Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 768 Finding Yueshan; The Han Family Lost Power

Chapter 768 Finding Yueshan; The Han Family Lost Power (3)
Du Haoyang gave Wang Yueshan a sideways look, and lay heavily on the bed, then grabbed Wang Yueshan who turned over and wanted to get out of bed, dragged her into his arms, and hugged her tightly: "Master hasn't slept for a few days, I have to sleep for a while !"

Wang Yueshan struggled in Du Haoyang's arms, looked at the thick dark circles under Du Haoyang's eyes, and said angrily: "You can sleep on your own, I will lend you this bed, let me go!"

"Let go of you, let you slip away again while I'm asleep? Wang Yueshan, you have a good idea!" Du Haoyang said viciously.

"Where can I go? I'm not familiar with this place!" Wang Yueshan said with a guilty conscience.This stinky man's sharp eyes can see through her mind at a glance!

"Do you still know that you don't know the place you're born in? Be honest!" Du Haoyang stopped Wang Yueshan who was writhing in his arms, and said angrily.

If the dead woman continued to move, he couldn't guarantee whether he would be able to restrain himself for a while, and his animal nature would explode.

"Du Haoyang, don't go too far! This is my territory!" Wang Yueshan said angrily. When she remembered that this was a house she rented, she immediately felt confident!

"Wang Yueshan, I also advise you not to go too far! If you continue to move, I don't mind killing you right away!" Du Haoyang threatened in a dangerous tone, and used his body to maliciously rub Wang Yueshan's body!
"Ah——you stinky rascal!" Wang Yueshan was harassed again, and screamed angrily: "Du Haoyang, if you really dare...I'll cut off your dick!".

"Be good, I'm really tired!" The corners of Du Haoyang's mouth twitched unsteadily, deliberately ignoring the word ***, he put his arms around Wang Yueshan's waist, rubbed his chin on top of Wang Yueshan's head, and fell asleep peacefully go.

Wang Yueshan didn't expect Du Haoyang to sleep right away, looking at his extremely tired face, Wang Yueshan moved her mouth, and finally didn't say anything, but looked at the sleeping baby in her arms, and lightly poked his little one angrily. Gill, complained: "You are heartless, you see mom being bullied, and you don't help mom!" At least it's good to support her!

I have never seen a child who sleeps so soundly!With such a big movement, he didn't even lower his eyelids.

Maybe it heard Wang Yueshan's voice, the sleeping baby opened his eyes, looked at Wang Yueshan, then yawned gracefully, closed his eyes and continued to sleep!

How hypocritical!
During the period when Tang Shishi was pregnant, City A was in a state of turmoil. First, the Han family was exposed to bribe the Shen family through the hands of Yao Hengyuan, the housekeeper of the Shen family. The amount was huge, and the two families formed a clique for personal gain. It was suppressed by the joint efforts. Although the political situation has always been full of factions, everyone's hearts are like a mirror, but they will not bring it to the table. Therefore, the Han family and the Shen family have used their brains this time to turn this matter over. article.

But since Ling Rui made a move, Yao Hengyuan's matter was just a head start. The reason why he didn't expand the matter of the Han family and the Shen family at the beginning was actually just throwing stones to ask for directions. How much ability is there, and secondly, it is to look at the movements and plans of the Shangfeng people, so just when the Han family and the Shen family were about to breathe a sigh of relief, the Internet broke out about Han Ji and Han Jing's brother and sister Luan. Lun's indecent videos, and many of them were made by the Han family by selling their daughters to win positions. For a while, the Han family was pushed to the forefront and became notorious, while Han Ji, Han Jing and the group they belonged to The faction of the Han family in the Han family has completely collapsed. Of course, during this period, a lot of things about the Han family's flying camps and dogs have been unearthed. Even the other branch of the Han family has also been affected to a certain extent.

Han Yi called Ling Rui, his tone lost his usual calm and elegant tone, and asked angrily: "Major General Ling, should you give me an explanation for what you have done recently!"

Han Yi knew that Han Ji wanted to calculate Tang Shishi's failure at the Shen family banquet, and it was designed instead, but because of this matter, Ling Rui didn't say hello, and it would be too unkind to advance their plan up!
Should he re-examine the agreement he reached with Ling Rui!
"My wife is pregnant!" Facing Han Yi's questioning, Ling Rui just spit out six words calmly.

Han Yi suddenly lost his temper!Everyone knows that the Jun family dotes on their wives, and this Ling Rui is a better interpretation of what it means to be better than blue. He was asked to slow down the pace before, in order to let Tang Shishi play happily. This will speed up the pace , because Tang Shishi is pregnant and doesn't want to be disturbed.

Can this man be any more selfish?

"What are you going to do next?" Although Han Yi was angry, Ling Rui was willing to tell him about Tang Shishi's pregnancy, and he still felt Ling Rui's sincerity in cooperating.

No wonder Mr. Jun and the others came to City A, that's how it is!

"You can take over the entire Han family now!" Ling Rui said.

"You made such a mess, let me take over at this time?" Hearing Ling Rui's words, Han Yi was so angry that he almost jumped up. What he wanted was a powerful Han family, and the current one has nothing!

"Do you really believe that one got there by pimping for so many years?" Ling Rui snorted coldly, with a sharp look in his eyes.

Han Yi's tone faltered, he didn't believe it, but the one now is broken, there is really nothing left!

"If it's a complete half cake, are you sure you can swallow it in one go?" Ling Rui guessed what Han Yi was thinking at the moment, and couldn't help but sneer.

"I see!" Han Yi sighed, hung up the phone, he figured it out.

He really couldn't swallow the Han family's half of the cake in one go. Now that Ling Rui chopped the half of the cake into small pieces, it was much easier to swallow!
As for whether he will get what he wants, Han Yi is looking forward to it. I believe that this process will definitely make him enjoy it immensely!
The Han family was hit hard, and the Shen family was also affected a lot, especially the one branch of the Han family was destroyed, but the other branch was never used by him, so the faction of the Shen family lost the entire Han family. A thigh was broken!Shen Kui was so busy at this stage that he couldn't get away, and the old man of the Shen family, who was originally training in other places, had to change his schedule and came back to the Shen family early to sit in town. Seeing Tang Shishi and seeing Tang Shishi at the banquet, the Xie family, who was afraid of avoiding her, also started to walk around with the Jun family.

When Xie Quan's family came to visit, Tang Shishi was reading newspapers in her bedroom. Ling Rui would not let her touch these newspapers at home, saying that she was afraid of affecting prenatal education. Find out the newspaper, read it secretly, and ask Zhou Hu to put it back after reading it.

In fact, Zhou Hu had confessed to Ling Rui a long time ago, and now he understands that although Ling Rui loves the young lady, it is right to hug the young lady's thigh, but he can't carry Ling Rui behind his back, otherwise, this little girl Shoes, I don't know when I will wear them on my feet.

(End of this chapter)

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