Chapter 746 Secret Battle! (1)
Regarding the cloud coffee incident, although the Han family sent people to deal with the aftermath afterwards, the so-called good deeds do not go out and evil deeds travel thousands of miles, and paper can’t cover fire. Many people know about Han Jing’s deeds, and Tang Shishi’s ambiguous words at this moment As soon as he was provocative, the way many people looked at Han Jing began to change slightly.

Although they all belong to the same camp, they are only supporting the Shen family together. This does not mean that they are all harmonious and friendly in private. Their interests can mediate conflicts, and they can also cause new conflicts.

Han Jing's expression changed again and again when she heard the people around her pointing fingers, but she finally endured and did not burst out, glanced at Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen, turned and walked in.

"I didn't expect to meet a dog blocking the way as soon as I came in! The watchdog of the Shen family really has no style!" Zhou Hu looked at Han Jing's back and said sarcastically, the voice was just enough for Han Jing to hear.

Han Jing turned her head to look at Zhou Hu, spitting poisonous juice in her eyes, Zhou Hu shook his shoulder, hummed twice, completely ignoring it.

Han Jing took a deep look at Zhou Hu, turned her head and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"Young Madam, is she in love with me?" Zhou Hu said with a frightened look of annoyance after Han Jing turned his head, "What should I do? It's all because I'm too pretty! Next time, I won't How dare you be so loud!"

"You're so poor!" Tang Shishi was very helpless towards Zhou Hu's poor energy, but he didn't know what happened recently, and started to follow Jun Mubei's route, which often made Tang Shishi want to flatter people without words!It's just that today's occasion is wrong, Tang Shishi gave Zhou Hu a blank look, and signaled him to restrain himself.

"Young..." Zhou Hu proudly wanted to speak again but was interrupted by Tang Shishi: "If you are poor again, I will tell your father that you have a crush on her, and let him arrest her and send her to you!" Tang Shishi threatened.

I can't listen to this guy continue to be poor, or this night, my ears won't be idle!

Zhou Hu was so frightened that he was shocked, and immediately hid aside and drew circles, reducing his sense of existence!
A woman like Han Jing without such a threat is too scary!When Zhou Hu thought of the information he had collected, he couldn't help the sour water in his stomach, and it took him a long time to suppress it.I held back and didn't spit it out!

Sun Xiaofen, who was still a little nervous about the Shen family and her party, smiled in relief after hearing Tang Shishi and Zhou Hu's words, and felt that she was living more and more, and even the child's concentration was not as good as it was.In fact, she was not afraid of the Shen family, but she was afraid that the Shen family would do something wrong to Tang Shishi, so she was always restless these days.

"Godmother, don't worry! I'll be fine!" Tang Shishi took Sun Xiaofen's arm and walked into the door of Shen's house.

"Well, godmother, I believe that you will do well!" Sun Xiaofen smiled at Tang Shishi with a look of pride in her eyes. It is her life's blessing to have such an outstanding goddaughter.

From the gate of the Shen family's mansion, there was a red carpet on the floor leading directly to the living room of the Shen family's banquet. Tang Shishi, Sun Xiaofen, and Zhou Hu walked all the way there, and Yu Manqing greeted them at the door of the living room.

"Welcome Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Ling!" Yu Manqing lost the aggressiveness at the Long's banquet, and was calm, greeting Sun Xiaofen and Tang Shishi as if greeting old friends, completely forgetting the unpleasantness at the Long's banquet.

"I haven't been to City A for a long time, I didn't expect Mrs. Shen to remember me!" Sun Xiaofen smiled gracefully as if meeting Yu Manqing for the first time.

Tang Shishi's official smile, neither warm nor alienated attitude, people can't find any faults or omissions.

Although she heard the irony hidden in Sun Xiaofen's words, Yu Manqing didn't seem to hear it, the smile on her face never broke. She looked sideways at Zhou Hu behind Tang Shishi, and asked curiously: "This is... the driver of Jun's family, right?"

Zhou Hu's face darkened, and he raised his chin arrogantly, slandering in his heart, you are the driver, your whole family is the driver!Your whole family wants to be the driver of the Jun family, but the Jun family doesn't even like it!

"Mrs. Shen was joking. This is Major Zhou of the Sharp Knife Army and Ling Rui's right-hand man. My husband is very concerned about the personal problems of his subordinates. I heard that there are many beauties at Mrs. Shen's banquet, so let me take Major Zhou to have a look. Maybe it will make a marriage, Madam Shen won't welcome it?" Tang Shishi knew that Yu Manqing deliberately belittled and humiliated Zhou Hu, but she was not angry, and her tone was not warm, and she told Zhou Hu's identity come out.

The young major of the sharp knife army is much more valuable than some dudes on the banquet list!

As soon as Tang Shishi's words fell, many eyes swept towards Zhou Hu.

Zhou Hu was even more arrogant. Standing behind Tang Shishi, his eyes swept across the crowd with extraordinary momentum.

"Major General Ling has a heart! It's hard for him to be so considerate of his subordinates! Please come in!" After listening to Tang Shishi's words, the smile on Yu Manqing's face froze, and then softened again, and greeted Tang Shishi, Sun Xiaofen, and Zhou Hu warmly He said: "No wonder I watched Mrs. Ling and Major Zhou chat very speculatively from a distance."

She originally wanted to ridicule Tang Shishi for being too cautious when she took the bodyguard coachman out, and by the way, created some rift between Tang Shishi and Zhou Hu, but she didn't expect Tang Shishi to praise Zhou Hu so much, and turned against the army , referring to Zhou Hu's intention to come as a blind date, insinuating that the Shen family banquet this time is a large-scale blind date banquet in which various forces collude with each other!
However, she naturally wouldn't let Tang Shishi down, and immediately satirized that Tang Shishi and Zhou Hu were too close in words and deeds, which was not like the distance that a superior should keep from a subordinate.

"Mrs. Shen, you are still so caring!" Tang Shishi still had a calm and elegant smile on her face, carefully sizing up Yu Manqing's eyebrows, and let out an almost inaudible sigh from her throat.

"No way, there will always be so many bad people and things coming out of nowhere!" Yu Manqing sighed helplessly, and her tone seemed to be treating Tang Shishi as a year-end friend, pouring out bitterness, familiar And enthusiastic.

This dead girl, just like at the Long family banquet, satirized her for being old again!
Of course Tang Shishi knew what Yu Manqing was referring to by "wrong people and things", at least she knew that there were one, two or three people who made Yu Manqing feel bad in front of her!
"There is nothing in the world, and mediocre people are disturbing themselves. Madam Shen, please take it easy, and don't think about it anymore!" Tang Shishi looked at Yu Manqing with an attitude of seeing through the world and being compassionate, and persuaded: "After all, nothing is as good as your own body. , without good health, no chance to enjoy any blessings, right?"


"Primary school girl can think about it!" Just when Yu Manqing was almost vomiting blood due to Tang Shishi's anger, and couldn't help but get angry, a voice came in obliquely, full of teasing and carelessness.

(End of this chapter)

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