Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 767 Finding Yueshan; The Han Family Lost Power

Chapter 767 Finding Yueshan; The Han Family Lost Power (2)
"Du Haoyang, are you not sick! Look clearly, this is Du Haoze's child!" Wang Yueshan screamed!

"You damn woman, keep your voice down, you're bothering him!" Du Haoyang slapped Wang Yueshan's butt forcefully, and said a lesson: "I knew this was Du Haoze's child a few months ago, I think you are Very ill! Dementia or amnesia?"

Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang's darkened face, and closed her mouth embarrassingly. The facts were in front of her, making it impossible for her to argue.

"Finally remembered how heartless I am?" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan and asked in a deep voice.

This smelly woman!Haven't eaten all these days?Thin as an African refugee!

"Du Haoyang, I won't like you, let alone marry you, you'd better go!" Wang Yueshan closed her eyes, was silent for a while, then suddenly raised her head to look at Du Haoyang, and said decisively.

"Who cares about you, a woman who likes you? Is there no one who loves you? It's rare!" Du Haoyang sneered at Wang Yueshan's words: "Wang Yueshan, you have to have a bottom line for your narcissism, and I won't use it for comparison. Let's just talk about Tang Shishi. You said that compared to Tang Shishi, you are bigger and bigger, more faceless, and you don't know anything about cooking and housework. Except for drawing a few **** pictures, you are a handsome guy. You can show off your skills, and what's even more hateful is that you have given birth to a child, why do you want my master to marry you?"

"You—I'm not as bad as you said! Besides, how good are you? You are a playboy, lecherous, shameless, rascal!" Wang Yueshan didn't expect Du Haoyang to say those words like a poisonous snake. The criticism she gave was useless, and her career was insulted, it was unbearable!

"A flirtatious, shameless, rascally rascal?" Du Haoyang stared at Wang Yueshan's face and growled in a low voice.

"Isn't it? You were wrong about that point?" Wang Yueshan stared back at Du Haoyang not to be outdone. At this time, momentum is very important, she won't lose if she loses!
"Flirtatious? Kind of! Shameless -" Du Haoyang pushed Wang Yueshan hard, and before Wang Yueshan was about to scold hooligans again, he said, "That's right! Rogue? This seems to be my specialty!" After Du Haoyang finished speaking, he was a little distressed Looking at Wang Yueshan, she said, "Hearing what you said, I suddenly felt that the two of us are really suitable, no! It's a match made in heaven!"

"Du Haoyang! You are so shameless!" Wang Yueshan became impatient, and she knew that she would never win against this rascal no matter how shameless she was!
"My lord has done too many shameless things, and it's not bad for you!" Du Haoyang snorted coldly, and suddenly picked up Wang Yueshan in his arms, and took big steps towards the house not far away.

"You bastard! What are you doing? Put me down! Put me down!" Wang Yueshan struggled in Du Haoyang's arms, kicking and shouting.

"Calm down, don't be indifferent, and disturb the child to sleep!" Du Haoyang frowned displeased Wang Yueshan and said, "If you scream again, I don't mind kissing you!"

The little woman in her arms was still holding a child, but she was as light as a feather. The only thing with a normal look on her body was the lip she had been biting just now. It was so bright red that Du Haoyang was particularly impulsive. !

Originally, when he was on the plane, he secretly swore that after seeing this woman, no matter what happened, he would throw her to the ground and lay on her bed for three days and three nights, so that she would never have the strength to get off. Bed, let's see where she dares to run? !But now looking at her in just two months, she is so thin that she seems out of shape, skinny, with only a pair of big eyes left on her face, no matter how impulsive Du Haoyang is, he can't bear to press such a body The mummy-like woman, he thought to feed her a little fatter, otherwise he was really afraid of being strangled to death by this woman. The bones of this woman are surprisingly hard!
I have to say, Du Haoyang's threat really worked!Wang Yueshan shut her mouth embarrassingly.In fact, she ran with all her strength just now, and her legs and feet are already weak now. Even if she struggles, she can't make too many waves. In the eyes of outsiders, she looks like she wants to refuse and welcome, right?
Du Haoyang was very satisfied with Wang Yueshan's understanding of current affairs, and carried Wang Yueshan back to the door of the house.

"Where's the key?" Du Haoyang asked, holding Wang Yueshan's arm up.

"In the bag!" Wang Yueshan was very cooperative this time, but her tone was rather gloating. The bag was lost when she ran away just now, and now she might not know who picked it up, or threw it into the trash can. Well, even if he was at the same place, this man would go back and look for her. She just took the opportunity to escape. She didn't believe that this guy would hold her and walk back!
"Find it out!" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan's roving eyeballs, his heart was like a mirror, this dead woman must have some bad idea again!

Wang Yueshan looked at the bag that was dragged from behind to her by the man, and was stunned. Since when did this guy have the habit of picking up trash!
When did a rag bag like her get into this man's eyes!
In fact, how did Wang Yueshan know that Du Haoyang didn't pay much attention to such external possessions at all. How much money does this woman have with all her belongings?When it’s gone, just buy it again, anyway, the old one won’t go, and the new one won’t come, but the moment Wang Yueshan dropped the bag, the look in her eyes when she turned her head made him feel distressed, and she went to buy the bag by accident. The bag was picked up and slung across the body!
"I'm sorry to disappoint you!" Du Haoyang hummed very awkwardly, without a trace of guilt in his tone, but his proud eyebrows were about to fly!

"Hmph! A smelly man with no taste!" Wang Yueshan was discouraged, and she lost another best opportunity to escape from the clutches of the clutches.

"Your taste really needs to be improved!" Du Haoyang glanced at the rag bag in disgust. When he saw Wang Yueshan unzip the zipper, there were baby supplies, mobile phone keys, loose change and other things in a mess. She frowned speechlessly, could this woman be any more sloppy?

well!I really have a long way to go!

Don't be afraid, anyway, a lifetime, so long!These can be corrected slowly.

Wang Yueshan was too lazy to quarrel with Du Haoyang. First, she was not in the mood and had no strength. Second, she couldn't beat this rascal man even after fighting. Why should she waste her energy?

Du Haoyang carried Wang Yueshan into the room, and after putting Wang Yueshan on the bed in the bedroom, he kicked off his shoes and ran to the bed.

"Du Haoyang, you bastard, who told you to come up? Get off!" Wang Yueshan saw that Du Haoyang also got into bed with her, and all the hairs on her body immediately became wary!This man doesn't want to...

(End of this chapter)

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