Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 775 The truth is that there is no truth

Chapter 775 The truth is that there is no truth (1)
At that moment, Zhou Hu's pure and fragile little heart was beaten to pieces, and since then, Suzaku has become Zhou Hu's nightmare, every time Zhou Hu sees Suzaku, he hides away, Then he looked at Suzaku with the same gaze as if he were looking at a monster.

"You say yes, so be it!" Tang Shishi gave Zhou Hu a look of "I'm just threatening you, how about it?"

Facing Tang Shishi who had no shame or even the slightest bit of guilt, Zhou Hu was depressed. Now he felt that he was really a tiger, but he was the "tiger" of a gecko!
"Well, young lady, in fact, the master is also kind, why don't you wait for the master to come back, you two will go back to the room after dinner and close the door, you are..." Zhou Hu winked at Tang Shishi, his tone He said ambiguously: "Anyway, as long as it is what you want to know, our master will definitely know everything and say everything!"

Zhou Hu resoundingly promised that it would be better to leave this kind of offending to their fathers.

"You're right!" Tang Shishi nodded in agreement, and just when Zhou Hu put her heart into practice, Tang Shishi picked up the juice in front of her, took a sip, and said to Zhou Hu as if she remembered something : "I will remember that you want to take the initiative to practice with Suzaku, and I will also tell your master by the way. I believe that your master will definitely respond to my requests!"

"Young Madam, don't play around with people like this! This trick of borrowing a knife to kill people is too cruel!" Zhou Hu complained "tearfully", his eyes were miserable and full of resentment!
When did he say he would take the initiative to practice with Suzaku?He didn't even have time to hide from her, so how could he be so stupid as to go forward to die?Injustice!Wrong!
Mr. Jun and Ling Yue in the living room couldn't help laughing and shaking their heads when they watched Zhou Hu perform so hard. This kid is really a flamboyant, proficient in everything!

"Why don't I just tell your master to be a matchmaker for you and Suzaku, and let you practice with Suzaku for the rest of your life!" Tang Shishi said half expecting and half threatening.

This is a good idea, Suzaku and Zhou Hu, one is cold all day long, the other is laughing all day long, they complement each other perfectly!Tang Shishi applauded her idea in her heart!

"I disagree!"

"Don't tell me!"

As soon as Tang Shishi's words fell, two voices of resistance sounded, and they were the protagonists and heroines she planned to match.

Suzaku walked down the stairs slowly, without raising his eyelids to look at Zhou Hu, and refused in a cold voice.

"Don't mind!" Zhou Hu glanced at Suzaku strangely, and then complained "tearfully": "Young Madam, I will die! I will really die!"

Tang Shishi and Suzaku's facial muscles started to twitch at the same time.

Grandpa Jun saw Zhou Hu, a tall man about 1.8 meters tall, acting coquettishly and cutely in front of his eyes, his eyelids twitched!Why is it so popular among men now?

The smile on the corner of Ling Yue's mouth could no longer be suppressed, the hand holding the fruit knife kept shaking and shaking, a good big apple, almost peeled into a core!It was luck that he didn't cut his hands, and it looked very worrying.

"Then you go die now!" If it wasn't for the inconvenience, Tang Shishi really wanted to kick Zhou Hu into the air!This guy has been showing off his cuteness and addiction recently, even Ah Hua despises him very much!
But Tang Shishi was inconvenient, but Suzaku was very convenient. She kicked Zhou Hu five or six meters away from Tang Shishi with one kick.This disaster is too polluting the eyeball!
"Ahem! It really is the most poisonous woman's heart!" Zhou Hu fell to the ground with a thud, and then got up from the ground with "difficulty", coughing like he had tuberculosis.

"Young madam, I'm far from dead! Cough cough cough!"

Tang Shishi rolled her eyes speechlessly, expressing her disdain for Zhou Hu's flop, but she still kindly asked: "Suzaku's kick made your internal organs shift, right? Tsk tsk, if you get some It’s even more realistic with ketchup on it!”

"Young Madam, I didn't expect you to be a fellow, so professional! Admire! Admire!" Like a chivalrous man in an ancient costume movie, Zhou Hu cupped his hands repeatedly at Tang Shishi and said, "Next time I will remember to bring a bag Ketchup, this is really the first choice for traveling at home and playing cute tricks!"

Tang Shishi glared at Zhou Hu, this guy is now Zhou Xingchi leaning over!After finishing speaking, don't forget to give Zhou Xingchi's unique smirk!

"This kid!" Old Master Jun and Ling Yue couldn't help laughing out loud!

"Zhou Hu, are you sure you want me to ask your master personally?" Tang Shishi looked at Zhou Hu who was beaming with joy, and asked angrily.

"Young Madam, actually, it's really hard to say about this matter. It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's because our master doesn't want me to say it. Young Madam, you know that if I disobey our master's order, I will die. It's very miserable, very miserable!" Zhou Hu said bitterly.

"If you don't tell me, you will die very, very, very, very miserable right now!" Tang Shishi didn't want to know that much at first, but after being tormented by Zhou Hu, she felt that if she didn't I understand the question, I'm really sorry for Zhou Hu's playing tricks, you can't waste his heart, can you?
"Heaven is going to kill me!" Zhou Hu slapped his forehead hard suddenly, made an expression of a strong man breaking his wrist, and gritted his teeth as if he was about to die heroically, and said, "I heard that Mrs. Bai's biological daughter is not Mo Xiaohui. , and not dead..." Zhou Hu's voice became weaker as he spoke.

Tang Shishi's scalp jumped, and she stood up excitedly and asked, "You don't mean to tell me that Wu Meng is my godmother's biological daughter?!"

"Young Madam is wise!" Zhou Hu didn't expect Tang Shishi to be so perceptive. He guessed what he wanted to say next, and raised his thumb in a playful and doggy manner. He couldn't help but feel relieved. It's not strict, is it a leak?
"It turned out to be her?!" Ling Yue couldn't help blurting out after hearing what Zhou Hu and Tang Shishi said.

"Mom, do you know something?" Tang Shishi asked curiously when she saw Ling Yue was surprised, but she didn't have the unacceptable expression as imagined.

"I know a little bit." Ling Yue smiled at Tang Shishi and said.

"Tell me quickly!" Tang Shishi became excited when she heard Ling Yue say this, she pulled Ling Yue's arm and begged.

Ling Yue tied the peeled and cut apples with a toothpick and put them into Tang Shishi's mouth. Looking at Tang Shishi's curious expression, she said, "Actually, I also knew about this by accident. What happened, it is said that Wang Meizhen is barren at all, and Wu Meng is her adopted child."

"Mom, when did you know this by accident? Can you tell me more about it?" Tang Shishi asked eagerly, pulling Ling Yue's arm.

"Look, you're in a hurry!" Ling Yue tapped Tang Shishi's forehead amusedly, and jokingly said, "You don't want to kiss your goddaughter because you are afraid that your godmother will find your own daughter? "

(End of this chapter)

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