Chapter 757 Twins? ! (4)
Dr. Liu looked at Sun Xiaofen, finally calmed down, and was able to express himself normally. He nodded quickly and said, "Yes!"

"Then your expression was wrong just now. Is there something wrong? Is my body..." When Tang Shishi heard that Dr. Liu confirmed that she was pregnant, she jumped up excitedly from the bed, stepped forward and pulled Dr. Liu's other arm. Arm, asked anxiously.

"No, your health is very good, but the pulse condition is rather strange, it should be two." Because it was multiple births, he was afraid of making a wrong diagnosis, so he waited a while longer!
"Two?!" Tang Shishi suddenly felt so happy that she wanted to pass out!The ups and downs of life come too fast, it is really exciting!
"Two! God! Two!" Sun Xiaofen jumped up happily like a child.

Dr. Liu was grabbed by Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen's arms, one left and one right, and frowned sadly. Can these two people stop being so enthusiastic, his arm hurts a lot!

"What is there, what are two? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Ling Rui stepped forward, took Tang Shishi's hand off Dr. Liu's arm, and asked strangely.Why did he become more and more confused the more he looked at it!

"Wife, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? Let's go to the hospital, this doctor is really annoying!" After talking in alien language for a long time, he didn't understand a word!

"I'm fine! I've never been so fine!" Tang Shishi threw herself into Ling Rui's arms, cried and laughed while holding Ling Rui: "Old rascal, I feel so happy that I'm about to die!"

"Really good?" Ling Rui asked suspiciously, why did he feel that the little wild cat was not as good as she said, crying and laughing, what kind of good is this?Did he accidentally hit his head?

But why did the godmother and Dr. Liu also look good in this picture? Could it be that he was the one who hit his head?
"Young Madam, she is..." Dr. Liu felt that as a doctor, he should report the diagnosis results to Ling Rui in full.

As a result, he was stopped by Sun Xiaofen before he finished speaking, and dragged him out of Ling Rui and Tang Shishi's bedroom. Now, this young couple needs their own time, so it's better for outsiders not to disturb them!
Tang Shishi gave Sun Xiaofen a grateful look, and Sun Xiaofen smiled at Tang Shishi, and thoughtfully closed the door for the two of them.

"My wife, what's the matter? Why are you all so weird?" Ling Rui was a little annoyed. He had a high IQ. Why did he feel so confused now? This feeling beyond his control made him feel very uncomfortable. !
"Honey, didn't you ask me before, who bullied me?" Tang Shishi pulled Ling Rui, pushed his body to sit on the bed, then stood in front of Ling Rui, and said seriously.

"Who is it? Tell me!" As soon as Ling Rui heard Tang Shishi mention this, he immediately became energetic. He needed to find someone to vent his dissatisfaction!

"That person is far away in the sky—" Tang Shishi glanced at Ling Rui as if eager to know the truth, deliberately dragged out a long sound, pointed at Ling Rui for the last time, and said four words slowly: "It's close at hand!"

"You said it was me?" Ling Rui's star eyes widened, and he looked suspiciously at the extremely serious expression on Tang Shishi's face, and smiled: "How is this possible, I love you before it's too late, I can't wait to put you on the tip of my heart Come on, how could I bully you!" Ling Rui said here, his smile suddenly disappeared, and he said with a serious face: "Tang Shishi, don't be sloppy with the master, there is no way to cover up the culprit!"

"Who's covering up!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a blank look, and from an angle he couldn't see, she smiled slyly, and then said solemnly: "I wish you could take care of this culprit who bullied me, let He will bow to me from now on!"

"Then tell me who it is?" Ling Rui asked impatiently.

"Didn't you say that the sky is far away and you are right in front of you!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui and said coquettishly!
"Then tell me, why did I bully you?" Ling Rui knew that sometimes it was impossible to reason with women, so he followed Tang Shishi's words and asked.

He didn't believe that the little wild cat could tell the truth. If she dared to fabricate the facts, then at night he would... Hehe!
Ling Rui cracked open his little calculations in his heart, and was even thinking about which ecstasy postures he would use tonight!

"You don't bully me, how can I have it here?" Tang Shishi saw such an evil smile inadvertently showing on the corner of Ling Rui's mouth, she knew that this old hooligan must be full of sperm at the moment, and she shouted angrily !

"What do you have there? I didn't put anything in your place-what did you say?!" Ling Rui shook his head in denial, suddenly a white light flashed in his mind, and suddenly raised the volume: " have it?! "

Ling Rui's eyes were like radar, tightly locked onto Tang Shishi's eyes, and asked loudly!

Tang Shishi was uncomfortable being looked at by Ling Rui's cheetah-like eyes. She turned her face and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Why are you so loud!" No more!

"Tang Shishi! Don't change the topic, answer me seriously!" Ling Rui stood up from the bed, holding Tang Shishi's arm tightly with his big hands, with a serious and nervous expression!

nervous!yes!very nervous!
"That''s there!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui and muttered in a low voice.

"Yes?!" Ling Rui stared suspiciously at Tang Shishi's stomach with a strange expression.

have?have? !Have!
Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui staring at her belly, her expression on her face was cloudy, her eyebrows were furrowed, the old hooligan, why did he look unhappy?

"Ling Rui, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Ling Rui's face without a smile, Tang Shishi felt as if her heart was blocked by a ball of cotton, and she felt extremely uncomfortable!

"Tang Shishi, here—is there really?" Ling Rui looked up at Tang Shishi and asked, as if waking up from a dream.

"Hmm." Tang Shishi raised her hand and touched her flat stomach, with a soft expression, she said softly, "Doctor Liu said, there may be two of them!"

"Two?!" Ling Rui's voice raised unconsciously, and he staggered a bit, but it was not obvious, and Tang Shishi didn't notice it.

"Hmm!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui, and found that there was still no smile on his face. She took a deep breath and said, "Ling Rui, you—"

"Tang Shishi, you're fucking pregnant and you just jumped off the bed for me?!" Before Tang Shishi could finish speaking, Ling Rui suddenly roared loudly!

The scene of Tang Shishi jumping up from the bed just now and grabbing Dr. Liu's arm flashed through his mind, and he became scared belatedly!
(End of this chapter)

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