Chapter 748 Secret Battle! (3)
"Godmother, let's go there!" Tang Shishi took Sun Xiaofen's arm, and walked straight to the place she just saw. Since they are so thoughtful, why can't they waste their master's wishes!

Just when Tang Shishi, Sun Xiaofen, and Zhou Hu were about to reach the place, someone suddenly walked over quickly and sat in the middle of those chairs.

Tang Shishi looked at the person in front of her and smiled lowly.

Xie Quan came here bravely, who told him to play the game of fist with those few, so unlucky that he lost!
Looking at Tang Shishi's smiling face, Xie Quan felt his scalp tingling. No one had a more real experience than him. At the beginning, this woman snuggled the knife into his neck with a smile. Thinking of this, Xie Quan felt cold on his neck. blown through.

Tang Shishi held Sun Xiaofen on her arm and kept walking. Zhou Hu beside him frowned helplessly, and several young women around him whispered. It has to be said that Zhou Hu's status as a major is very popular. Speaking of Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen, he was not excluded at all, on the contrary he got the attention of many women.

A Tang poem made Xie Quan very uneasy, and with a domineering Zhou Hu on his side, Xie Quan suddenly felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. If you confronted him in full view, he would have slipped away with oil on his feet!
Tang Shishi walked in step by step, Xie Quan only felt his scalp numb, his whole body stiffened involuntarily, and his brain was on high alert.

It's just that Tang Shishi walked up to Xie Quan, glanced at him, and then said to Zhou Hu: "Major Zhou, please help me move that chair over here, but be careful, I don't know, it depends on it Recently, is there any smell on this chair! After all, this place can't be compared with our home, and the host's house is not particular, and there is not even a decent seat."

Xie Quan's scalp exploded!He rubbed it briefly, stood up from the chair, and asked Tang Shishi, "Tang Shishi, what do you mean? What kind of smell can this chair have?"

Tang Shishi ignored Xie Quan, Zhou Hu had already moved a chair, followed Tang Shishi's instructions, checked it carefully, even took out the white handkerchief from his suit pocket, and threw it on the chair very carefully. She got up on the chair, afraid that there was something unclean on the chair, so Tang Shishi helped Sun Xiaofen to sit down.

Sun Xiaofen didn't sit on it completely, but sat slightly on the edge of the chair covered with a handkerchief, and she was afraid that the chair would not be clean, so she reluctantly did so.

After getting along with Tang Shishi, Zhou Hu, and Suzaku for a long time, Sun Xiaofen also learned a lot of bad things.

After all this was done solemnly and cautiously, Tang Shishi seemed to have discovered the angry Xie Quan beside her, and hurriedly stepped back two steps, covered her mouth and nose with her hands, and looked at him displeasedly. Xie Quan said, "Please step back a little bit!" It was as if he regarded Xie Quan as a patient with severe body odor.

Xie Quan's head was a little dazed, he subconsciously swung his head left and right and smelled himself, and found that there was no meaning on his body at all, he stepped forward angrily, pointed at Tang Shishi's nose and said, "Tang Shishi, what do you mean?"

Tang Shishi took two steps back in shock, covered her nose and exclaimed, "Don't come here!"

"Tang Shishi! Explain it to me!" Xie Quan took another two steps forward. He was so angry that he lost his mind, but he forgot the previous fear.

"What are you doing!" Seeing Tang Shishi took two or three steps back, Zhou Hu rushed forward and asked in a deep voice.

Xie Quan was shocked by Zhou Hu's coercion, looked up at Zhou Hu who was half a head taller than him, and said weakly: "I'll ask him something! Tang Shishi, tell me what's going on here taste?"

"Aside from smelling like scum, what else can there be?" Zhou Hu said bluntly, with a big "You're asking this knowingly" big white eyes!
"You - bullying too much!" Xie Quan yelled at Zhou Hu angrily.

"Xie Quan, have you recovered from your constipation?" Tang Shishi suddenly pinched her nose and asked.

"Tang Shishi, if you bring this matter up to me again, I'm in a hurry with you!" Xie Quan was asked by Tang Shishi, and suddenly remembered Tang Shishi's methods, and suddenly shivered, especially if Tang Shishi's gaze Sweeping over Xie Quan's neck like nothing, Xie Quan suddenly remembered the words Tang Shishi said, "Why sleep for a long time when you are alive, and you will sleep forever after death". With a snort, he dropped a sentence: "I don't know what you're going to say!" He turned his head and left.

After Xie Quan left, Tang Shishi pretended to slap her nose with her small hand, as if Xie Quan really smelled something, a typical example of being pissed off.

Xie Quan didn't get any benefits, so when he returned to that group of people, he would naturally be ridiculed, but with Shen He there, everyone didn't dare to go too far, after all, Shen He's unpredictable temperament, and Coupled with his thoughts on Tang Shishi, they didn't dare to act rashly, lest they don't know how to die.

"What else does this woman have besides a sharp mouth? Let's see how good you guys are!" Han Ji had a mocking look on his face after Xie Quan returned home.

"Young Master Han, why don't you vent your anger on us?" Xie Quan looked at Han Ji with displeasure on his face. The Han family and the Xie family are currently the biggest supporters of the Shen family, but they are also the biggest competitors , Naturally, they can't see each other, and it's fine for others to joke, but as soon as Han Ji said it, Xie Quan felt that he couldn't hold back his face.

"Do you think my majestic young master of the Han family would argue with a woman?" Han Ji snorted coldly, making no secret of his contempt towards Xie Quan.

"Brother Ji, you really don't need to argue about this, as long as you are a man, no matter how long or short, a woman is incomparable!"

At the same time, a man from the side branch of the Han family interjected, his eyes showing some obscenity. He is the second ancestor of the side branch of the Han family, named Han Wenzheng, and a famous playboy.

Everyone laughed, and naturally understood the deep meaning in his words, which man is not "a man with a long body"!After what Han Wenzheng said, the spark that had just been sparked between Xie Quan and Han Ji was extinguished. After all, no matter how much they fought in private, they didn't want to cause anything to happen at the banquet.

Shen He paused as he was about to drink, then turned his head to look at Han Wenzheng, his half-smiling eyes revealed a bit of coldness.

Han Wenzheng felt that there was a cold wind passing through, and everyone stopped laughing, and turned to look at Shen He, with a bit embarrassing expression.

Shen He glanced at Han Wenzheng, and when Han Wenzheng could hardly stand it, he looked away, raised his neck, and drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.

Everyone took a low breath, their eyes shuttled between Shen He and Tang Shishi who was sitting not far away, with complicated expressions!
(End of this chapter)

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