Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 762 It's All Cucumber's Fault!

Chapter 762 It's All Cucumber's Fault! (1)
"Don't you know that girl Shishi is pregnant?" Ling Yue looked at the unrepentant Ling Rui and shouted angrily.

"I know!" Ling Rui replied, he is the father of the child, how could he not know such a big thing!

"Knowing that girl Shishi is pregnant, you still—you brat! I'm really going to piss me off!" Ling Yue gave Ling Rui a bitter look!
Yun Mo and Chang Guiru also glared at Ling Rui with ambition.

The movements of the three women are exactly the same, and the standard is the same as that rehearsed in advance.

"What's wrong with me? I help my daughter-in-law take a bath, rub her back, and cut her fingernails and toenails. Is this against the law?" Ling Rui finally knew what Ling Yue was talking about!Asked in a somewhat aggressive tone.

I really don't know what's going on in these women's minds!He is such a careless person!Really treat him like a beast!
"You're talking nonsense, you just—" Ling Yue pointed at Ling Rui, and suddenly couldn't continue.

She just heard the sound, and hurriedly opened the door, and saw Tang Shishi sitting on the washstand, naked, and Ling Rui standing in front of her, holding one of her arms, thinking that they were... Now take a closer look , Ling Rui's clothes are neatly dressed. Although he is leaning forward to block Tang Shishi tightly, he is really holding a nail clipper in his hand. Could it be——

Ling Yue only felt that her face was on fire, and she was so ashamed for a while, she turned around and walked out of the bathroom without saying a word!
Yun Mo and Chang Guiru saw that Ling Yue's face was not right, and then thought about Ling Rui's words, and saw Ling Rui's angry and innocent face, as if he had suffered a great injustice, looked at each other, and lowered his head , followed Ling Yue disheartenedly, and quickly backed out.

This time humiliating!

These three people came and left quickly, and the bathroom instantly returned to calm.

Tang Shishi, who had been huddled in Ling Rui's arms, was too ashamed to come out and say nothing to others, after hearing Ling Yue and others go out, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then gently pushed Ling Rui's chest.

She felt that she was about to lose her life, so she took a good bath, and suddenly the lord mother-in-law fell from the sky, and all she could not help saying to Ling Rui was beating and cursing violently, as if the two of them had done something unreasonable, and ended up beating and scolding After finishing, these people turned their heads and walked away without saying a word, so that she didn't even know what was going on!

"It's okay!" Ling Rui rubbed Tang Shishi's hair, sighed, found a big bath towel, wrapped Tang Shishi in it, wiped her body clean, and then slowly began to blow Tang Shishi's hair .

Seeing Ling Rui's unhurried look, Tang Shishi poked him in the chest and urged, "Don't blow it up, let's go down!"

Although, after such an embarrassing thing happened just now, she really wanted to stay in the room and not go out to meet people, but she seemed to hear the voice of grandpa talking downstairs just now. People should wait anxiously!

"Ignore them!" Ling Rui said indifferently, with a little bit of anger in his tone. He didn't want these people to know that his wife was pregnant, at least he had to wait until tomorrow. He Now I just want to be with my wife and share this joy quietly, I don’t want to be disturbed by anyone at all, who knows——

He must punish that talkative guy properly!
"But, grandpa seems to be here too. It's not good for us to be like this!" Tang Shishi stretched out her finger, poked Ling Rui's chest, and said in embarrassment.

"Let them wait! Otherwise, they will never know how immoral it is to disturb the love between husband and wife!" Ling Rui snorted coldly and said.

He didn't want these people to surround his wife and squeeze him out of place!

"Why do I smell a sour smell?" Tang Shishi sniffed viciously and said.

"Naughty!" Ling Rui pinched Tang Shishi's nose pretending to be angry, his tone was boundless pampering, and the movements in his hands quickened.

He doesn't want to make things difficult for his little wild cat!
Let's talk about Ling Yue and Yun Mo, Chang Guiru rushed out of Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's bedroom with blushing old faces, and ran into Sun Xiaofen who followed.

Seeing the unnatural expressions on the faces of these three people, Sun Xiaofen immediately asked with concern: "What's wrong? I just heard girl Shishi's voice, is something wrong?" Sun Xiaofen was about to rush into the room as she spoke. .

"They're fine, they're fine!" Ling Yue quickly stopped Sun Xiaofen.

"But—" Sun Xiaofen looked at Ling Yue suspiciously, why didn't she feel like she was fine!

"Don't go in, they'll come out soon after they've cleaned up!" Ling Yue didn't give Sun Xiaofen any chance to hesitate, and together with Yunmo and Chang Guiru, they dragged Sun Xiaofen downstairs.

"What's the matter? Did that brat mess up something again?" Mr. Jun was already in a hurry downstairs. When Ling Yue came downstairs, he saw that her face was not right, and immediately asked with concern: "Do you want me?" Go to the hospital?"

"Dad, it's okay!" Ling Yue was asked by Mr. Jun, thinking of what she did impulsively just now, the expression on her face became even more awkward!

"Don't make trouble for that brat, you bastard, look at me if I don't fix him properly this time!" Seeing Ling Yue's appearance, Mr. Jun believed what she said to be a ghost!
He believed that Ling Rui must have done something unforgivably bad!

"I want to ask, why does Grandpa want to fix me?"

Ling Rui stood at the door, asking with an ugly face.

These people, the imagination is too rich, isn't it?Fortunately, these people have watched him grow up since he was a child, and at the critical moment, they actually buried him like this!
Asked by Ling Rui, old man Jun's face became even uglier. He pointed at Ling Rui with his neck up and scolded angrily, "Stinky boy! Get the hell out of here!" When old man Jun said it, it was as if he wanted to teach someone a lesson.He is quite old, looking up at people is really a little dizzy.

"Grandpa!" Before Ling Rui could speak, a small head popped out from behind Ling Rui, with a timid look on his face.But Tang Shishi is not afraid, but embarrassed!
Tang Shishi couldn't stop blushing when she heard that Grandpa Jun was going to teach Ling Rui a lesson. She knew that Grandpa Jun must have misunderstood something just like her mother-in-law and the others just now, but she couldn't explain this matter, and she couldn't explain it in front of her. In front of so many people, tell the old man that she and Ling Rui didn't do anything bad in the room just now, isn't that what they think?

She couldn't say such words.Even if you say it with a cheeky face, it is estimated that the effect will become darker and darker, and no one will believe it!

However, she couldn't let Ling Rui and Grandpa Jun fight like this again, otherwise it would really make a big fuss, let alone end it.

(End of this chapter)

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