Chapter 750 Got it?Have! (1)
The faces of the crowd changed again, who crowded?Who stole it?Don't you see that they are simply unwilling?

"I'm coming! I'll donate 10 yuan. This is the money I earned from studying abroad and working all these years. I want to do something for the children in the mountainous area. Don't make fun of me!" Wu Meng squeezed out from the crowd, walked to Zhou Hu and said.

"Not a lot, such kindness is rare!" Zhou Hu praised Wu Meng approvingly.

After Wu Meng registered her mobile phone number, she walked up to Tang Shishi, took Sun Xiaofen's hand affectionately, and called out sweetly, "Aunt Sun, Sister Shishi!"

Sun Xiaofen patted Wu Meng's hand in relief, Tang Shishi nodded to Wu Meng, and then looked at the people opposite!

There was some commotion in the crowd, but Tang Shishi ignored it.

After a while in the cold, no one stood up to donate money except Wu Meng. Tang Shishi winked at Zhou Hu again.

"Cough cough!" Zhou Hu coughed twice in a fake manner, and said loudly: "Mrs. Xie, you just donated [-] yuan to the children of country F, why don't you plan to make some contributions to the children of our country? Or Do you think that the moon in foreign countries is rounder than ours in China, so the children of country F are more expensive than those in China?"

"I'll donate 15!" Mrs. Xie, who was named, trembled. She couldn't afford to wear the xenophobic hat, but she couldn't donate 15 the same amount as she said before, nor could it be the same as Yu Manqing's, so she gritted her teeth , reported a figure of [-].

After Zhou Hu registered Mrs. Xie, he looked at Mrs. Xie's fat paws and groaned in his heart. Just now, this woman was crying so hard, but this time she didn't shed a single tear!Pretend to be X!

"Second Madam Han, you just said you would donate [-]..." After finishing Mrs. Xie, Zhou Hu tilted his head again, facing the Second Madam of the Han family!
"I'll donate 15!" Mrs. Han didn't wait for Zhou Hu to finish speaking, her expression changed, and she hurriedly said to Zhou Hu.

Zhou Hu nodded in satisfaction, and then moved his gaze to the next person, who was more conscious. Before Zhou Hu could speak, he immediately stepped forward and said, "I'll donate 15!".

The crowd is gradually shrinking. Those people who were originally standing opposite Tang Shishi are now walking back to Tang Shishi's side one by one. Although they are not reconciled, they can't go back, because just now there is one who wants to stand back. On Yu Manqing's side, Zhou Hu said: "Please stand on Mrs. Ling's side after donating. If you want to donate again, you are welcome to stand on Mrs. Shen's side!"

As soon as that person stepped forward with one foot, he took it back extremely quickly. She didn't want to line up and let the blood go again!

"I, I'll donate [-] yuan!" The one who spoke was Shen He's aunt Liu Feng, a branch of the Shen family.

"Mrs. Shen Fourth, you donated 5 yuan before. The dignified Mrs. Shen's family can't even get this money out? You can't hold back the Shen family!" Zhou Hu squinted at Liu Feng. She knew this woman. Notoriously stingy.

"Then I'll donate fifty, fifty thousand..." Liu Feng didn't expect Zhou Hu to remember so clearly how much money they donated just now. After uttering [-] yuan, she heard Yu Manqing cough forcefully behind her, so her voice trembled, and she quickly changed her words: "[-]! I'll pay [-]!"

Zhou Hu nodded in satisfaction, and glanced at Yu Manqing.

Yu Manqing was already so angry that his lungs were going to explode, but he couldn't let it out. Then he gave Liu Feng a hard look, thinking to himself that this mud can't support the wall!
After the last person counted, Zhou Hu glanced at the ladies and daughters standing beside Tang Shishi with satisfaction, and then glanced at Han Jing, who was always standing beside Yu Manqing, and asked with a smile: "Miss Han, let's go The first time we met, the dress you were wearing was the new season in Paris, and it cost about 10,000+, right?"

Han Jing gritted her teeth, looked at Zhou Hu unwillingly and said, "20!" Then she stood by Tang Shishi's side.

Zhou Hu happily registered Han Jing, then glanced at Yu Manqing, raised his eyebrows proudly, cleared his throat, and said to Tang Shishi, "Young Madam, the statistics are over!"

Tang Shishi nodded, and then said loudly: "Three days later, the staff of the Taisheng Foundation will deliver the membership cards to your homes in person. In the future, whenever there are any activities of the foundation, you will be notified in time. On behalf of the Taisheng Foundation, once again Thank you all for your generosity!"

After hearing Tang Shishi's words, everyone's faces turned black, and they felt like they were trapped by a hunter. They thought that this woman would never end!

However, if you want to think about it this way, no one is so stupid as to say it at the moment. Tonight's Tang Shishi has given them a thorough experience of the power of "Mars thorns", and now they will not be casual. Stretching out his claws, he was afraid of being pricked again, anyway, this is the Shen family's banquet!
Although she hated Tang Shishi so much, Yu Manqing had no choice but to come out to smooth things over at the moment, and said a few words to encourage everyone to continue doing charity, but it sounded insincere, and then quickly flipped through this article.

Today's banquet made Yu Manqing feel that this was the most failed banquet since she hosted the banquet. Fortunately, donating is not the main purpose of this banquet, but if she had known that she would be so passive, she would rather not make a fuss!
Yu Manqing suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and stepped off the stage, holding a glass of wine, blending into the lively crowd.

Wu Meng was forcibly taken away by her mother, and her attitude was very unfriendly, as if Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen were infected with the virus.

Sun Xiaofen looked at the backs of Wu Meng and Wang Meizhen and shook her head again and again.

"Girl Shishi, I think that Wang Meizhen and Wang Fengzhen are worthy of being two sisters, they are both equally unpleasant!" Sun Xiaofen looked away from Wu Meng and said.

"Godmother, they are blood-related sisters after all, so they should be closer." Tang Shishi smiled, but she didn't know how to comfort Sun Xiaofen at all.

Originally, after the donation was over, she originally planned to leave, but she didn't see Lu Tao, after all, she felt a little uneasy. Ling Rui said that the Shen family would let Lu Tao show up at this banquet, but the banquet has come to this point, why Lu Tao? Haven't shown up yet?

"Girl Shishi, I'll go out!" Sun Xiaofen suddenly stood up and said to Tang Shishi.

"Godmother, where are you going?" Tang Shishi followed Sun Xiaofen's gaze and found that she didn't see anything, but seeing Sun Xiaofen walking in a hurry, she winked at Zhou Hu.

Zhou Hu looked at Tang Shishi and then at Sun Xiaofen, unmoved.

"Look at the past, and you have to cooperate, otherwise you'll just hang around here, when will this drama end?" Tang Shishi lowered her voice and said to Zhou Hu.

(End of this chapter)

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