Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 776 The truth is that there is no truth

Chapter 776 The truth is that there is no truth (2)
"Mom—don't make fun of me!" Tang Shishi pouted coquettishly.

She was really surprised that Wu Meng was Sun Xiaofen's biological daughter, and was even very skeptical, because although Wu Meng always acted carelessly, and even took a clear-cut stand on her side many times in public. When she got up, she defended her everywhere, but she was always not affectionate enough to Wu Meng, and she was on guard.

Originally, she thought that Wu Meng's target was herself, but she didn't expect that it would be revealed that Wu Meng was the eldest lady of the Bai family. Tang Shishi felt extremely uneasy!
Ling Yue couldn't bear Tang Shishi's impatience, so she immediately recalled what happened that day.

That day, Ling Yue had dinner at the Ling family mansion, and was ordered by the old lady Ling to deliver something to Tang Yuan. After the delivery, Ling Yue and Tang Yuan went to sit for a while at the Yiran Tea House under Yixin Internet Company. , The aunt and nephew had a conversation.

For Tang Yuan, Ling Yue really cared to the bottom of his heart, and Tang Yuan also respected and admired Ling Yue very much. Although the two people were in different industries, Tang Yuan often liked to ask Ling Yue some management issues. Xin is developing rapidly now, and there are many problems in both internal and external management. In this regard, Ling Yue has taught Tang Yuan a lot of valuable and effective experience and methods.

Ling Yue and Tang Yuan were chatting vigorously when they heard noises coming from the box next door.

Originally Ling Yue and Tang Yuan didn't care, but later they heard a voice that was somewhat familiar, so Ling Yue secretly paid attention and listened carefully.

It turned out that sitting in the van opposite was Wang Fengzhen, her sister Wang Meizhen, and Wang Fengzhen's niece Wu Meng.

Wu Meng seemed to be frightened, and shouted at Wang Fengzhen: "Impossible! Auntie! What are you talking about?! How could I not be my mother's daughter? This joke is not funny at all!"

"Who wants to tell you a joke! Your mother can't bear children at all, and I brought you back from the orphanage back then!" Wang Fengzhen said to Wu Meng displeased.

"Sister, you—" Wang Meizhen looked at Wang Fengzhen and then at Wu Meng, with a painful expression on her face.

"No! It's impossible!" Wu Meng screamed out of composure after seeing Wang Meizhen's acquiescing expression!
"If you don't believe me, go and test your DNA. The Wu family has raised you for so many years. If you know something, you will know how to repay your kindness. Besides, Xie's family is right with the Wu family. What else can you be picky about?" Wang Fengzhen interrupted Wu Meng forcefully. If so, look angry!

"I don't want to! I have my own life to live, so I don't want to marry a dude, a worthless playboy!" Wu Meng screamed in pain.

"Son, it's mother who is sorry for you, your father—" Wang Meizhen couldn't continue, and began to cry in a low voice.

"I don't! I don't want it!" After Wu Meng roared, he slammed the door and left!

Afterwards, Wang Fengzhen scolded Wang Meizhen with a dark face, saying that Wang Meizhen spoiled Wu Meng, if she knew this girl was so ungrateful, she shouldn't have brought this girl back back then!
Wang Meizhen defended Wu Meng a few words, saying that the child couldn't accept it for a while, and she would go back to persuade Wu Meng, but her momentum was always weak, and she looked a bit exhausted.

After Ling Yue finished speaking, she sighed and said, "It seems that Wu Meng finally compromised in order to repay her kindness, but I didn't expect that she turned out to be your Auntie Sun's daughter!".

Thinking of Wu Meng's fierce reaction when she refused, Ling Yue couldn't help shaking her head and sighing.There are many rich and powerful families who can't help themselves.

After hearing Ling Yue's words, Tang Shishi remained silent.

Yiran Tea House is not far from the Lu family's mansion, and it is not unexpected for Wang Fengzhen and others to appear there. Besides, it was completely accidental that her mother-in-law Ling Yue went to Yi Xin to find Tang Yuan. Not abruptly, Tang Shishi recalled Wang Fengzhen's frightened guilty look when she met Sun Xiaofen for the first time, and every time they met, as long as she met Sun Xiaofen, Wang Fengzhen seemed to be particularly afraid of her. Face, thinking about it now, makes Tang Shishi feel even more that Wang Fengzhen has a ghost in her heart!
Could it be that Wang Fengzhen always knew that Wu Meng was the eldest lady of the Bai family?Is Wu Meng really the eldest lady of the Bai family?

Thinking of Wu Meng's very friendly appearance from the first time he saw Sun Xiaofen, and Sun Xiaofen's impression of Wu Meng is also good, is this the mother-daughter nature?
Tang Shishi was entangled. On the surface, it seemed that everything was like this, but there was a voice in her heart that kept denying this matter: No, how is this possible?How could there be such a coincidence?

If it's a conspiracy...

Tang Shishi frowned uncomfortably!

"Girl Shishi, what's the matter with you?" Ling Yue and Mr. Jun looked at Tang Shishi thinking about the problem alone and then lost his mind in a daze, and his face was also very ugly, so they immediately asked with concern.

Zhou Hu who was standing aside, when he saw such Tang poems, thought to himself, I still had the foresight to know that telling this matter would make the young lady entangled, so I kept it a secret!

"I'm fine, I just thought of something?" Tang Shishi came back to her senses, smiled at Ling Yue and Mr. Jun, and comforted her.

Sitting on the side, Suzaku, who had never left, said after hearing Tang Shishi's words, "Instead of thinking wildly, it's better to wait for the master to come back, and you can ask yourself clearly!" Although Suzaku's tone was still cold, but the words Tang Shishi can still feel her concern.

"I see!" Tang Shishi smiled at Suzaku.

Suzaku was curious and couldn't help looking at Tang Shishi's belly again, feeling that Tang Shishi's slightly swollen belly was amazing.

Tang Shishi sensed Suzaku's curious and envious eyes, and couldn't help joking, "Suzaku, hurry up and find a good man to marry and have a baby with!" Suzaku is two years older than her, so she should get married too Now, it seems that she has to find some time to talk to Ling Rui about the personal problems of these subordinates!Anyway, she has nothing to do, so being a matchmaker is not bad!
Suzaku withdrew his gaze in some embarrassment, a trace of embarrassment crept across his face, got up and quickly became invisible.

Zhou Hu looked at the direction where Suzaku disappeared, his eyes were inexplicable.

Sun Xiaofen is indeed very busy these days, a daughter fell from the sky, and she doesn't know what it feels like.

There is shock, there is joy, there is doubt, and there is doubt.

That day--

"I——I just can't believe it!" After listening to Wu Meng's cry, Sun Xiaofen opened her eyes wide in shock, and took two steps back sharply, staggering.

(End of this chapter)

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