Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 773 It's not easy to be a cheap father!

Chapter 773 It's not easy to be a cheap father! (4)
"Twins?! Tang Shishi, do you want to be so lucky? I'm so jealous!" Wang Yueshan shouted excitedly.

Ling Rui frowned because of the noise pollution coming from the phone.

Snapped!Too lazy to listen to Wang Yueshan's nonsense, Ling Rui hung up the phone, otherwise he wouldn't promise to cause more trouble for Wang Yueshan, a careless bastard!

His wife was pregnant, and this woman asked who did it idioticly?I really want to pinch her to death!

"Why did you hang up, I haven't finished yet!" Tang Shishi glared at Ling Rui angrily.

Ling Rui calmly pointed to his watch, the time was up.

Tang Shishi pouted.

"Little wild cat, you are pregnant, who did it? Huh?" Ling Rui held Tang Shishi in his arms and rolled over lightly, and his entire upper body was pressed on Tang Shishi's body.

"Who did you say did it?" Tang Shishi blushed and muttered.Wang Yueshan, this guy, sometimes speaks without going through the brain, and dares to ask such deadly questions!
"Who would dare except Master!" Ling Rui's tone was filled with resentment.

Seeing Ling Rui like this, Tang Shishi burst out laughing, but deliberately reached out and poked Ling Rui's chest, and asked, "Old hooligan, do you trust me that much? You're not afraid... um..."

Before Tang Shishi finished speaking, Ling Rui grabbed Tang Shishi's mouth fiercely and kissed him forcefully. This damned little wild cat really knows how to provoke him more and more!

Tang Shishi hasn't felt such a hot kiss from Ling Rui for a long time since she found out she was pregnant. Because she couldn't bear Ling Rui's suffering, she sleeps well now and tries not to touch Ling Rui's sensitive areas. Both of them also deliberately avoided sensitive topics. This was the first time that they had such an out-of-control intense kiss today.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will not spare you!" Ling Rui took Tang Shishi's small hand and put it there to warn.

The two babies in the little wild cat's stomach, counting the days, were conceived in the crazy night in the tank. Back then, she still had her heart in Cao Ying and her heart in Han, living in the house of Shen He's army.He didn't doubt it at all, but Wang Yueshan's unintentional words made him mind.I feel that this is not only doubting my own ability, but also doubting Little Wild Cat's loyalty to marriage.What should he do to fix this woman!
Tang Shishi's little face was flushed, feeling the temperature in her hands, she was a little at a loss.

"Old hooligan, you—I—" Tang Shishi lowered her head, and the blush on her face became more and more gorgeous.

"You what you, me what me?" Ling Rui leaned on his arms and looked down at Tang Shishi. A suspicious blush appeared on Jun's face, and he felt a little anticipation in his heart.

"Old rascal, you—how could you leak Yueshan's whereabouts? It's too much!" Tang Shishi, as if being burned by the enthusiasm in Ling Rui's eyes, quickly broke away from Ling Rui's hand and changed the subject. Tang Shishi was very angry when Ling Rui leaked Wang Yueshan's whereabouts.

This guy, how could he be so uncontrollable this time, that he would trap her in an injustice!I am sorry friend!

"It's too tiring to take care of the child by myself, I just want to find her a helper!" Ling Rui said nonchalantly.

It was just the shortness of breath that he was holding back, which leaked Ling Rui's emotions at the moment. He slightly withdrew half of Tang Shishi's body, feeling a little lost.

Three months is really difficult, when will be the head!
"But, Yueshan doesn't..." Tang Shishi was still immersed in the darkness of betraying her friend.

"Little wild cat, she needs it! Sooner or later, she and the brothers of the Du family will have to face it. Since it can't be avoided, why not face it sooner?" Ling Rui said with a sigh, putting his arms around Tang Shishi's body.

"But——" Tang Shishi was a little speechless, how could a woman's mind be the same as a man's, and Yueshan almost died this time, so it's normal for her to avoid the Du brothers.Besides, even if you ask someone to take advantage of it, there is no need to let Du Haoyang go, right?No wonder Yueshan was so angry on the phone just now, Du Haoyang must have offended her!
"At least with a man by her side, she can avoid unnecessary suffering. I heard from the people over there that she is skinny and skinny in less than three months. If she doesn't refuse our help, we can get rid of it." With her temperament, the appetite of the brothers of the Du family is swayed, after all, taking care of her and the children is not a burden to us, but if she refuses, it will really become a burden to us!" Ling Rui said earnestly.

Since the little wild cat became pregnant, Ling Rui felt that his heart had softened a lot. If the little wild cat took care of the child by himself like Wang Yueshan and suffered so much, he would definitely go crazy!He also thought about it for a long time before deciding to tell Du Haoyang the news about Wang Yueshan.

Tang Shishi was silent, she didn't expect this man to think so carefully, so far, she was a little moved, touched that he even accepted her friends completely, and was willing to think about it for Yueshan.

Because of Ling Rui's words, Tang Shishi began to reflect, her previous thoughts were too short-sighted, especially after hearing Ling Rui say that Wang Yueshan was skinny, Tang Shishi felt that her previous thoughts were naive and unrealistic .

It is true that Wang Yueshan can't be allowed to suffer and suffer just because she simply helped Wang Yueshan take a gamble.

"But, Du Haoyang, is he really suitable?" Tang Shishi asked while leaning into Ling Rui's arms.

"Whether it's suitable or not is up to Wang Yueshan, not us!" Ling Rui admitted that he had some selfish intentions in leaking the news to Du Haoyang, but he believed that he would not misjudge his brother. With the lessons learned from last time, Du Haoyang will not let him down again.

Besides, he is not an arranged marriage, whether it will be successful in the end depends on them, he just left the burden of Wang Yueshan to find the best candidate!

"Then what if Du Haoze finds out?" Tang Shishi recalled that Du Haoze had called her today to ask about Wang Yueshan, and she answered so resolutely, and suddenly felt a little bit of guilt in her heart.

"Their brother's bad debts, let's figure it out by ourselves, we just need to make sure that Yueshan and the children will not be wronged!" Ling Rui was too lazy to spend any more energy on these mortal affairs, and put his arms around Tang Shishi's Body, said: "Sleep."

Tang Shishi nodded, nestled into Ling Rui's arms, closed her eyes, opened them slightly, and asked timidly, "Old rascal, how about...how about I help you?"

"How can I help?" Ling Rui smiled and pulled Tang Shishi's nose, kissed Tang Shishi on the forehead, and said, "Don't think about it, go to sleep!"

"But, you really—" Tang Shishi really couldn't imagine that Ling Rui, a man with strong desires and excess energy, would endure it to such an extent and reject her proposal so resolutely. When she was not pregnant, if she was willing to take the initiative to say such a thing, this old rascal would have gnawed her to the bone!

(End of this chapter)

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