Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 765 It's All Cucumber's Fault!

Chapter 765 It's All Cucumber's Fault! (4)
These dogs!As soon as Ling Rui thought of Han Ji's bastard wanting to get his hands on his little wild cat, he wished that Han Ji would be skinned and cramped!
"Are you sure Lu Tao killed Yao Hengyuan?" Ling Rui pondered for a long time, then suddenly looked up at Suzaku and asked.

"Sure!" Suzaku said affirmatively. She was on the monitor and watched Lu Tao push Han Ji's hand holding the knife into Yao Hengyuan's chest.

Ling Rui's face paled slightly, Lu Tao finally did a good deed!
Zhou Hu and Suzaku were secretly relieved when they saw Ling Rui's face softened a little.

"Master, about the housekeeper, should we..." Zhou Hu asked for instructions, and now he strongly hoped that Ling Rui could assign him something to do, so that he could forget about the crowd of people in the living room.

"Doesn't Han Ji like to do good deeds, repay Yao Hengyuan's gambling debts, and comfort his lonely sister? How can he do so many good deeds in secret? The Han family is embarrassed to say that it is a high-spirited, so we will sing praises for him! "Ling Rui spat out a few words coldly.

Zhou Hu's heart trembled. He is not trying to sing praises for Han Ji. This is clearly the rhythm of sending them on the road!
"Yes!" Zhou Hu complied happily, this time he was finally going to do something big!

"Check Lu Zhendong's news for me, he is in the hands of the Shen family!" Ling Rui recalled Tang Shishi's worries, frowned slightly, and said to Suzaku.

"Yes!" Suzaku's voice was still mechanical.

Ling Rui glanced at the cold-faced Suzaku, sighed slightly in his heart, and his face turned cold, "Go to work! After you finish your work, I will go and receive the punishment!"

Zhou Hu, who was still giggling in his heart, suddenly changed his face!He thought the master had forgotten about this!
"Yes!" Suzaku replied blankly.

"Yes!" Zhou Hu replied bitterly, and then glared at the expressionless Suzaku!This girl agreed very happily, but I don't know if she can be so calm when accepting punishment.

Suzaku ignored Zhou Hu at all, and walked out of the study.Zhou Hu looked at Suzaku's back and gritted his teeth angrily.

Ling Rui was busy in the study for more than an hour. When he went out, the people below were chatting enthusiastically, and there was no plan to let him go!
Jun Haodong looked at Ling Rui with a worried face, and took a sip of tea gracefully, as if he was ready to watch a good show.

Ling Rui took a look at this black-bellied guy and thought, sooner or later you will feel better!

"When I was pregnant with Lingrui, I suffered a lot. This brat was very skinny when I was in my stomach!" Ling Yue was telling some things about when she was pregnant with Lingrui. Tang Shishi shared, her eyes were immersed in the memory, and she sighed at the end: "I never thought, in the blink of an eye, I will be a grandma!"

The surrounding Yunmo and Chang Guiru also sighed with age.

"Where is the blink of an eye, I don't know who said it, I look forward to my grandson and granddaughter, and feel that life is like years!" Ling Rui looked at Ling Yue who was sitting next to Tang Shishi, and finally couldn't help but complain.

"Stinky boy!" Ling Yue was not annoyed, and Ling Rui, who had gouged out her eyes, was full of smiles.

"Husband, hurry up and sit down and eat cucumbers. Grandpa grows them. They are delicious!" Tang Shishi greeted Ling Rui with a small cucumber in her hand.

"Don't give it to this stinky boy!" Mr. Jun was very proud when he heard Tang Shishi say that the cucumbers he planted were delicious, but he still didn't look good towards Ling Rui.

Ling Rui pretended not to see Mr. Jun's cold face, walked behind Tang Shishi, bent down, took a bite of the little cucumber Tang Shishi was holding, chewed it up and swallowed it, and said, "You said Let's eat it if it's delicious!" The tone was clearly forced.

"You brat! Spit it out! Who will allow you to eat it!" Mr. Jun felt that his authority had been seriously challenged, and yelled at Ling Rui.

"I've eaten it all, why are you vomiting?" Ling Rui raised his eyebrows indifferently, put his hands on Tang Shishi's shoulders, and said.

"I don't care! You must spit it out!" Mr. Jun said in a deep voice with a stubborn temper.

"If you want to spit it out, I can't spit it out!" Ling Rui said rascally.

"You go to me..."

"Well——" before Mr. Jun finished speaking, Tang Shishi suddenly stood up covering her mouth, and rushed towards the bathroom.

It's all because of these two people who have been whispering in her ears whether or not to vomit, which made her really vomit!
"Shishi girl!"

"Wife!" Tang Shishi's sudden action made everyone around her start to get nervous, especially Ling Rui, who rushed to the bathroom with a stride, and saw Tang Shishi vomit profusely, with a pale face. , there were two puddles of water in the big watery eyes, which would never fall, and he patted her on the back in distress, frowning, as if trying to pinch a fly to death!
"Girl Shishi, how is it?" Ling Yue stood at the door and asked worriedly.

"Mom, I didn't..." Well, before she finished speaking, Tang Shishi felt a pain in her stomach again, opened her mouth, and started to vomit again!
"This, how could it be so serious?" Mr. Jun outside the door heard Tang Shishi vomit hard, and turned around in distress!

"I've eaten too much cucumber!" Ling Rui glanced at Mr. Jun, his voice was cold and hard!

"You stinky boy, you—" Mr. Jun wanted to scold Ling Rui, a stinky boy, for deliberately making himself feel bad, but suddenly remembered that Tang Shishi hadn't stopped talking since he ordered the kitchen to wash the cucumbers and bring them up. After eating several sticks in a row, it seems that I really ate too much!

Thinking of this, Mr. Jun immediately became weak.

"Shut up for girl Shishi!" Jun Zeyu handed a glass of warm water to Ling Rui, looking at Tang Shishi who was still spitting out, he couldn't hide his worry in his eyes.

If this keeps vomiting like this, how can the body nutrition keep up?It's okay to talk about a child, but this Shishi girl has two babies in her stomach!

Ling Yue also thought of this, and looked at Jun Zeyu, feeling faintly uneasy in her heart.

"Mom and Dad, I'm fine, I'm really too greedy!" Tang Shishi vomited for a while, took the warm water from Ling Rui, rinsed away the bitter taste in her mouth, smiled and waved her hands indifferently.

Just now she unknowingly ate several small cucumbers, she really ate too much!
"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine!" Ling Yue looked at Tang Shishi's pale face with tears still on her face, feeling extremely distressed, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

"Is it really all right?" Mr. Jun looked at Tang Shishi and asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, it feels much better to spit it out!" Tang Shishi smiled, in fact, she really didn't feel so sad, but seeing everyone's nervousness because of her, she felt a little sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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