Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 745 It Comes Too Fast, Too Easy

Chapter 745 It Comes Too Fast, Too Easy (4)
Tang Shishi excitedly told Ling Rui about her discovery today.

"The direction you suspect is right!" Ling Rui said as he pulled Tang Shishi's body into his arms and rubbed his chin against the top of her head.

I didn't expect her little wild cat to be so alert!It seems that there are some things that can no longer be kept hidden from her!

"Wang Fengzhen really has a problem?" Although it was expected a long time ago and confirmed by Du Haoze, Tang Shishi still couldn't believe it!
Ling Rui nodded, his chin resting on the top of Tang Shishi's head, his gaze was a little far away.

Speaking of the relationship between Wang Fengzhen and Shen Kui, he only found out in the past few days. The reason why he was sure that Lu Tao's father was Shen Kui was thanks to Tang Shishi.

"When did you know?" Tang Shishi asked dissatisfiedly looking at Ling Rui's somewhat dark face.This guy actually knew about it a long time ago, and he didn't tell her, causing her to rack her brains here alone, and she was complacent about this little eyebrow!
"A few days earlier than you, speaking of it, it's all thanks to you!" Ling Rui said, brushing Tang Shishi's hair comfortingly, and tugging at her nose.

As soon as Wang Fengzhen came to City A, the Wu family, who had always been neutral, turned to the Shen family without warning. Although there was no connection during this period, the sudden move of the Wu family had to make people vigilant.

"Me? I don't remember what I did!" Tang Shishi patted Ling Rui's hand, protecting her little nose, and muttered dissatisfied.

She decided that Ling Rui's words were comforting her, so she didn't take it to heart at all!
"Have you forgotten that time you went to the police station to drink tea?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi with a smile and asked.

"What does this have to do with drinking tea at the police station?" Tang Shishi tilted Ling Rui dissatisfiedly, can this man be quicker, and stop being such a hypocrite!Guessing is a waste of brain cells, okay?

"Red New Year's Tea!" Ling Rui reminded Tang Shishi by patting Tang Shishi's little butt.

"What does this have to do with Red New Year's Tea...you mean Red New Year's Tea?" Tang Shishi grabbed Ling Rui's arm, the mist in her eyes dissipated, and her watery eyes gradually became clear.

"Isn't it the Red New Year's Tea!" Ling Rui chuckled, took Tang Shishi's little hand that was protecting her nose, and sucked it on the back of her hand, saying with rippling eyes.

At that time, Tang Shishi said that Wang Fengzhen had red New Year's tea, Ling Rui secretly paid attention to it, and thought of the fact that Lu Tao he found out before was not Lu Zhendong's biological son, so he locked his target on Shen Kui's. In terms of body, Shen Kui had a flirtatious nature when he was young, and it is not surprising that he had an illegitimate child. This is also the main reason why he has always known about Lu Tao's arrest, but he did not rescue him.

"You—I just said it casually at the time, and you remembered it?" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a gouged look. Does this man need to be so sharp and terrifying?Just because of her unintentional words, she can think of Lu Tao's life experience in a cocoon-like way, so as to find out that man, this man, should he be so meticulous?
"I never listen to what you say casually!" Ling Rui lowered his head and was about to press Tang Shishi's delicate lips. He is so obedient and powerful, so he must be rewarded, right?
"But, but she attaches so much importance to Lu Tao, how could..." Tang Shishi covered Ling Rui's mouth with one hand, and with a slight force of her arm, she pushed Ling Rui's head out, and asked.

This is what Tang Shishi never understood. Wang Fengzhen valued Lu Tao so much, how could she collude with others to hurt him?She really didn't understand what the old woman was thinking!
"There is a kind of person who can't sell anything or give up for something he dreams of!" Ling Rui's voice was a little cold, and a somewhat graceful and well-maintained face appeared in his mind, his eyes slightly cold.

"You don't even care about family affection?" Tang Shishi felt a little shy in her heart, feeling that Lu Tao was a little pitiful.

"Perhaps, in their eyes, family affection is just a kind of reliance, a means for them to climb up! Usually cherish and protect, not because they value it so much, but because they want to use it at the most important and critical moment." Sacrifice, give up." Ling Rui sighed, he didn't want to talk about such a topic, and he couldn't let those people's sinister and ugly thoughts pollute her little wild cat. At this moment, he needs some positive energy, such as...

"Hey—old rascal! We're still talking about serious business, so be serious!" Tang Shishi pushed hard on Ling Rui's generous chest that had been rolled over, resisting his demand for a kiss.

"There is nothing more serious in the world than making out with your own wife!" Ling Rui grabbed Tang Shishi's little hand, pressed it to the bedside, and lowered his head to grab Tang Shishi's little mouth.

This is what he wanted to do as soon as he entered the door!Ninja said at this moment, the delay has been long enough!
"Hmm--" Tang Shishi twisted her body angrily, wanting to refuse but still welcome!

"Today, let's do a backward move!" Ling Rui finished chewing, pressed Tang Shishi's body tightly, and smiled wickedly.

The Shen family's banquet was held in the Shen family's mansion. This time, the main guests were the wives and young ladies and masters of some Shen family factions. Of course, there were also a few wavering fringe factions, so Tang Shishi saw the banquet list. The sneer at the corner of his mouth never fell, the Han family, the Xie family, the Wu family!
Shen's mansion is also a big mansion, everything is exquisite, with exquisite luxury in the atmosphere, low-key and unassuming, but compared with the majestic, beautiful and domineering Jun's mansion, everything in Shen's mansion , a little more reserved, a little more cautious.

"Madam Bai and Madam Ling are really inseparable!" Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen just got out of the car when they heard a high-pitched teasing voice.

Tang Shishi gently put down the hem of her royal blue dress, took Sun Xiaofen's arm, and smiled slightly at Han Jing who was standing in front of her in a neutral suit, and said calmly: "Han Miss, I didn't expect you to be so cute. When I saw you, I suddenly thought of a word." Tang Shishi paused intentionally, and after seeing the mocking cracks on Han Jing's face, she smiled lightly and said: " Boys and girls are the same! It seems that Ms. Han is planning to promote feminism today and advocate our basic national policy of family planning!"

"Tang Shishi, you——don't get complacent too early! I advise you, it's better to be restrained!" Han Jing looked at Tang Shishi with a cold light in her eyes.

After the cloud coffee incident last time, Han Jing and Tang Shishi were completely torn apart, so it's not unusual for these two people to get angry when they meet today.

Moreover, most of the people who came here today wanted to see Tang Shishi's show!
"Miss Han, you are indeed a wonderful person who knows how to judge the situation! Of course, the most important thing is that Miss Han is also very interesting!" Tang Shishi pursed her lips and chuckled, biting the word "interest" meaningfully. She looked at Han Jing, some ambiguous light of "you understand, I understand" appeared in the eyes, and the people around couldn't help but start whispering.

(End of this chapter)

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