Chapter 749 Secret Battle! (4)
Han Ji didn't speak, his eyes lingered on Tang Shishi, took a sip of wine, and his expression was playful.

Tang Shishi wore a royal blue dress today with a very long skirt. According to Ling Rui's request, she covered everything that should be covered on her body. Even so, her perfect figure and beautiful face, Still mind boggling.

Even Han Ji, who has always read countless girls, has to admit that a woman like Tang Shishi is pure and charming, and she is a rare stunner!

What's more, she is still Ling Rui's woman!

Thinking of this, Han Ji drank the wine in the glass, put down the glass, nodded to Shen He, and left.

Everyone thought that he was a little unhappy because of the quarrel with Xie Quan just now, but he didn't care too much.

After Han Ji left the group of people, he went to the bathroom, took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and gave some instructions to the other side. The person on the other side was obviously hesitant, but Han Ji had a tough attitude and said: "Just do as I say, the result will be the same anyway, otherwise, I can't guarantee..." This tone was obviously threatening!
The person on the opposite side was still hesitant, and might have said some words of persuasion, Han Ji grew impatient, and yelled at the person on the other side of the phone: "You also said that he is ill, who knows if it will work? Am I doing this to make everything safe?"

The person on the opposite side thought about it for a while, and finally compromised. Han Ji was very satisfied with the result, and said: "Don't worry, after the matter is done, your benefits will be indispensable! I won't tell others about you. When the time comes, After you are sure, send me a message!"

After Han Ji finished explaining, his face showed a look of satisfaction, then he relieved himself, washed his hands, and walked out with his usual expression.

Just after Han Ji walked out, the roof in the bathroom moved slightly, and a small pinhole camera flashed.

At the beginning of the banquet, Yu Manqing made a speech. In addition to welcoming everyone and other official remarks, he also proposed the purpose of this dinner. He wanted to raise donations for the children who had just been hit by the earthquake in country F. I hope everyone will donate generously and help each other And, on the electronic screen in the Shen family's banquet hall, there were also many photos of disaster-stricken children in country F. It seemed that people felt sympathy and sighed.

"As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. When country F is in trouble, we can't stand by and watch. Please look at these poor children. They are just like this. Some of them lost their parents and relatives because of natural disasters. They live in no fixed place and wander around. They can't enjoy Good education, even the basic food and clothing cannot be solved!" Yu Manqing's speech on stage was so emotional that it moved people to tears, and many ladies in the audience couldn't help but sigh!
Seeing Yu Manqing on the stage, Tang Shishi's eyes fell on her, and she sneered in her heart, thinking that this was coming for her.

Sure enough, Yu Manqing smiled in Tang Shishi's direction and said, "Many of us are dedicated to charity. It has achieved remarkable results. Tonight, I will at least send out an initiative. I hope that those who have the same intention as me can extend a warm and friendly hand to these disaster-stricken children in country F. A little bit of warmth A little care!"

"I donate one hundred thousand! These children are so pitiful!" Just as Yu Manqing finished speaking, a lady in the crowd wiped the tears from her face and said.

Tang Shishi glanced sideways, and the sneer in her heart was even worse. The person who spoke was none other than Xie Quan's mother. At this moment, she was holding a paper towel in her overweight hand, wiping the excess fluid released from her body. Moisture, I can't cry myself.

Is a master of acting!

Tang Shishi made a conclusion for that woman.

"I donate one hundred thousand!"

"I am 20 million!"

"My family is no better than yours, let's donate 5, it's kind of a heart!"

"I'll also donate 5 yuan. Those who have money can donate more, and those who don't have money can just show their hearts!" Another woman said, and after she finished speaking, she still glanced at Tang Shishifen and Sun Xiaofen's direction. .

Obviously, the words of these two women are targeted. In Huaxia Kingdom, no one knows that the Jun family is rich and powerful. Although the Bai family is inferior to the Jun family, the rest of the families present, except the Shen family and the Han family It's hard for everyone to hold a candle to.

"I'm very happy to see everyone's enthusiasm. How about this? I'll ask the housekeeper to count and make a list. Then I will send the list and all the money raised to the International Foundation!" Yu Manqing said with a smile.

People are naturally meaningless.

So Housekeeper Yao started to make statistics according to Yu Manqing's instructions, and invited Han Jing to help.

Those who have reported the amount of donations stand on one side, while those who have not yet reported the amount stand on the other side.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen were left at the end. Looking at the people on both sides of the Chu River and the Han Dynasty, the smile on Tang Shishi's face became more and more charming.

"I don't know how much our Mrs. Ling intends to donate?" Han Jing walked up to Tang Shishi, Sun Xiaofen, and Zhou Hu, and said with a light smile, "I remember that Mrs. Ling became a blockbuster at the Taisheng Foundation's charity auction last time." , with a huge sum of 6000 million yuan, a white jade Guanyin worth less than one million was photographed, which caused a sensation. I wonder if this time, it will also make our eyes shine?".

As soon as Han Jing finished speaking, everyone started pointing and discussing again, looking at Tang Shishi with anticipation, but some people also disapproved, disliked Tang Shishi's limelight, and mocked in a low voice: "It seems that we The sum of the donations raised by so many people is not enough for Mrs. Ling Shao!"

"That's right, the Jun family is as rich as a country!" Another voice of envy and hatred rang out.

"Mrs. Ling, it seems that everyone is looking forward to the surprise you brought us!" Han Jing looked at Tang Shishi with envy or jealousy, her tone slightly sour!

"I'm afraid there is only surprise, no joy!" Tang Shishi looked at Han Jing and said lightly.

"How could it be? Madam Ling won't be stingy with such kindness, right?" Han Jing obviously didn't expect Tang Shishi to say this, guessing the meaning of Tang Shishi's words in her heart, thinking that she didn't plan to raise donations?

This Tang poem really likes to be surprised!
But this is better!
"I'm very stingy, I won't donate any money! What's the matter with me about country F?" Tang Shishi said with a clear voice and clear words.

"I didn't get it wrong, did I?" a voice asked in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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