Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 774 It's not easy to be a cheap father!

Chapter 774 It's not easy to be a cheap father! (5)
"You have had such a hard pregnancy, if you can't even stand this little temptation, then you are still human!" Ling Rui put Tang Shishi's little hand into his big one, and coaxed him softly, "Go to sleep!"

"Well! Old rascal, you're so kind!" Tang Shishi licked Ling Rui's mouth emotionally, and said emotionally.

"Come to seduce me!" Ling Rui glared at Tang Shishi feigning displeasure.

Tang Shishi was so frightened that she quickly closed her eyes and whispered, "I fell asleep!"

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi, who was nestling in his arms with a blushing look at Mao'er, and felt the tight pain in his body, he couldn't laugh or cry.

After Ling Rui waited for Tang Shishi to fall asleep, she got up, picked up her phone, and went to the study.

"Third brother, what's the matter?" Wang Yueshan wanted to breastfeed the baby, so Du Haoyang was expelled from the bedroom in pain. While answering the phone, he craned his neck to look into the bedroom, and involuntarily appeared in his mind what he couldn't grasp with his own hands before. Soft feeling, quite absent-minded.

"Du Haoyang, you are so cowardly. If you can't handle Wang Yueshan, I don't mind sending Du Haoze to you again!" Ling Rui threatened Du Haoyang when he opened his mouth.

"Third brother, dear brother! Don't tell me! I've finally made some progress! Aren't you ruining your brother's life!" Du Haoyang immediately woke up when he heard Ling Rui's words, and only then could he hear the anger in Ling Rui's tone .

"I'll give you a chance. If you don't grasp it, don't blame me for being dishonest!" Ling Rui said in a deep voice.

"Understand! Understood! Third brother, you can't leak Yueshan's whereabouts to Du Haoze at this time, it's killing you brother!" Du Haoyang promised doggedly, and then showed weakness to Ling Rui with a crying face.But in his heart, he thought that this dead woman Wang Yueshan could really cause trouble for him, it must be caused by that phone call just now!

"Your younger brother is not a fuel-efficient lamp, Haoyang, don't blame me for not reminding you, don't hurry up, be careful when the time comes, the family will be reunited, leaving you alone and staring blankly!" Ling Rui began to blow Du Haoyang, Based on the relationship between that woman Wang Yueshan and her little wild cat, if the little wild cat gives birth, she must go back to China. If Du Haoyang can't handle Wang Yueshan anymore, then he really can't help him. He doesn't want her little wild cat to confine her I still have to worry about these people's business!
"I understand!" Hearing the seriousness in Ling Rui's tone, it was rare for Du Haoyang to stop laughing, and his expression became serious.

He knew that Ling Rui didn't have much time for him!
It seems that this time, he is going to use all his skills that Mr. Du has cultivated in the crowd of women for many years, and throw Wang Yueshan, a dead woman, as soon as possible!
After Du Haoyang and Ling Rui finished talking on the phone, they pushed the door straight into Wang Yueshan's bedroom, and surprised Wang Yueshan who was breastfeeding the baby. If she hadn't been holding the baby, she would have gone up and beaten Du Haoyang.

"Smelly rascal! Get out!" Wang Yueshan hurriedly pulled down her clothes to cover her chest.

"Pretentious! I've already touched it. Don't you think it's too late now?!" Du Haoyang gave Wang Yueshan a nonchalant glance, then looked at Du Hengyu's little friend's mobile milk source openly, thinking that women are really strange creatures , this can suck the milk out!

Du Haoyang looked at the little baby enviously, seeing that he was still smacking his small mouth habitually, and there was still some milk left in the corner of his mouth, so he couldn't help swallowing dryly.

This stinky boy, it's cheap for you!What you are enjoying now is the welfare of your father and me!

Du Hengyu, who was eating happily, suddenly smashed the bar a few times, and found that his mouth was empty, he deflated his mouth, and burst into tears!He is still hungry!
As soon as the little guy cried, Du Haoyang panicked and became jealous. He hurried over to hug the little baby, and spun around the room to coax him.

"Son! What's the matter, darling? Don't cry, don't cry!" Du Haoyang coaxed as he walked, and made grimaces.

Only this time, Du Hengyu's little friend didn't give face very much, kept crying and didn't buy it at all.

Wang Yueshan took the child from Du Haoyang's arms angrily, and said, "Get out, he's not full yet!"

Du Haoyang looked at Du Hengyu's puckered mouth, and said helplessly and unwillingly, "Why don't you give him milk powder?"

"Fuck off! I want to let him eat milk powder because I have milk!" Wang Yueshan gave Du Haoyang a sideways look, and said in a vicious voice.

Du Haoyang gave Wang Yueshan a reluctant look, and walked out slowly.Is it okay to breastfeed?
I also want to drink milk!

Tang Shishi's life during this period can be said to be the most peaceful after marrying Ling Rui. The storms outside can't disturb her at all. With the company of her family, she enjoys the beauty of life in the huge golden cage of the Jun's mansion. A happy hour for an expectant mother.

"Mom, has my godmother returned to City B these few days? Why hasn't she come?" Sun Xiaofen has been going to Jun's house almost every day since she lived with Mr. Bai and returned to Bai's house. Both Tang Shishi and Tang Shishi suggested that Sun Xiaofen and Mr. Bai should live in Jun's house, and then live back after Bai Ziyu was transferred to City A, so as to save the trouble of running back and forth. Those few sticks were entangled, and she couldn't get out of her body at all. Sun Xiaofen had to take care of Mr. Bai's daily life, so naturally he couldn't stay here, so he just ran like this every day.

"If you ask me this way, I also realize that I haven't seen your godmother for a while. Is it because the affairs of the Bai family are entangled in her?" Ling Yue thought for a while and said, "Maybe she went back to City B. , your godfather will be transferred to City A after a while, maybe she has something to do at home, so she went back."

"Yeah." Tang Shishi nodded, thinking that it might be like this?But I feel a little uneasy.

Zhou Hu on the side snorted coldly.

Tang Shishi looked up at Zhou Hu in surprise, and asked, "Zhou Hu, do you know something?"

Now all her sources of news have to be filtered by Zhou Hu, this guy is currently very attractive.

"Master, don't let me talk!" Zhou Hu twitched, with a stinky face, but his eyes clearly said, "Quickly ask me, come and ask me, come and ask me, maybe I'll be in a good mood for a while." , let me tell you with great mercy!"

Tang Shishi gave Zhou Hu a blank look, this guy is getting worse and worse.

"Zhou Hu, I heard that Suzaku is short of a hand trainer recently, why don't I tell your master to let you go?" Tang Shishi asked with a harmless smile.

"Young Madam, you are threatening!" Zhou Hu immediately protested when he heard that Tang Shishi wanted him to be Suzaku's sandbag.

Since the last time he and Suzaku were punished by Ling Rui for running laps at the same time, Zhou Hu was completely beaten by Suzaku. He thought that no matter how strong Suzaku was, she was still a woman, and she ran [-] laps with a weight of [-] kilograms on her back. , at least he will be so tired that he won’t be able to move for several days. He has prepared a stomach full of words that can show off his power and humiliate Suzaku. Who knows, after twenty laps, he was panting like a cow, collapsed on the ground and almost couldn’t get up. But Suzaku just looked a little tired, gave him a cold, condescending look, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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