Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 744 It Comes Too Fast, Too Easy

Chapter 744 It Comes Too Fast, Too Easy (3)
It's just that when his father opened the door and came out, he was shocked by the sudden news, and cowardly hid in his room, feeling ashamed to face him, he knew that when his father was leaving, he looked into his room At a glance, he didn't know if he saw himself hiding behind the door, but he still didn't have the courage to come out to see his father, nor did he have the courage to say a word of convincing him!
He has always buried these concerns in his heart. He doesn't want to bring them up, and he doesn't want to be mentioned by others. It seems that as long as this is the case, he can continue to numb himself and continue to be Lu Zhendong's son with peace of mind. He works hard to develop the Lu family. Very good, I am also silently looking forward to the day when my father will come back, then at least he can return a good Lu family to his father, just like when he was a child, he often brought his excellent report card to the In front of his father, after seeing it, his father would touch his head and give him a smile of approval!

He is Lu Zhendong's son!He is not some shameful illegitimate child!He also doesn't want to be the so-called second young master of the Shen family!

Shen Kui looked at Lu Tao who was sitting on the hospital bed in a daze while reading the DNA test report, with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Sensing that someone was approaching, Lu Tao turned his head vigilantly, his eyes froze when he saw Shen Kui, his eyes widened a little and then narrowed slightly.

this person……

"I'm your father!" Shen Kui said briefly, his voice was calm and powerful, carrying the aura of a superior person after years of precipitation.

Lu Tao frowned, seeing that Shen Kui didn't answer, what about his father?He has grown up to the age where he doesn't need the role of father, and those who were toddler and grew up year after year, the person who was by his side was never him!
Father is just an empty title without any real content. Everything about the Shen family can't seduce him!

Looking at Lu Tao's appearance, Shen Kui felt a tinge of appreciation in his heart. At least this half-way son is not like his mother, who is not good enough!
"Look at this!" Even though he admired it, Shen Kui didn't want to waste his limited time on training such a son, so he threw a stack of photos on Lu Tao's bed.

These photos were taken by him a few days ago, so no matter whether Lu Tao is his son or not, whether he admits his identity or not, everything will still follow the track he set, and the result will not be Change!
Lu Tao was stunned. He originally thought that Shen Kui would explain why he hadn't appeared in his life all these years. He had already prepared his words to reject the identity he was going to give, but he never expected that Shen Kui would say nothing. , Just throw yourself a stack of photos!
However, when Lu Tao took those photos and looked at them one by one, his face suddenly changed. He quickly finished looking at the photos, his fingers were only clenched, the fingers turned blue and white, and the muscles on his face were tense. Tight, until the end I couldn't help shaking.

Shen Kui looked at Lu Tao with a calm expression, watched his fists clenched and then loosened and then clenched again, lit a cigarette, and smoked it leisurely, without saying another word.

After a while, Lu Tao raised his head from those photos, looked at Shen Kui for a while, and asked with difficulty, "What do you want me to do?"

Shen Kui looked at Lu Tao, who was unwilling but had to give in, with a meaningful smile on his face.

When Ling Rui returned home today, he encountered Tang Shishi's unprecedented enthusiasm!
"Honey, you're back!" As soon as Ling Rui entered the living room, he saw Tang Shishi jumping up from the sofa and rushing towards him. If it was someone else, Ling Rui would definitely The conditioned reflex pre-empted and threw the person out fiercely. If it was just his little wild cat, Ling Rui raised the corners of his mouth happily, spread his arms, and let Tang Shishi pounce!
"Husband, you're back!" Before Ling Rui could ask why Tang Shishi was so enthusiastic today, Zhou Hu's ghostly screams came to mind in the living room, and at the end he added one or two monosyllabic onomatopoeias .

Only then did Tang Shishi realize that she had lost her composure, her arms holding Ling Rui's fine waist froze, and she turned her head and glared at Zhou Hu with a bit of embarrassment.

Zhou Hu jumped back defensively, as if avoiding some sharp hidden weapon for murder, and made a frightened expression.

"Okay, okay, you bastard, let's clear the place quickly! Don't hinder the young couple's intimacy!" Sun Xiaofen got up from the sofa, leaned Zhou Yiyan, smiled and went back to her room, closing the door.

Tang Shishi's little face was flushed.

Under Ling Rui's stern gaze, Zhou Hu jumped out of the window and ran away in a panic. While running, he shouted: "Master, I ran far away. I can't hear what you said!" What is the order to run twenty laps with a load.

"Let's go back to the room!" Tang Shishi did not forget that there is a Suzaku who is very good at hiding in this room. Although this guy is cold, he has also been infected by Zhou Hu recently with a very bad taste.

Ling Rui raised his eyebrows, and let Tang Shishi drag him upstairs.

"Hurry up!" Tang Shishi tugged Ling Rui, looking quite impatient.

Ling Rui's eyes shot out, and he really quickened his pace.

When the two of them returned to the room, Suzaku flashed out from nowhere, sat on the sofa alone, poured himself a glass of water, and drank slowly.

Are these two people so defensive?boring!
"What's wrong with you today?" After Tang Shishi closed the door, she realized that Ling Rui was a little strange today. She almost ordered him to move by herself, so she couldn't help asking.

Ling Rui shook his head, "Sex came too fast and too easy, I was at a loss for a while!"

"You—" Tang Shishi burst into tears!Whether this old hooligan can open his mouth or not is all about this!Was she that impatient?

"Wife, you're welcome, you can do whatever you want!" Ling Rui smiled ruffiantly, fell on his back in the big bed, and said to Tang Shishi.

"Go to hell!" Tang Shishi watched Ling Rui's high-spirited body suddenly fall into the big bed, which made the whole bed tremble, and angrily gouged out Ling Rui's eyes. She just received a message from Shen He today. Photo is impatient, he just wants to discuss Lu Tao's matter with Ling Rui earlier.

"Tell me, what's new?" Ling Rui put away the indecency on his face, lay on the bed with his head propped on his side, and looked at Tang Shishi, who had an extremely serious voice, but that expression was so seductive no matter how you looked at it!He knew that even if he wanted to tease this little wild cat, he had to let her take back her paws willingly, otherwise he might be scratched by her suddenly when he was in the mood, what a disappointment it would be!

(End of this chapter)

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