Chapter 756 Twins? ! (3)
When Zhou Hu drove the car into Jun's mansion, as soon as it came to a stop, Ling Rui ran over, opened the car door with a huh, and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Tang poems written in a safe manner inside!

"What's going on? Why are you throwing up? Did you eat something unclean?" Ling Rui bent down, carried Tang Shishi out of the car, and asked worriedly.

The little wild cat's face was still a little abnormally white, obviously not feeling well.

"I'm really fine, spit it out, it's much better!" Tang Shishi stretched her arms around Ling Rui's neck, her little face was a little red, she rarely got so close to Ling Rui in front of everyone, but today, she didn't want to go Care so much.

"Zhou Hu, go and invite Dr. Liu to the main building!" Ling Rui instructed Zhou Hu while walking towards the house with Tang Shishi in his arms.

Zhou Hu took the order, and just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by Sun Xiaofen. Sun Xiaofen whispered something in Zhou Hu's ear. Zhou Hu was a little surprised at first, and then looked at Tang Shishi in a silly way. Finally, he grinned foolishly. It wasn't until Sun Xiaofen pushed him to go quickly that Zhou Hu realized that Sa Yazi ran towards the place where Doctor Liu lived.

"Is it still uncomfortable?" Ling Rui carried Tang Shishi straight into the bedroom, and after carefully putting Tang Shishi on the bed, he did not leave, but sat on the head of the bed, wrapped Tang Shishi's body in his arms, and calmed down Tang Shishi asked with the hair on her forehead.

"A little bit!" Tang Shishi held the clothes on Ling Rui's chest with her small hands, arched her head in Ling Rui's arms, and whispered.

Now she doesn't feel sick in her stomach, but it's empty, and she's a little hungry!

"Don't be afraid, the doctor will be here in a while. If you feel uncomfortable and want to cry, just cry!" Ling Rui saw Tang Shishi's head twitching like a piglet in his arms, and his heart softened like water for a while. Holding her body tightly again, he said.

"Husband... woo..." Hearing what Ling Rui said, Tang Shishi's eyes really got hot and she started to cry!

Ling Rui panicked for a moment. Although he said that, he didn't expect Tang Shishi to cry. Looking at Tang Shishi's tears at this moment, Ling Rui was at a loss.

"Wife, did they bully you? Tell me, and I will definitely seek justice for you!" Ling Rui thought of the Shen family, and his eyes suddenly became cold.

"It's not them!" Tang Shishi sniffed and muttered with a crying sound.

"Who could it be? As long as you tell me, I will definitely kill him and burn him to death!" Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi with a fierce look on his face.

"Really?" Tang Shishi grabbed Ling Rui's clothes tightly with her small hands, raised her head, looked at Ling Rui and asked.

"When did my husband lie to you? Tell me, which one is it?" Ling Rui's tone became more stern when he heard that someone really bullied his sweetheart.

"Whoever it is?" Tang Shishi blinked her moist eyes twice, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and confirmed again.

"It doesn't matter who it is!" Ling Rui replied affirmatively.

"Then let me think about it!" Tang Shishi said with a little evil in her heart, as if embarrassed.

"Honey, don't think about it, tell me now! I can't wait to let that bastard taste the bad results!" Ling Rui said, tugging at Tang Shishi's nose.

Seeing the little wild cat's hesitation, could it be Lu Tao?Could it be Shen He?Ling Rui gritted his teeth secretly, if he found out who it was, he would definitely not make that bastard feel better!

"Doctor Liu is here!" Tang Shishi pushed Ling Rui's body and signaled him to get up, because she had already heard the sound of rushing up the stairs.

"Then see the doctor first!" Ling Rui let go of Tang Shishi, took a pillow and put it behind Tang Shishi, and let her lean on the head of the bed. After all of this last night, she worriedly told her: "Honey, you will be sure in a while." Tell me!"

"Well! Don't worry! I will let you know!" How could such a thing be hidden from the child's father!Tang Shishi's heart is both disturbed and sweet at the moment!

With Tang Shishi's guarantee, Ling Rui finally felt at ease, opened the door and let Dr. Liu in.

The poor doctor Liu who was dragged away by Zhou Hushi, tidied up his embarrassed appearance, glanced at Ling Rui, then walked in, and felt Tang Shishi's pulse.

Tang Shishi has been watching Doctor Liu's expression nervously, and found that the doctor's face is expressionless at the moment, as if his face is paralyzed, his heart starts to go up and down, and he can't touch the shore without edges or edges.

"Doctor Liu, what's the matter with her? She suddenly vomited so badly today that she even vomited bile!" Ling Rui was the first to lose his temper, and he slandered Dr. Liu in his heart. At that time, traditional Chinese medicine was the most unreliable, and people who were dying in a hurry!

"Boy Rui, what are you in a hurry for? Don't disturb Dr. Liu!" Sun Xiaofen also came over at some point, looked at Ling Rui with an anxious expression, and reprimanded her. In fact, she was even more anxious now, just waiting for Dr. Liu to say As soon as there was a result, she immediately called and notified the people in city B.

Doctor Liu glanced at Tang Shishi with a strange expression, but with just this one glance, Tang Shishi felt that she was about to collapse, her heart sank completely into the deep sea, and she asked with difficulty: "Doctor Liu, I...I... "The voice was so trembling that I couldn't make a sentence.

"Don't be nervous!" Dr. Liu, who had always been paralyzed and didn't know it, felt the strange atmosphere in the room, and then he gave everyone a strange look, thinking to himself: What's the matter?Everyone is sullen, pregnancy is a good thing!
"Okay... I... I'm not... nervous!" Tang Shishi finished speaking tremblingly, she wasn't nervous at all, she was already extremely nervous!
"What's going on, you should hurry up and tell me!" Ling Rui roared impatiently, but his heart was more nervous than ever before, a heart was in his throat, as if it was about to burst out!

Dr. Liu was going to say something, but when Ling Rui yelled like this, he trembled in fright, and swallowed back what he wanted to say in fright!

"Okay... something!" Under Ling Rui's coercion, Dr. Liu hesitated for a long time, and managed to squeeze out two words.

"What a fart! It's a good thing she's suffering like this! Quack doctor!" Ling Rui was furious, wishing he could slap Dr. Liu into the door panel!

"It's... a good thing!" Dr. Liu was even more frightened by Ling Rui's scolding. Although he has been in the Jun family's mansion for so many years, he has always paid attention to the affairs of the Jun family. This third young master is no stranger to him. Seeing Ling Rui like this now, I wish my mother had never given birth to him!
This man is too scary!

"A good thing? You said a good thing?" Sun Xiaofen rushed forward excitedly, grabbed Dr. Liu's arm, and asked, "Is there?"

(End of this chapter)

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