking forward to Lu Tao's next performance!

Seeing Lu Tao grabbed the report, his eyes were full of disbelief, his hands trembled slightly, and his breathing lost his normal rhythm. Shen He narrowed his eyes with a smile that was not a smile. This play is getting more and more fun!

"No! It's a fake!" Lu Tao threw the report away, then looked at Shen He with anger on his face: "Shen He, according to your status, it's easy to get such a report , I will not be fooled, my father is Lu Zhendong, I am not the second youngest of the Shen family, no! If you think that by assigning me such an identity, you want to make me unfavorable to Shishi, then I advise you You - save yourself! I, Lu Tao, am not a fool! I will not be fooled!"

"Shouting! You're quite stubborn! Keep it up! I'm optimistic about you!" Shen He was not infected by Lu Tao's anger, and looked down at Lu Tao with mockery on his face.

"Get out! Get out! One more look at you will make my eyes dirty! Get out!" Lu Tao picked up the pillow on the bed and threw it at Shen He, "You unscrupulous, beastly bastard! Get out!"

Because Lu Tao was too angry, he pulled down the hanging infusion stand, and because of this violent movement, his hand with the needle inserted in it pulled out the needle, and there was blood on the back of his hand. come out.

It's just that the current Lu Tao can't feel any pain at all!He was wrapped tightly by Shen He's eyes of "the fact is so, you can't escape", the whole person seemed to be suffocated!
Shen He sighed a few times, and said: "It seems that the identity of the second young master of the Shen family is not as noble as everyone thinks!"

"Get out! Take your noble status, take your noble steps, roll away!" Hearing Shen He's ridicule from hungry, Lu Tao lost control of his emotions even more, roaring hoarsely, as if about to tear his throat .

He doesn't know what the second son of the Shen family, what noble status, what others will take it for, he only knows, he doesn't care!He is not rare!Such an identity, to him, is just a disgrace!shame!

"Don't forget, I don't believe the Tang Shishi you've been thinking about. You never thought of snatching Tang Shishi back. In the past, because of the difference in status, you were not Ling Rui's opponent. What about now?" Shen He chuckled, As if suddenly remembering something, he said: "I forgot to tell you, I accidentally sent the photo of you being beaten to Tang Shishi, guess what she did?"

"You—" Lu Tao recalled that Shen He had indeed taken a photo of him, and he sent the photo to Shishi?Lu Tao stared at Shen He: "Who asked you to send it to her?! You bastard!" How could he let Shishi see him in such a mess? !

"Second Young Master of the Shen family, what you should care about now is not who asked me to post the photos, but what Tang Shishi's reaction is!" Shen He looked at Lu Tao, with a trace of coldness flashing across his eyes.

At this time, Lu Tao still cares so much about his image in Tang Shishi's eyes!
Shen He thought of the man who used the silver bell-like laughter to show off to him that he was a magnolia flower, the half-smile in his eyes was instantly overturned, and he looked at Lu Tao's face with a hint of sternness!
Lu Tao sensitively sensed the murderous look in Shen He's eyes, he raised his head to meet Shen He's gaze without hesitation, and said in a pause: "I, no, think, know, know."

Knowing that he would never get her again for the rest of his life, he only hoped that he would be the same as she had liked in her heart, no matter how embarrassed he was, no matter how miserable he was, no matter how much he suffered, no matter how much he suffered, he would not let her Know!
She just needs to think about it occasionally in her days to come, forget those unhappiness, and remember his best appearance!
"It's really stubborn!" Shen He suddenly withdrew his murderous aura, and in the blink of an eye, he had that half-smile again, which made Lu Tao want to tear the smile on Shen He's face to pieces!

"Get out!" Lu Tao roared at Shen He fiercely.

"It's really boring!" Shen He didn't care about Lu Tao's bad temper at all, he smiled to himself, turned around and left.

After Shen He pushed the door out of Lu Tao's ward, he saw Shen Kui standing outside the door. He snorted coldly, and the light that seemed to be a smile that was not a smile in his eyes became thicker: "Have you heard it? It seems that the title of the second young master of the Shen family is also It's not as attractive as you think!"

"He will be obedient! Just like you were back then!" Shen Kui's face revealed a trace of evil.

"Don't mention the past to me!" Shen He growled, his face was full of anger, he stared at Shen Kui, and after a while, he turned and left.

"Don't worry, if I'm in charge of the Shen family for a day, your status will never change!" Shen Kui said with a sullen face, looking at Shen He's back.

Shen He's body froze, and then he left without stopping.

Shen Kui looked at Shen He's back with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

It wasn't until Shen He's back disappeared that Shen Kui looked away, pushed open the door of the ward, and walked in.

Lu Tao was staring blankly at the DNA test report that he had thrown aside, immersed in his own thoughts, unable to extricate himself.

In fact, he believed Shen He's words. He knew that he was not Lu Zhendong's own flesh and blood a few years ago. When he was young, he didn't know why his parents often quarreled, and he hardly lived a few days of peace. , he would occasionally feel his father’s rejection of him, and sometimes, the eyes that looked at him were love and hate, but seven years ago, his parents suddenly broke out for some reason, and he happened to go home to pick him up. Dongshi accidentally overheard the conversation of his parents outside the door, and knew that he was not his father's child. On that day, his father insisted on divorcing his mother, but his mother disagreed. A person left, after that, never came back.

(End of this chapter)

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