Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 780 Biological Daughter VS Hao Yang's Aggrieved

Chapter 780 Biological Daughter VS Hao Yang's Aggrieved (2)
In front of Mr. Jun and Ling Yue, the young couple played charades. The two just made eye contact, and each had an answer in their hearts, but Mr. Jun and Ling Yue were confused and lost their way.

"Stinky boy, please explain clearly!" The most annoying thing for Mr. Jun is this kind of nonsense ostentation!It's so tasteless!At this moment, he completely forgot how he used the news of Tang Shishi's pregnancy to whet everyone's appetite!

"Stinky boy, tell me quickly! Why do I become more and more confused the more I listen, what kind of charades are you and Shishi girl playing!" Ling Yue glanced at Zhou Hu who had been by the side all the time, and found that he also had a confused face, so she asked Looking at Ling Rui, he urged anxiously again.

"The results of the DNA test came out, and the data showed that Wu Meng and my godmother are indeed parent-child. The results of the test were completely consistent with the data in the test report provided by Wu Meng!" Tang Shishi's voice was faint, a little deliberately suppressed. After being too calm, she looked into Ling Rui's eyes intently, and asked, "My husband, I said it, right?"

Tang Shishi raised her eyes and looked at Ling Rui, she couldn't tell what she was feeling at the moment, she was surprised, puzzled and worried, but not happy!

yes!Such a result made Tang Shishi feel no joy!

Is it because she is too possessive of her godmother?At the same time when she realized the thought in her heart, Tang Shishi was also taken aback, and couldn't help asking herself in her heart - yes, and no!This answer confuses her!

Maybe, if that person is not Wu Meng; maybe, if Wu Meng is not related to Wang Fengzhen; maybe, it is not at such a sensitive time, then maybe she will accept it more easily!

Tang Shishi comforted herself in her heart.

Ling Rui smiled at Tang Shishi, his eyes approving, and he could clearly see the entanglement in Tang Shishi's eyes. His big hand gently wrapped Tang Shishi's small hand, and said, "What you said is completely correct."

The little wild cat is indeed so keen!Trying to fool her is definitely a technical job!

"This, how is this possible?" After listening to Tang Shishi's words, Mr. Jun was the first to question!From the very beginning when he heard Zhou Hu mention this matter, he didn't care much, because from the beginning to the end, he believed that this was a conspiracy played by the Shen family faction!In his eyes, Wu Meng is just a pawn in colorful clothes to entertain his relatives!
But when Mr. Jun heard the affirmations in Ling Rui's tone that could stand scrutiny, he got a little messy!Could it be that he was thinking too much?Is he really thinking too much? !Could it be that, as girl Shishi said, he is also used to "conspiracy" everything?
"What kind of rhythm is this?" Ling Yue, who has been poisoned by Zhou Hu who loves to play tricks these days, couldn't help complaining sullenly!
Although, she had thought in her heart that Wu Meng might really be Sun Xiaofen's biological daughter, but when it was confirmed, she deeply felt that she couldn't accept it!

"The rhythm of death!" Zhou Hu couldn't help interjecting when he saw a trace of playfulness and coldness in Ling Rui's eyes.

Others may not know the look in Master's eyes, but he is most familiar with Leng Maolin!Every time the master shows such eyes, it means that challenges are coming, fun things are coming, and some people are going to be unlucky!
Zhou Hu began to shed tears of sympathy for those villains who made troubles. If they could fall into the hands of the master, they would be regarded as a well-deserved death, and they were not wronged!
Zhou Hu didn't believe at all that Wu Meng was really Sun Xiaofen's biological daughter. Even if it was confirmed by DNA testing, so what?In this world, everything is possible!
"Boy Rui, are the test results reliable?" Mr. Jun looked at Ling Rui with a serious face and asked.

"Under the full supervision of Leng Maolin and I, I did it three times!" Ling Rui looked at Mr. Jun and replied with a serious expression.

"Is the testing equipment reliable?" Ling Yue asked.

"When the results came out for the first time, I also had doubts, so I went to the equipment of the Military Medical General Hospital to do it again, and the result was still the same. I was not sure, so I went to a private clinic and did it again! The result was still the same !” Ling Rui said calmly.

DNA testing, it can be said that there is no disclosure at all!

"Then, could it be that doctor? There's a problem!" Tang Shishi looked up at Ling Rui in disbelief and questioned.

Ling Rui shook his head and said, "The first time was a member of the Military Medical Hospital, the second time was a military doctor from the Sharp Knife Army, and the third time was Second Auntie!"

"That is to say, there is no mistake in the result, it is [-]% correct!" Tang Shishi verified the authenticity of the test as soon as she heard that her second aunt, Yunmo, was in the battle, dispelling her doubts. After glancing at the grim-faced Mr. Jun and Ling Yue, he glanced at Zhou Hu, who was sitting on one side with curled eyebrows in a contemplative state, and finally looked into Ling Rui's eyes, and asked, "Could it be that we are really wrong?" Wu Meng?"

Although this is the question, the doubts in Tang Shishi's tone are still easy to understand.

"Perhaps!" Ling Rui snorted lightly, then rubbed Tang Shishi's hair, and said, "Don't worry about such a thing, I will handle it well, and you can raise your baby with peace of mind, listen to what grandpa and mother say, Serving the two little babies in the stomach is the biggest hero in the family! Huh?"

"What's the biggest hero? You're like a pig all day long. You don't have to do anything, you just know how to eat!" Tang Shishi rolled her eyes at Ling Rui, thinking to herself, at this stage, she has grown fat and her head has become a pig's brain. Yes, she clearly sensed something was wrong, and Ling Rui also sensed it, but she just couldn't figure out what was wrong!
"It's a blessing to be able to eat!" Ling Rui pinched Tang Shishi's cheek, very satisfied with the feel of his hand.

"Hmph! It's not you who are fat, of course you said that! See how I'll be a big ball by then, how can you hold it!" Tang Shishi said coquettishly, then her face darkened, and she said depressedly: "I still Worry!"

"Relax, nothing will happen!" Ling Rui said with his arms around Tang Shishi's waist.

"En." Tang Shishi nodded obediently.

On one side, Ling Yue and Mr. Jun looked at the warmth of the young couple, one automatically disappeared into the kitchen, the other looked down at the newspaper that he had read countless times in the morning, his eyes often slipped out of the edge of the newspaper, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, very Enjoy this warm beauty.

When Ling Rui told Mr. Bai and Sun Xiaofen the results of the DNA test report, Mr. Bai and Sun Xiaofen were dumbfounded!

"Boy Rui, are you sure this is the result?" Old Man Bai asked in disbelief.These days, he has long been prepared for such a result, because when Wu Meng came last time, his tone was too sure, but at the moment when it was confirmed, Mr. Bai was inexplicably repulsed in his heart. Resist such results!

(End of this chapter)

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