Chapter 761 Three Treasures! (4)
As soon as the car stopped in the Jun family's mansion, Mr. Jun couldn't wait to open the door and get out of the car. He rushed into the house without paying attention to Sun Xiaofen who came out to greet him, and Jun Haodong who rushed back after receiving the news. Searching around, they didn't see Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, so Mr. Jun asked anxiously, "Where's Shishi girl!"

Ling Yue was the second to follow. She was at the back. When she got out of the car, she got up too violently and bumped her head. When she came in, she didn't see Tang Shishi, and she was also anxious. Sun Xiaofen asked: "Where's Shishi girl? Why isn't kid Rui here?"

Sun Xiaofen raised her finger and pointed to Ling Rui and Tang Shishi's room upstairs, and said with a smile: "The young couple are tired upstairs!"

"How long has it been since Kid Rui came back? Don't you know we're coming?" Mr. Jun asked in a loud voice.

"Kid Rui came back early in the morning, these two kids didn't know you were coming!" Sun Xiaofen said truthfully.

Only then did Mr. Jun not speak, and sat down on the sofa.

Elder Bai also came in and sat down. Except for Ling Yue, the rest of the group sat down, drinking tea absent-mindedly, and glanced upstairs from time to time.

"No! I can't wait any longer. I have to go up and have a look. It's the first time for these two children. If this kid Rui doesn't care..." Ling Yue anxiously turned around a few times, and couldn't bear it. He lifted his legs and went upstairs.

Yun Mo and Chang Guiru nodded in agreement, agreeing that Ling Yue should go up and have a look, but Mr. Jun immediately urged, "Don't let that brat mess around!"

Jun Haodong, who was drinking tea leisurely, listened to Ling Yue and Mr. Jun's words, he didn't take a sip of tea, and almost spit it out!
Are these people too nervous?That kid Ling Rui doesn't look like a messy guy. Besides, he's been back for a long time. If he wanted to mess around, he would have finished messing around long ago, right?However, he cleverly concealed the expression on his face. At this time, if he sings the opposite tune, he will surely arouse public anger!

When Ling Yue went upstairs, Ling Rui was still bathing Tang Shishi. This bath, it took a bit long, but these two people are definitely pure children, but Ling Rui did have some troubles during the process. Some impure thoughts, but when he thought of the two babies in Tang Shishi's belly, he restrained them very well and with difficulty.

Tang Shishi saw Ling Rui's hard work. When she was bathing her, her breath was heavy like an old horse that had run thousands of miles. She couldn't bear it, and didn't want him to After suffering so much, I wanted to wash it myself, but Ling Rui refused it very manly!
Major General Ling said that throughout Tang Shishi's pregnancy, he had to bathe Tang Shishi. How could he get cold feet at the beginning? Although the process was a little bit, it was really just a little bit of fingernails. Suffering, but for the sake of their little ones, he is willing to accept this extremely difficult test of tempering his will!

Tang Shishi couldn't beat Ling Rui, so he had no choice but to let him!Because someone says that he cannot be deprived of his rights and responsibilities as a father-to-be.

Just as Ling Yue was about to knock on the door, she found that the door was ajar. Her worry just faded away a little. She thought to herself that these two people would not do anything outrageous in the room if the door was not closed. I have too much heart.

However, she stood at the door for a while to calm down her agitated mood, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. The door was open in this room, why didn't even a sound come out?
Ling Yue pushed open the door impatiently, but found that there was no one in the bedroom, but Tang Shishi's giggling laughter came from the bathroom, mixed with Ling Rui's heavy panting once or twice.

Ling Yue immediately became highly nervous, and rushed to the door of the bathroom in three steps at a time, opened the door with a slap, and shouted: "Stinky boy! What are you doing?!"

Immediately afterwards, Tang Shishi's exclamation came from the bathroom!
"Mom! Why are you here?!" Ling Rui circled Tang Shishi's body and shouted at Ling Yue who suddenly barged in!
"You brat! You're really going to piss me off!" Ling Yue went up and beat Ling Rui hard without saying a word!
"Mom! What are you doing?! Get out!" Ling Rui was extremely speechless to Ling Yue who suddenly appeared, he felt Tang Shishi trembling slightly in his arms, and angrily yelled at Ling Yue!

"You brat! You should get out!" Ling Yue sternly said.

"What's wrong?!" As soon as Ling Yue finished speaking, the voices of Yun Mo and Chang Guiru were heard at the door!
Originally, these people were waiting in the living room downstairs, but when they heard the screams and noises in the upstairs room, they couldn't sit still any longer and went upstairs together.

Mr. Jun couldn't bear it either. He originally wanted to come up to take a look, but fortunately he was stopped by Jun Haodong. Now he is walking around in circles with his hands behind his back worriedly downstairs. Are you impatiently looking at Ling Rui and Tang Shishi upstairs? bedroom, and then sighed!
"Eldest aunt, second aunt, why are you all here?!" Ling Rui asked in surprise as he saw two more heads squeezed in at the door.

"Brat, why are you so indifferent!" Yun Mo saw that Tang Shishi, who was blocked by Ling Rui, was not wearing anything, and couldn't help cursing with hatred.

"Boy Rui, you are too ignorant!" Chang Guiru also complained.

"This brat is really going to piss me off!" Ling Yue said angrily!

"Why am I not important?" Ling Rui, who was wronged, asked innocently.

Listening to these people's siege, Ling Rui was annoyed, what did he do to him? !How could he act as if he had committed some heinous crime!

Didn't he just serve his wife to take a bath?Who did you provoke?

Ling Rui glanced at Ling Yue, Yun Mo, and Chang Guiru in displeasure, and found that these three people had an expression of "you've provoked me and provoked me", which made it even more puzzling!

"You're still sophistry!" Ling Yue snapped.

"It doesn't matter!" Yun Mo agreed.

"Tough mouth!" Chang Guiru agreed.

"What am I making excuses for? Do I need to make excuses?" Ling Rui frowned!What are these three people doing again?Also, when did they come to City A?The news is fast enough, and the action is quick enough!He will definitely punish the person who leaked the secret in a while!

In the living room, Zhou Hu, who was pouring tea and pouring water with a smile, shivered cleverly!How come there is a bad feeling?Zhou Hu became more courteous to the Jun family and Mr. Bai who were waiting below. He urgently needs to find a strong backer and hug each other's thighs tightly!
It's just, sadly, the people in the living room are all preoccupied now, and no one pays attention to him at all, but Ah Hua, who is lying on his stomach at the entrance, raised his head and yelled at Zhou Hu twice, as if complaining Zhou Hu, why don't you come hug its thigh!
(End of this chapter)

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