Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 766 Finding Yueshan; The Han Family Lost Power

Chapter 766 Finding Yueshan; The Han Family Lost Power (1)

Ling Rui's body became hot, and before he was embarrassed, he quickly forced himself to look away.

This little wild cat is so captivating, it's trying to play with its old life!

Write down this account first!
After waiting for the first three months, hum!
Ling Rui comforted himself in his heart.

"The second aunt said, with your body, these are all necessary. Multiple births are inherently more dangerous than one birth, especially if you were still... If you don't take care of it early, your body will not be able to bear it when the baby grows later." Ling Rui put the mat on the washstand, then carried Tang Shishi out of the bathtub, stretched out his hand to hook a large bath towel, and wiped her body carefully.

"Okay, if you are fat, you will be fat! If I become ugly, you must not like me!" Tang Shishi died of reluctance when she heard that Ling Rui had moved Yunmo out.The second aunt is absolutely authoritative in this regard.

"Don't worry, even if you grow to two hundred catties, I still like you the most!" Ling Rui didn't expect Tang Shishi to worry about such a problem, and said a little funny.

"That's what you said! You are not allowed to be like those men on TV. When I was pregnant, I couldn't bear to be lonely and go out to mess around!" Tang Shishi smiled happily when she heard Ling Rui's assurance.

"What TV are you watching these unhealthy things?" Ling Rui frowned displeased.

No matter how busy he is these days, he goes home to sleep with the little wild cat every night, but the little wild cat is pregnant, and the elders at home will not let her go out for the first three months. The most she does at home is to watch TV. Unexpectedly , Nowadays, such unhealthy things are spread on TV!

"There are many stories like this on TV, which means that this kind of situation is very common in society!" Tang Shishi said indifferently, completely unaware of what kind of disaster she brought to the TV station with just an inadvertent complaint.

Because, early the next morning, Ling Rui called the relevant unit, accusing the TV station of spreading bad social culture and attracting bad social atmosphere. The show has been shut down and put into limbo, and it has been replaced by a show that promotes the infatuation of men, going up the mountain of swords and going down into the sea of ​​fire for the woman he loves, with deep affection and no regrets.

Looking at the schedule of the first period sent to him by the TV station, Ling Rui nodded in satisfaction. He will not let those trash men affect the mood of his big baby, and thus affect the prenatal education of the two little babies. !

Tang Shishi enjoys the careful care of her family in 360 degrees without any dead ends, while Wang Yueshan, who is far away in the United States, is at this moment given to a man with an unshaven beard, sunken eye sockets, bloodshot eyes, a travel-stained body, and no image at all. She was frightened, and when she came back to her senses, she was so frightened that she hugged the child and turned around and ran, shouting, "Damn it!"

"Damn woman! You can never slip away this time!"

Apart from Du Haoyang, who else could be this man who almost frightened Wang Yueshan?
Wang Yueshan was originally carrying her child out for vaccinations today, but who knew that not long after she left the house, she ran into someone she would never have imagined in her dreams, so her first reaction after she came to her senses was to run away!
It's just that no matter how fast Wang Yueshan's pace is, how can she be faster than Du Haoyang, not to mention that she still has a baby in her arms, a bag hanging on her body, and two feeding bottles hanging around her neck!

So, after running a few steps, the bag on her body fell off. Wang Yueshan looked back distressedly. The bag was full of small clothes, toys and diapers for children. It was a lot of money!
Since she strongly rejected Tang Shishi's financial support, she has taken her children in a foreign country, and her life is a bit tight. If it weren't for Ling Rui's house and the rent, her savings would have been on the streets long ago!

Therefore, Wang Yueshan was very heartbroken after losing that bag!
But when she saw Du Haoyang who was about to catch up with her, Wang Yueshan felt that her life was more important than her freedom, so she screamed again and ran desperately.

Du Haoyang looked at the woman who was running and screaming in front of him, he was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry, he chased after a few steps, and grabbed Wang Yueshan's shoulder with his big hand, but the coat that the woman was wearing was slippery, and she easily broke free. Du Haoyang just grabbed a strap and tied two feeding bottles at both ends of the strap, one filled with milk powder and the other filled with water, and it was still warm in his hand. Du Haoyang gratefully hung the two bottles around his neck , holding two feeding bottles in his arms to keep warm.

The bag was lost, the feeding bottle was also robbed, Wang Yueshan's legs were weak from running, and she looked bitter. Who is she messing with?Why is Mao even living a few days in peace is an extravagant hope, she has already avoided half of the world, could it be that she has not rolled far enough?
Just when Wang Yueshan was running, staggered and almost fell, someone pulled her body hard and fell into a firm embrace.

"You damn woman, where do you want to run this time?!" Du Haoyang was out of breath, holding Wang Yueshan, who was panting like a cow, and questioned with hatred in his voice.

"Du Haoyang, you lingering villain! Let me go! Let me go!" Wang Yueshan screamed while holding the child, shaking her body from side to side.

"You're right, I'm fucking haunted! You will never escape from my grasp in your life!" Du Haoyang tightly hugged Wang Yueshan's waist, his eyes were fierce: "Unless I die!"

Wang Yueshan's heart trembled!She knew that what Du Haoyang said was definitely not a joke!

"Du Haoyang, are you interesting? I said, did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? Look clearly, what I hold in my arms is your brother's son, not yours! Your brother and I even have children What's the point of you pestering a woman like me?" Unable to escape, Wang Yueshan had no choice but to express affection and reason to Du Haoyang, hoping that he could see clearly how much separation there was between the two of them. thing.

"This brat sleeps soundly!" Hearing Wang Yueshan mention the child, Du Haoyang clasped Wang Yueshan's waist with one hand, and pulled the blanket that wrapped the child away a little with the other, looking at the little person who was sleeping very soundly, The corners of his mouth parted, revealing a smile.

Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang's gleaming teeth, and suddenly felt cold in her heart, can't this drive her away?
In fact, Wang Yueshan seems to have forgotten that when she had a big belly, Du Haoyang left the affairs of City B behind and did not even go back to reunite with his family during the Chinese New Year. The child here has long established a deep revolutionary friendship. At least in Du Haoyang's eyes, this child is much better than Wang Yueshan, a cruel woman. At least he will not abandon him cruelly. Now that he is crossing the ocean, When he travels across the ocean to find them, he will not drive him away without conscience!

(End of this chapter)

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