Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 764 It's All Cucumber's Fault!

Chapter 764 It's All Cucumber's Fault! (3)
"I've done something even more beastly to you. What is this? Han Jing, you are getting better and better at pretending!" Han Ji hadn't noticed that the surrounding environment was wrong. He thought he had done everything just now. Chunmeng too!Coupled with the release just now, his mind went blank for a moment, thinking that he was in his own home, and he had no scruples at all when speaking.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" As soon as Han Ji's words fell, there was applause behind him. flashed.

"Young Master Han likes to play with such a heavy taste?" Shen He looked at the disheveled Han Ji and Han Jing, and sighed.

"What's going on here?" No matter how dull his mind was, Han Ji remembered that something was wrong with this matter. He gathered his clothes in shock and asked, looking at Shen He.

"I'm also very curious, and I want to ask Young Master Han what's going on?" The smile on Shen He's face did not diminish, but it was not so much a smile as a killing intent hidden in a smile. It seemed light and light, but it made Han Ji feel cold all over for no reason.

"I——I don't know! Me, why am I here?" Han Ji stammered, his tone was terrified, and he pretended to be confused.

"Young Master Han, I'm not interested in why you are here for the time being. What I want to know now is where Steward Yao is? I believe Young Master Han should be very clear!" Shen He said with a cold smile.

"I, he—I don't know!" Han Ji took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and said to Shen He, "How would I know!" He made up his mind and denied it to the end!

"Young Master Han, I hope what you said is true!" Shen He chuckled mockingly, glancing at the corner of the room from the corner of his eye.

"You are talking nonsense! Obviously you killed him! It was you! You murderer!" Lu Tao in the corner suddenly jumped up in panic and anger, pointed at Han Ji, and said loudly.

"You bastard, what nonsense!" Hearing what Lu Tao said, Han Ji instinctively opened his mouth to curse, and even raised his hand to hit Lu Tao.

"Dog thing?!" Shen He grabbed Han Ji's hand and broke it vigorously. Immediately, Han Ji screamed like killing a pig in the room. Shen He looked at the wretched Han Ji, and the smile on his face became even stronger. With a strong voice, he said: "I forgot to tell you, the dog in your mouth is now the second young master of the Shen family!"

Shen He bit the last three words very clearly and forcefully, like a declaration.

"You—" Han Ji opened his eyes wide in surprise, the pain from his hand made his forehead sweat profusely, he never expected that Shen He would admit Lu Tao's identity in public!

"Where's Yao Hengyuan?" Shen He threw Han Ji away and asked Lu Tao sideways.

"In there! In there!" Lu Tao raised his hand and pointed to the secret room in the room, countless frights flashed in his eyes, and his face turned pale.

Shen He glanced at Lu Tao, walked over to open the door of the secret room, but just after opening, Yao Hengyuan's body fell face to face, Shen He flashed quickly, Yao Hengyuan's body fell to the ground with a thud, the original The dagger stuck in the chest sank into the body again.

Yu Manqing and Mrs. Han, who had already heard the sound upstairs, happened to see this scene and screamed in fright. Yu Manqing was better, her face was only pale, while Mrs. Han passed out directly.

Shen He looked at Yao Hengyuan, and hit Yao Hengyuan in the heart with a knife. He was already dead, his eyes were still open, obviously he was extremely unwilling to die.

Lu Tao looked at Yao Hengyuan who was lying on the ground, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and he turned his face slightly.

"What's going on here?" Yu Manqing who was standing at the door finally found his tongue, pointed at Yao Hengyuan's body, and asked.

"I'm going to trouble my mother to ask Mr. Han carefully, I should go back to my room and get some medicine!" Shen He still had a half-smile, but there was no joy, no sadness in that smile, and even a flat one without a trace of emotion.

Yu Manqing watched Shen He pass him by, glanced at the redness and swelling on his face, moved his lips a few times, but didn't say anything.

"I didn't kill people, I didn't kill people!" Han Ji shouted manically when he heard Shen He's words and looked at Yao Hengyuan's unrepentant expression.

How could he kill Yao Hengyuan?Why did he kill Yao Hengyuan?impossible!impossible!

"Mrs. Shen, no, it won't be my brother!" Han Jing also realized that the matter was unusual, and quickly defended Han Ji.

"You still know he's your brother?!" Yu Manqing yelled at Han Jing, "You still have the face to call him your brother!"

"I... No, it's all Tang Shishi! It's all the work of that bitch Tang Shishi!" Han Jing said bitterly against Yu Manqing's questioning.

"Still shirking responsibility here!" Yu Manqing became even more annoyed when Han Jing mentioned Tang Shishi: "Why did he appear in this room!"

Yu Manqing is not an idiot, how could she have never imagined that it was Han Ji who intervened in this matter, and finally made everything like this!
"I, I'm not! I didn't kill it!" Han Ji looked at Yu Manqing and said.

"I don't want to hear any explanation!" Yu Manqing said coldly, then took a deep look at Lu Tao who was still in the corner, turned her head and left.

Hearing the sound of Yu Manqing's leaving footsteps, Lu Tao raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Of course Yao Hengyuan wasn't killed by Han Ji, and of course it couldn't be Tang Shishi who killed Yao Hengyuan. Tang Shishi just drugged Yao Hengyuan to the point of unconsciousness. He was the one who really killed Yao Hengyuan!
He knew that Tang Shishi didn't want to kill, but a running dog like Yao Hengyuan must die. As long as Yao Hengyuan died and blamed Han Ji, it would not only relieve Tang Shishi from worrying about the future, but also create a rift between the Han family and the Shen family. He let out a breath of anger, so he, who had never killed a chicken, grabbed Han Ji's hand and personally sent the dagger into Yao Hengyuan's chest.

"Hmph!" Han Ji snorted angrily after seeing Yu Manqing leave.It was clearly planned well, how could things develop like this?

that woman!Tang Shishi's face appeared in Han Ji's mind, and he gritted his teeth. He must avenge this revenge!
Han Jing looked at Han Ji with resentment and aggrieved look on her face, and snorted coldly in her heart. She knew that the Shen family would not let Han Ji pay for Yao Hengyuan's life, nor would they expose this matter, but they did I won't let this matter go through easily, and Han Ji's status in the Han family will plummet from now on!
Thinking that Han Ji, who has always been aloof, will soon be reduced to the same level as her, Han Jing's mouth almost reveals a hint of sarcasm!
In the future, I don't know who will step on whom!
At this moment, in the study room of Jun's mansion, the cold current was pervasive. After listening to Zhou Hu and Suzaku's detailed report on the events at the Shen family banquet, Ling Rui kept gloomy, frightened Zhou Hu and Suzaku into silence. Like a chilling cicada.

(End of this chapter)

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