Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 772 It's not easy to be a cheap father!

Chapter 772 It's not easy to be a cheap father! (3)
At least give her some time to adjust!

Wang Yueshan got up and got out of bed, and walked towards the door, she didn't want to be in the same room with Du Haoyang again.

"Wang Yueshan, you can't deny that you enjoyed it just now!" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan who was walking to the door, and touched his mouth maliciously to remind him.

"You—rascal!" Wang Yueshan became furious, grabbed a small decoration on the cupboard by the door, and threw it at Du Haoyang: "I was indeed kissed by you with a super high kiss that you have trained through countless women. I'm happy with the skills, but now my sister, I'm so fucking disgusted when I see you!"

After Wang Yueshan finished speaking, she slammed the door and walked out!
Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan's back, touched his nose resentfully, weighed the small bronze statue in his hand, then got up and put it back in its original place, walked to the sleeping baby's bed, and tucked him Under the quilt, he gently pinched the baby's chin, and said to himself: "Son, who hasn't been young and frivolous, right? But you must never learn from Dad in the future, to save time Being despised by others will take a lot of detours!"

The sleeping baby didn't know what kind of dream it was, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

As soon as Wang Yueshan left the bedroom, she angrily called Tang Shishi.

Originally, in order to save money, it was Tang Shishi who called her every time, but this time she was so angry that she couldn't care about it. Besides, that girl hadn't called her for a while. Wang Yueshan is sure and sure, this fellow Tang Shishi must also know that she has done something wrong, she has a guilty conscience, and has no face to see herself!

In fact, how did Wang Yueshan know that as soon as Tang Shishi became pregnant, Ling Rui confiscated Tang Shishi's mobile phone, saying that it had radiation. In order to prevent Tang Shishi from frequently touching the mobile phone, Ling Rui gave Tang Shishi's mobile phone to Zhou Hu to carry with her. For safekeeping, Zhou Hu secretly screened her phone calls, so at this stage, Tang Shishi's phone only has one function left, which is answering calls, and she has never made a call at all.

When Wang Yueshan called, Tang Shishi was about to go to bed.

Zhou Hu saw Wang Yueshan's caller ID and looked at Ling Rui and Tang Shishi's room, feeling a little tangled in his heart.

Is this mobile phone free or not?

He knew about the relationship between Wang Yueshan and Tang Shishi, but at this time——the call came at the wrong time, right?
When Zhou Hu was hesitating, the phone rang once. Looking at the darkened phone screen, he breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could breathe out, the phone rang again, and it was still Wang Yueshan!

Now Zhou Hu doesn't dare to slack off anymore, the call is so urgent, if something happens over there, Zhou Hu dare not think about it, so he ran upstairs to knock on Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's room Door.

"What's the matter?" It was Ling Rui who opened the door.

Zhou Hu lowered his head and accidentally glanced at the corner of Ling Rui's nightgown. He didn't dare to look at Ling Rui's cold face. He quickly handed Ling Rui the hot potato in his hand and said, "Wang Yueshan's phone has rang once. , seems to be in a hurry!"

After speaking, he ran away as if fleeing for his life.

"Yueshan's call, give me it quickly!" Tang Shishi, who was already sitting on the bed, heard a call from Wang Yueshan, and her face was stained with excitement. There were too many things these days, and the phone was not with her. The joy of pregnancy was shared with good friends.

"5 minutes!" Ling Rui generously handed the phone to Tang Shishi, and was especially lenient for 2 minutes for Tang Shishi's good sister. He set a time for ordinary people's calls, and the call was completed within 3 minutes.

Tang Shishi wrinkled her nose at Ling Rui in protest!This domineering guy!

Ever since she was pregnant, Grandpa Ling and his uncle and aunt had a time limit of 3 minutes to call her. The last time Tang Yuan called her and chatted a little longer, but Tang Yuan's number was hacked!To call her now, you can only use your uncle and aunt's mobile phone or the landline of the Ling family mansion.

"Tang Shishi, you traitor!" As soon as the call was connected, Wang Yueshan's loud voice came over.

"Yueshan, what's the matter?" Tang Shishi took the phone a little far away, confused, she raised her eyes to see Ling Rui who was displeased below, and asked in a low voice puzzled.

"Tang Shishi, don't say that Du Haoyang knew that I was in the United States, you didn't leak it!" Wang Yueshan continued to shout!

mock up!She pretended to be innocent with her sister!snort!Wang Yueshan thought angrily, let's see if my sister won't expose you!
"Du Haoyang went to the United States?! He found you?!" Tang Shishi was extremely shocked when she heard the news. She turned her head and glanced at her side. Ling Rui, who looked calm, expressed disbelief in her tone.

"Pretend! Keep pretending! Tang Shishi, you actually betrayed your good sister! You let my sister down so much! I want to break up with you! Break up!" Wang Yueshan roared on the other end of the phone.

"It's not me! It's really not me!" Tang Shishi became nervous when she heard that Wang Yueshan was going to break up with her, and quickly clarified for herself.

Tang Shishi felt that she was more wronged than Dou E!She has been tight-lipped about Wang Yueshan's whereabouts!Absolutely never revealed a word to the Du family brothers!Why did such a big hat suddenly fall from the sky?
"Come on! You can only believe in ghosts!" Wang Yueshan didn't believe it at all!Still shouting angrily.

"Really, Yueshan, you believe me. This morning, Du Haoze called me to ask me about you, but I didn't say anything, really! You believe me!" Tang Shishi tried her best to argue.

"Hmph! Who are you? I believe you!" Wang Yueshan continued to yell in displeasure.

Tang Shishi wanted to say something, but suddenly his hands were empty, and the phone fell into Ling Rui's hands. He turned on the hands-free phone, and said two words lightly: "It's me!"

"Are you finally willing to admit it? You--" You treacherous guy!Wang Yueshan's high-spirited voice just now stopped abruptly.

This voice, oh my god!

"You——why do you...Ling Rui, you are not righteous!" For Ling Rui, Wang Yueshan was really a little scared, because although they were separated by thousands of miles, she could already hear death from Ling Rui's deep tone. Unhappy with death, the voice naturally subsided.

"My wife is pregnant, so I don't have time to worry about your affairs!" Ling Rui said solemnly, not thinking how shocking his words were.

Because Tang Shishi was pregnant, in order not to let her continue to worry about Wang Yueshan's affairs, she kicked out Wang Yueshan's troublesome ball mercilessly and let Du Haoyang take over.

"You—Shishi is pregnant? Who did it? Why didn't I know?" Wang Yueshan's typical brain short-circuited.

"Yueshan, I'm pregnant! Twins!" Tang Shishi heard Wang Yueshan's tone of strong outside but middle-class, and quickly changed the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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