Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 779 Biological Daughter VS Hao Yang's Aggrieved

Chapter 779 Biological Daughter VS Hao Yang's Aggrieved (1)
At that time, if someone with a heart instigates and creates some troubles, it is very likely that the Bai family and the Jun family, who are now close as a family, will have a rift!
Therefore, the matter of Wu Meng's identity is definitely not a trivial matter!
The more Sun Xiaofen thought about it, the more she felt the seriousness of this matter. She raised her eyes to look at the solemn old man Bai, thinking that the old man was also worried like this, right?
When Sun Xiaofen told Ling Rui about the matter, Ling Rui fully agreed, but only told Sun Xiaofen to keep Tang Shishi a secret before this matter had a definite result. She didn't want Tang Shishi to worry about getting involved while she was pregnant.

Ling Rui's idea coincides with Sun Xiaofen's, so she naturally agrees!

Tang Shishi struggled all day because of hearing about Wu Meng, and finally waited until Ling Rui came home from get off work. She couldn't wait to go forward, took Ling Rui's arm, and asked, "Husband, what about Wu Meng? What's going on? Is she really my godmother's biological daughter?"

"I thought you missed me, but it's because of this!" Ling Rui tugged at Tang Shishi's little nose, with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

Knowing that Zhou Hu's big mouth is unreliable, Ling Rui is now thinking about whether he should sew Zhou Hu's mouth up with a needle and thread, and see how fast he will talk in the future!

As soon as Zhou Hu drove into the yard from Ling Rui's car, he had already found a corner to hide. He felt a chill on his back, and knew that Ling Rui must have suspected him, so he hurried out and faced Ling Rui clarified: "Master, it's not my problem this time, it's the young lady who is too smart, I didn't say anything, she guessed it herself!"

"I meet you every day, what's on my mind!" Tang Shishi covered her nose and gave Ling Rui a white look. She didn't see Zhou Hu's blinking little eyes that were about to cramp and asked for help, and asked anxiously while tugging at Ling Rui's arm. : "Tell me quickly, is it true?"

She has been struggling with this matter all afternoon!

"What about you? Do you think this is true?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's slightly rounded chin, stretched out his hand to caress her tightly frowning brows, and asked without answering.

The last thing he wanted was to worry about his big baby. He didn't expect that this matter would still be unavoidable.

"How do I know!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui an angry look and said.

"Then tell me your first instinct." Ling Rui put Tang Shishi in his arms, walked to the sofa in the living room, sat down, and said.

"The first feeling is that this is a conspiracy! It is a conspiracy with a deep layout! It is a conspiracy to destroy the relationship between the Junbai family!" Tang Shishi said truthfully: "Since you told me about that incident, for Wu I have always been on guard in the dream, and every time I feel that her approach is deliberate, with a certain purpose, I am afraid that she is a lurking bomb, so my attitude towards her has always been lukewarm. "

"Well, keep talking!" Ling Rui picked up a glass of half-drinked juice on the table, took a sip slowly, and asked.

Tang Shishi felt a little sweet in her heart when she saw Ling Rui drinking the juice she had left. She peeked shyly at Mr. Jun who was sitting on the other side of the sofa, and found that Mr. Jun didn't notice Ling Rui's small movements at all. Heaved a sigh of relief, and continued: "I always thought that Wu Meng's appearance was aimed at me, but I didn't expect that her goal was to be a godmother! But think carefully about the series of things that happened since I met Wu Meng. The thing, my first instinct is that this is a long-planned and well-planned conspiracy, but the more I think about it, the more I feel that all this may not be what I suspect. Husband, tell me, am I too narrow-minded? I'm used to conspiring everything around me!"

After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she looked at Ling Rui in distress.She thought about the whole thing today many times, and always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong!

"Yeah!" Ling Rui took another sip of the juice, feeling that the juice was smooth and delicious, really delicious, no wonder the little wild cat has always liked it.

"What do you mean? Is this a conspiracy, or am I too conspiratorial?" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui, who was sipping the juice slowly, with a trace of anxiety on her face.

"Yes, and neither!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi anxiously, teasing Tang Shishi and said.

"Stinky boy, what time is it, and you still keep it! Hurry up and tell girl Shishi the truth, this girl has been irritable all afternoon, if you tease her again, I'm in a hurry with you!" Mr. Jun looked at Tang Shishi anxiously No, he scolded Ling Rui and said.

Ling Rui glanced at Mr. Jun indignantly, thinking that grandpa really doesn't understand the love of husband and wife!But he is also to blame, if something like this happens in the future, he will definitely go back to the bedroom with the little wild cat or find a place where no one is there!Save yourself from being disturbed by people who don't know what you're interested in.

"Boy Rui, you should tell me quickly! Don't tease us any more, just keep it up!" Ling Yue, who was cooking love soup in the kitchen, leaned out half of her body and urged her.

Although she was busy in the kitchen just now, she kept her ears up, listening to the movement in the living room!
"The truth is—there is no truth!" Ling Rui looked at the curious eyes of his grandfather, mother, and daughter-in-law, cleared his throat, and said in a pretended deep voice.

"What does it mean?" The truth is there is no truth? !Why does this sound so strange?Tang Shishi couldn't help asking.

"Boy Rui, what are you trying to sell?" Mr. Jun also frowned, looking at Ling Rui.

What does it mean to have it, to have it, to not have it, to have it or not to have it?Mr. Jun was confused by Ling Rui.

"You brat! Speak well!" Ling Yue came out of the kitchen with a spoon in her hand, eager to knock Ling Rui on the head!

Why do you say these unfathomable words, it can really scare a person to death!

"It's literally!" Ling Rui said with a slight smile, with a playful expression on his face.

"What about the DNA test results? Has it come out yet?" Seeing that Ling Rui obviously didn't intend to say it out loud, Tang Shishi asked from a different angle.

Seeing the seriousness in Ling Rui's expression at a glance, Tang Shishi thought secretly: It seems that this time the problem is a bit tricky!

"It's out!" When Ling Rui thought of the test result, his deep eyes were like two pools of cold lake water, a little far away and a little icy.

"No—is that what I think?" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui's expression, her heart was a little uneasy, and a little irritable. She put her hand on her heart and pressed it, feeling strange in her heart. Why do you feel like this.

"It's just what you think!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi, sighed slightly, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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