Chapter 747 Secret Battle! (2)
Tang Shishi looked sideways, and met Shen He's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Senior has not known me for a day or two, you should know that I have always wanted to open!" Tang Shishi smiled lightly, her tone was still tepid, but although she followed Shen He's "elementary school girl", Calling Shen He "Senior", but the alienation in attitude is so easy to understand.

Shen He's eyes, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling, narrowed slightly, as if a feeling of sadness passed by, which was too fast for people to catch, but he immediately joked: "The person who should know you is your husband Well, in this world, there are only two at present, if there is a third one at some point, it will not be too late to count me in!"

After Shen He's words fell, the surroundings were so silent that even the sound of breathing could not be heard.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, what does Young Master Shen mean by this?Confess in public?Or curse Tang Shishi for an early divorce?It has long been heard that young master Shen has thoughts about Ling Rui's wife, but he didn't expect him to moleste Ling Rui's wife in such a public place?It's too explosive, isn't it?

Some people waited quietly for this good show with anticipation in their eyes. Although it was no secret that Tang Shishi married Ling Rui for the second time, it was not a glorious thing after all. Now Shen He did not shy away from it Saying it in front of everyone is simply to prevent Tang Shishi from coming down!Slap in the face in public, is there any?

There are also people who cast envious, jealous and contemptuous glances at Tang Shishi. They heard that Tang Shishi's ex-husband was also worth a lot of money.First Lu Tao, then Ling Rui, and now there is Shen He chasing after him, it's really embarrassing!

Others looked at Shen He with sympathy!Especially at this moment, Xie Quan, who came early and sat in the corner, reached out and touched his neck unconsciously. There was a faint and almost invisible scar there, which was left by Tang Shishi back then!

Tang Shishi proclaimed that the sparks were thorny, and the young and the young were provocative again and again, and I had to admire his strong taste!

"Senior Shen He is going to be disappointed!" Tang Shishi pinched Sun Xiaofen's arm hard, and her smile became more and more charming: "If it is true as you said, then you will never be the third person! I don't understand At least I mentioned my past on purpose, on purpose, or on purpose. Do you think that second-married women should be discriminated against, or should not be happy? If I remember correctly, Mrs. Shen is also second-married! Could it be that Mrs. Shen Senior He feels that his mother is not living happily in the mansion with golden tiles and beautiful gardens?"

Tang Shishi finished speaking unhurriedly, with a calm voice and a calm attitude, and picked out the content of Shen He's words openly, and said it without any shyness or concealment.

She and Lu Tao had a marriage. This is an indelible fact. If she deliberately conceals it at this moment, it will make people think that she and Lu Tao have something ulterior. Simply explain it thoroughly, so as to save others from suspicion for no reason!
Tang Shishi's eyes glanced at Yu Manqing, who was also "second marriage" intentionally or unintentionally, and when she saw Yu Manqing's face that was like the bottom of a pot, she chuckled in her heart, Shen He definitely shot himself in the foot this time !

The eyes of the people around were avoided. They were looking at the people here just now, but now they pretended to be talking and laughing, as if they didn't hear what the people here said at all.

Sun Xiaofen glanced at the people around her and snorted coldly in her heart!
When Yu Manqing abandoned Jun Zeyu back then, the city was full of disturbances. After all, both the Jun family and the Shen family were very influential families in China. Although she did not know the specific situation in detail, she also knew that when the It was Yu Manqing who was restless in the room.

"Just kidding, the elementary school girl still has such an open temper!" Shen He smiled, not knowing whether it was a compliment or a mockery.

"I'm a more direct person. One is one, and two is two. I don't have the twists and turns in other people's minds!" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He and Yu Manqing, and said unhurriedly: "So Shen He In the future, seniors, don't make such jokes with me, firstly, we are not familiar with each other, and secondly, I will take it seriously!"

As soon as Tang Shishi's words fell, the faces of the people around changed again. Who attended the banquet and told the host that he was not familiar with him as soon as he entered the door?This Tang poem is definitely the first!
"Your stubborn temper has come up again, haven't you? Okay! This time it's the senior and I've offended you with my words, so I won't be an example!" Shen He's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling were gloomy, and then he smoothed things over with a flattering tone. .

Tang Shishi raised her brows, took a deep look at Shen He, and found that his face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling became more and more flattened, so she stopped talking, and walked into the living room gracefully, holding her skirt.

Looking at Tang Shishi's back, Yu Manqing secretly gritted her teeth!
Tang Shishi, I hope you can still be so eloquent after today!
Shen He took a glass of wine from the servant, took a sip, and looked at Tang Shishi's back, Pingting, with a look of interest on his face.

"Look! You are planning to piss me off!" Yu Manqing lowered her voice and scolded Shen He beside her, but the smile on her face was still a gentle smile, as if the mother and son were talking about being considerate and caring The words are the same!
Shen He actually mentioned the matter of her second marriage, but Tang Shishi exposed her old scars on the spot. In front of so many people, she was revealed what happened back then. This is more uncomfortable than slapping her in the face in public!
"Mom, you should learn Tang poetry and be more calm. Didn't you say that the Jun family was sorry for you back then? What are you afraid of?" Shen He said indifferently.

"You—in short, don't mention this matter again!" Yu Manqing's chest heaved in anger, she gave Shen He a hard look, and said, "Pay attention to your identity, don't make trouble for me tonight!"

Holding the wine glass, Shen He slowly walked into the crowd, as if he didn't hear Yu Manqing's words, and didn't give her any response.

Yu Manqing looked at Shen He's back, hatred flashed across his eyes, this unworthy thing!What time is it now!Internal and external troubles, if he is still willful, what should he do? !

Tang Shishi, Sun Xiaofen, and Zhou Hu walked through the banquet hall, obviously feeling the rejection of the people around them, but this was also expected, so Tang Shishi and the others didn't care.

"The faces of these villains!" Sun Xiaofen was quite aggrieved, especially when she saw several members of Xie's family, when they walked by, they pretended not to see Tang Shishi talking and laughing happily with the people around her, the disdain in Sun Xiaofen's eyes was even more concentrated.

"Shishi, let's find a place to sit." Sun Xiaofen also has no desire to deal with these people. Although the Bai family has branched, among these people, there is no one who needs her to condescend to say hello.

"Okay!" Tang Shishi listened to Sun Xiaofen's words, looked around the banquet, and found that there were a few chairs in a place that was not particularly conspicuous and could clearly see the whole banquet. She sneered in her heart. Enough trouble, even the ground was prepared for them early!
(End of this chapter)

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